Why Yoga Practice is Dangerous | William Q Judge | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p367 |
What Can Theosophy do for the Children? | Marie A. Walsh FTS | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p368 |
The Identity of Soul. A Volks Legend | J Campbell Ver Planck | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p371 |
Reward for Unmerited Sufferings. Karma as Judge, Guide & Rewarder | A Student | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p374 |
How the Society is Run. Who Pays? | William Q Judge | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p376 |
Studies in the Upanishads | FTS | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p378 |
The Way, The Truth & The Life. An Acrostic (vf). Dedicated to HPB | RA Campbell FTS | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p381 |
Hidden Hints in the Secret Doctrine (from p128 to p160 v1) | WQJ | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p382 |
Transmigration of Souls | Hadji | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p383 |
review - Theosophist January, 1895 | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p385 |
review - Lucifer January, 1891 | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p385 |
review - Nature's Finer Forces, The Science of Breath & the Philosophy of the Tatwas by Rama Prasad FTS | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p386 |
review - Yoga Sutras of Patanjali tr by Manilal N Dvivedi | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p386 |
Tea Table Talk | Julius | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p387 |
The Libel Suits against NY Sun & Elliott Coues - Report (America) | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p389 |
General Theosophical Convention at Adyar India (1890/12/1) | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p390 |
Officers for Theosophical Society for, (Olcott, Blavatsky, Judge & Charlu) & List of General Secretaries | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p393 |
President Olcott's Vacation to prevent resignation - Report | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p393 |
List of American Branches - Report (America) | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p394 |
Bandhu TS Santa Cruz, Calif., re-elected Dr WW Gamble President - Report (America) | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p396 |
The Witch of Endor | anon `Los Angeles Express` | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p396 |
Mysterious (Re Olcott's vacation) - Report | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p396 |
Golden Gate Lodge, San Francisco re-elected Jerome A. Anderson MD, President - Report (America) | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p396 |
Aryan TS - Report (America) | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p397 |
Toronto TS Charter issued - Report (America) | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p397 |
Roman Catholic University Washington re lectures in Theosophy etc - Report (America) | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p397 |
Memphis TS Elected Dr Max Samfield, President - Report (America) | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p397 |
Cincinnati TS - Report (America) | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p397 |
Aurora TS Oakland Calif - Report (America) | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p397 |
Annual Convention, American Section | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p398 |
London Headquarters Discussion - Theosophy from the Root up - Report (Europe) | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p398 |
Women's Educational Society Ceylong - Report (Ceylon) | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p398 |
General Notices - Report (America) | - | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p399 |
Editorial Notice in Lucifer | anon | y1891 | v5 | i12 | March | p400 |
Five Years Finished | Unsigned | y1891 | v6 | i1 | April | p1 |
Loss of the Soul (2) (from March, 1891) | Harij | y1891 | v6 | i1 | April | p2 |
Is Theosophy a Pessimistic Philosophy? | Bandusia Wakefield | y1891 | v6 | i1 | April | p5 |
Invisible Wings: A Sketch I | Austin Arnold | y1891 | v6 | i1 | April | p6 |
Karma | J Campbell Ver Planck FTS | y1891 | v6 | i1 | April | p15 |
illustration - Mrs Annie Besant (Portrait) - Report | - | y1891 | v6 | i1 | April | p15 |
The Master of Compassion (vf) | Elliott B Page | y1891 | v6 | i1 | April | p18 |
Bhakti - Devoted Faith | KP Mukherji | y1891 | v6 | i1 | April | p18 |
Ltte - What Ye Give Ye Shall Have | Theophilus (attested by WQJ) | y1891 | v6 | i1 | April | p20 |
review - Theosophical Siftings v3 #18 | - | y1891 | v6 | i1 | April | p22 |
review - On the Heights of Himalay by A. Van Der Naillen | - | y1891 | v6 | i1 | April | p22 |
review - Lucifer February, 1891 | - | y1891 | v6 | i1 | April | p23 |
Karma & Clothed with the Sun by Mr Sinnett published (book) | anon | y1891 | v6 | i1 | April | p23 |
review - Theosophist February, 1891 | - | y1891 | v6 | i1 | April | p23 |
review - UNITY - sermon by Rev CF Bradley | - | y1891 | v6 | i1 | April | p23 |
Casartellis Philosophy of the Mazdayasnian Religion - Report | - | y1891 | v6 | i1 | April | p24 |