The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The American Theosophist (First Series)

The Vengeance of Heaven [reprint Theosophical Review 1901]anony1913v14i7Aprilp564
Have We Ever Lived on Earth Before? (11)F E Titusy1913v14i7Aprilp569
Clippings and Commentsanony1913v14i7Aprilp575
review: 'The Hidden Side of Things' by C W LeadbeaterLECy1913v14i7Aprilp578
review: 'Man: Whence, How, and Whither' by Annie Besant and C W LeadbeaterAKy1913v14i7Aprilp578
review: 'The Inner Life and The Tao-Teh-King' by C H A BjerregaardAHTy1913v14i7Aprilp579
Magazine review: 'The Young Citizen'APWy1913v14i7Aprilp580
review: 'Man's Life in This and Other Worlds' by Annie BesantERBy1913v14i7Aprilp581
Pamphlet and Magazine Reviewvariousy1913v14i7Aprilp581
The Round Table: The Cliff-Dwellers of AmericaNorris W Rakestrawy1913v14i7Aprilp583
For the Children: Little Brothers in Many LandsBettyy1913v14i7Aprilp587
The Adventures of CottontailAlma Kunzy1913v14i7Aprilp589
Drawing ContestLotusy1913v14i7Aprilp592
Curious Eggs and NestsLotusy1913v14i7Aprilp593
Ed and the Turtle's Eggsanony1913v14i7Aprilp595
Supplement to the American Theosophist and the Theosophic MessengerGeneral Secretaryy1913v14i7Aprilp597
Death Noticesanony1913v14i7Aprilp602
The President's Pronouncement [re the TS, the ES, and the OSE] [reprint Madras Times]Annie Besanty1913v14i7Aprilp603
The Fieldvariousy1913v14i7Aprilp609
The Ancient Wisdom, Lesson Twenty-Fiveanony1913v14i7Aprilp610
Order of the Star in the East: The Practical Work of the OrderMarjorie Turtley1913v14i7Aprilp611
Krotona Past and PresentA P Warringtony1913v14i7Aprilp614
Keeping Ahead of the TimesRobt W Ensory1913v14i7Aprilp618
The Month of Mayedy1913v14i8Mayp619
photo - HP Blavatskyanony1913v14i8Mayp619
Early Letters of the FoundersHP Blavatsky, HS Olcotty1913v14i8Mayp623
A Remarkable MaskFrancia A La Duey1913v14i8Mayp627
An Interview with Madame Blavatsky [reprint New York World]anony1913v14i8Mayp628
H P B (vf)Luella C Pooley1913v14i8Mayp632
A Lotus InterpretationL Turner Lindseyy1913v14i8Mayp633
Theosophy, or ParavidyaAnnie Besanty1913v14i8Mayp636
Symbolism in American History: The Great Seal; Motto; EagleDarye Hopey1913v14i8Mayp644
Exoteric and Esoteric (1)C W Leadbeatery1913v14i8Mayp651
Lotus Beds of the River RaisinEthlyn T Cloughy1913v14i8Mayp655
Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made onMarie Russaky1913v14i8Mayp658
Visions of the Titanic Disaster: Extracts from Lettersvariousy1913v14i8Mayp664
Occult CavesCharles Lazenbyy1913v14i8Mayp667
The Book of Enoch [continued]Isabel B Holbrooky1913v14i8Mayp670
Have We Ever Lived on Earth Before? (12)F E Titusy1913v14i8Mayp674
The Larger LifeProtap Chunder Mozoomdary1913v14i8Mayp676
Clippings and Commentsvariousy1913v14i8Mayp680
review: 'Les Mysteres De L'Ame (The Mysteries of the Soul)' by A CorneliusRRLy1913v14i8Mayp683
review: 'Giordano Bruno' by Annie BesantGSDy1913v14i8Mayp683
Magazine Review: 'The Herald of the Coming Christ'FKy1913v14i8Mayp684
review: 'Pictures From the Great Love-Mother's Book of Life' by Miss AdamsADy1913v14i8Mayp684
review: 'The Dimensional Idea an Aid to Religion' by W F TaylorEHy1913v14i8Mayp684
review: 'De L'An 25,000 Avant Jesus-Christ A Nos Jours (from the year 25,000 BC until the pressent day)' by G RevelEWy1913v14i8Mayp685
Showing 151 to 200 of 702 entries