The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research

Plate 1 - Plan of Occult Room, with Shrine & surroundingsvariousy1885v3--p380b+
Plate 2 - more Handwriting Specimensvariousy1885v3--p380d+
Report of Mr FG Netherclift, Expert in Handwriting, on the Blavatsky-Coulomb DocumentsFrederick George Netherclifty1885v3--p381
Notes on certain Phenomena not dealt with in Mr Hodgson's Report (that have occurred in Europe)Mrs H Sidgwicky1885v3--p382
Evidence suggestive of Fraud by Madame Blavatsky in 1879variousy1885v3--p397
Contents of the Foregoing Reportanony1885v3--p400
The Defence of the Theosophists - (reply to Annie Besant p129-150)Richard Hodgsony1894v9--p129
plan, of sitting room, bedroom, occult roomvariousy1894v9--p139
The Defence of the Theosophists - (reply to AP Sinnett p150-159)Richard Hodgsony1894v9--p150
Mind, Belief and Psychical Research [Part 211]AJ Ellisony1978v56--p236
Showing 51 to 60 of 60 entries