The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


Mary Alice Bernardin [note on the cover artist]anony1990v3i2Summerp5
Body, Mind, Spirit: Three Ways of Knowing [Introduction to Discussion]anony1990v3i2Summerp6
Life as Mental ProcessFritjof Capray1990v3i2Summerp7
Body, Mind, Spirit: Three Ways of Knowing: DiscussionFritjof Capra, David Steindl-Rast, Joy Mills, Robert Ely1990v3i2Summerp10
Spirituality as Common SenseDavid Steindl-Rasty1990v3i2Summerp12
How Shall We Characterize the New Era? [excerpt]Anna Lemkowy1990v3i2Summerp18
The World as Sanctuary: The Emerging Ecological Perspective [rprnt]Henryk Skolimowskiy1990v3i2Summerp26
Prayer: Old Approach, New Wonders [excerpt]Larry Dosseyy1990v3i2Summerp34
Saint Francis: Patron Saint of Nonlocal Mind [excerpt]Larry Dosseyy1990v3i2Summerp40
The Revenge of the Good Fairy [excerpt]Larry Dosseyy1990v3i2Summerp46
Science, Religion and the Middle WayJ A Perryy1990v3i2Summerp48
Mystery of the Veiled Mother of the World [excerpt]Corinne McLaughliny1990v3i2Summerp56
Spiritual Insights of Florence NightingaleMichael D Calabriay1990v3i2Summerp66
A Matter of Conscience: On Refusing to Dissect a Frog: An InterviewPat Grahamy1990v3i2Summerp76
Psychological Insights and Skillful MeansFrank J Dyery1990v3i2Summerp81
Therapy in a Theosophical ContextMaurice C Taylory1990v3i2Summerp86
review: 'The Goddess Within: A Guide to the Eternal Myths that Shape Women's Lives' by Jennifer Barker Woolger and Roger J WoolgerAlice O Howelly1990v3i2Summerp93
review: 'Immortal Sisters: Secrets of Taoist Women' by Thomas Cleary [trans and ed]Claire Walkery1990v3i2Summerp94
review: 'New Religions and the Theological Imagination in America' by Mary Farrell BednarowskiWilliam J Metzgery1990v3i2Summerp95
mini-review: 'Zen in America' by Helen Tworkovanony1990v3i2Summerp95
mini-review: 'Vivekananda: A Biography' by Swami Nikhilanandaanony1990v3i2Summerp96
mini-review: 'Deathing: An Intelligent Alternative for the Final Moments of Life' by Anya Foos-Graberanony1990v3i2Summerp96
mini-review: 'The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft' by Rosemary Ellen Guileyanony1990v3i2Summerp96
mini-review: 'Stigmata' by Ian Wilsonanony1990v3i2Summerp96
mini-review: 'The Encyclopedia of Alternative Health Care' by Kristin Gottschalk Olsenanony1990v3i2Summerp96
mini-review: 'The Tarot: Art, Mysticism, Divination' by Sylvie Simonanony1990v3i2Summerp96
letterWilliam J Concannony1990v3i3Autumnp4
letterThelma J Wardy1990v3i3Autumnp4
letterJohn G Shermany1990v3i3Autumnp4
letterGeneva Hilly1990v3i3Autumnp5
letterAnne Richardsy1990v3i3Autumnp5
letterPhil J Consoneryy1990v3i3Autumnp5
letterGregg Geschey1990v3i3Autumnp5
letterTimothy Davisy1990v3i3Autumnp5
The Third Body: Buddhism, Shamanism, and Deep Ecology [excerpts]Joan Halifaxy1990v3i3Autumnp6
Food For Solitude [excerpts]Francine Schiffy1990v3i3Autumnp16
If You Want to Be a Hermit: An Interview with David Steindl-Rast [excerpts]Francine Schiffy1990v3i3Autumnp18
Ceremony Alone [excerpts]Francine Schiffy1990v3i3Autumnp22
Visionary Secrets Beyond the Aquarian Conspiracy: An Interview with Marilyn FergusonRay Grassey1990v3i3Autumnp26
Putting Humpty Dumpty Together Again: Our Search for WholenessEdward T Clark, Jry1990v3i3Autumnp32
Lightness of Being: Diet and the Spiritual LifeMichael Grossoy1990v3i3Autumnp42
Joseph Parker's Mystic Visions [note on the cover artist]Gregory Vlamisy1990v3i3Autumnp48
Either/Or: Beliefs that DivideTerrence Webster-Doyley1990v3i3Autumnp52
Personal Power and the Animal Medicine Cards: A Talk with David CarsonJoseph Mancini, Jr, Karen Kahn Wilsony1990v3i3Autumnp56
On Mind and the Physics of Paranormal Phenomena [rprnt]John Whitey1990v3i3Autumnp64
Teresa of Avila: A Saint for the New AgeSylvia Simpson Genskey1990v3i3Autumnp76
Myth, Male Initiation and the Vietnam VeteranDaryl S Paulsony1990v3i3Autumnp84
review: 'Philosophy Gone Wild' by Holmes Rolston, IIIWillamay Pymy1990v3i3Autumnp91
review: 'The Way of the Lover: The Awakening and Embodiment of the Full Human' by Robert Augustus MastersJeff Zethy1990v3i3Autumnp92
review: 'The Jefferson Bible' by Thomas JeffersonWilliam Metzgery1990v3i3Autumnp93
Showing 151 to 200 of 4126 entries