What the Crystal Revealed | Eleanor Maddock | y1914 | v15 | i12 | September | p859 |
World-Teachers of the Aryan Race: (9) The Coming Christ (a Symposium) | various | y1914 | v15 | i12 | September | p868 |
News from Lost Atlantis | Fannie F Young | y1914 | v15 | i12 | September | p874 |
Pythagoras (5) | Isabel B Holbrook | y1914 | v15 | i12 | September | p887 |
The Round Table Remembrance | Merlin | y1914 | v15 | i12 | September | p893 |
Greater Love Hath No Man Than This | Charles Hampton | y1914 | v15 | i12 | September | p895 |
For the Children: Aquarius, the Brave Sister | Betelgueuse | y1914 | v15 | i12 | September | p897 |
Clippings and Comments | various | y1914 | v15 | i12 | September | p899 |
Questions | various | y1914 | v15 | i12 | September | p904 |
review: 'Asia at the Door' by K K Kawakami | AFK | y1914 | v15 | i12 | September | p908 |
review: 'Is Theosophy Anti-Christian?' by G Herbert Whyte | AHT | y1914 | v15 | i12 | September | p910 |
review: 'Vade-Mecum to Man: Whence, How, and Whither' by A Schwarz | AHT | y1914 | v15 | i12 | September | p911 |
review: 'Ghosts in Solid Form' by Gambier Bolton | DR | y1914 | v15 | i12 | September | p911 |
review: 'A Sufi Message of Spiritual Liberty' by Inayat Kahn | anon | y1914 | v15 | i12 | September | p911 |
review: 'The Message of New Thought' by Abel Leighton Allen | DR | y1914 | v15 | i12 | September | p912 |
review: 'The Religion of the Sikhs' by Dorothy Field | MTD | y1914 | v15 | i12 | September | p912 |
photo - Annie Besant | anon | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p1 |
The American Theosophist: discontinue publication | Editor | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p1 |
Surrender (vf) | Marguerite Pollard | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p6 |
H P Blavatsky's Theories about Reincarnation [reprint Path 1886] | HP Blavatsky | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p7 |
The Stanzas of Dzyan | W L Ducey | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p15 |
The Elusive Krishna (2) | Thornton Clive | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p17 |
Maya: A Story | Aimee Blech | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p25 |
The Senses Move Alone at My Bequest: A Fanciful Conception of the Five Senses and Their Sovereign | Picture | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p28 |
Sonnets on the Bhagavad Gita (4) (vf) | Hubert Whitehead | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p29 |
The Rock Carvings at Mahabalipuram | Eleanor Maddock | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p34 |
Other Worlds | Irving S Cooper | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p36 |
Jeanne D'Arc | Julia K Sommer | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p43 |
How Women Help in War Time | Elisabeth Severs | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p47 |
Environment | Basil Hodgson Smith | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p54 |
A Fatal Belief | L W Rogers | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p57 |
The Greatness of Little Things | J B Lindon | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p60 |
The Chemical Argument for Vegetarianism | Dorothy Martinez | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p65 |
Care of the Physical Body | Merlin | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p71 |
From the Dhammapada (vf) | Sir Edwin Arnold | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p73 |
Fro the Children: The Witch | Betelgueuse | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p74 |
The Secret of Happiness (vf) | anon | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p75 |
Absolutely a Fact | One Who Knows the Lady | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p76 |
The Sun and the Boy (vf) | anon | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p77 |
Clippings and Comments | various | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p78 |
Questions | various | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p85 |
review: 'Midstream: A Chronicle at Halfway' by Will Levington Comfort | AHT | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p92 |
review: 'The Religion of Ancient Egypt' by A H Sayce | CNR | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p92 |
review: 'The Barefoot League' by James Leith Macbeth Bain | AHT | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p94 |
review: 'Spirit Psychometry and Trance Communications by Unseen Agencies' by T D'Aute-Hooper | AHT | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p94 |
review: 'Starving America' by Alfred W McCann | MJ | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p95 |
review: 'Mysticism' by Annie Besant | MTD | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p95 |
review: 'Child of a King' by Nathan Ward Fitz-Gerald | MTD | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p96 |
review: 'Things That Have Happened' by Reginald B Span | AHT | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p96 |
review: 'Extemporaneous Speaking' by Paul M Pearson and Philip M Hicks | NWR | y1914 | v16 | i1 | Oct-Nov | p97 |