letter: Kudos to Quest | Mavis K Roberts | y2003 | v91 | i3 | May-Jun | p120 |
Viewpoint: The Zen of Water Skiing | Betty Bland | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p122 |
The Radiant Mind | John Cianciosi | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p124 |
The Extended Mind | Rupert Sheldrake | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p130 |
A New Science of Life: Science Seminar | Ralph Hannon | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p133 |
How the Eyes See [extract 'Fountain-Source of Occultism''] | G de Purucker | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p134 |
Theosophy, Biosophy, and Bioethics [adapted 'Theosophist' 1999] | Michael W Fox | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p136 |
By What Knowledge is the Spirit Known? - Brahman and Progress | Ravi Ravindra | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p142 |
The View from Adyar: The Urgency for a New Perspective [adapted 'Theosophist' 1981] | Radha Burnier | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p146 |
President's Diary | Betty Bland | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p150 |
obituary: Zella H Balch (1914-2003) | Joyce McDavid | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p152 |
letter: Grateful Dead | Joe Fulton | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p153 |
review: 'The Summer Solstice: Celebrating the Journey of the Sun from May Day to Harvest' by John Matthews | John Plummer | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p156 |
review: 'Bhagavad Gita: Annotated and Explained' trans by Shri Purohit Swami, annotation by Kendra Crossen Burroughs | Richard Brooks | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p156 |
review: 'Healing beyond the Body: Medicine and the Infinite Reach of the Mind' by Larry Dossey | James E Royster | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p156 |
review: 'The Power of Partnership: Seven Relationships That Will Change Your Life' by Riane Eisler | David Bishop | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p157 |
review: 'Sacred Trees: Spirituality, Wisdom, and Well-Being' by Nathaniel Altman | Jay G Williams | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p158 |
review: 'The Buddha' by Karen Armstrong | Daniel Ross Chandler | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p158 |
review: 'Buddhism and the Emerging World Civilization' ed Ramakrishna Puligandla and David Lee Miller | Daniel Ross Chandler | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p158 |
review: 'The Last Barrier: A Journey through the World of Sufi Teaching' by Reshad Field | Daniel Ross Chandler | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p158 |
review: 'From the Ashes of Angels: The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race' by Andrew Collins | Daniel Ross Chandler | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p158 |
review: 'The Oneness/Otherness Mystery: The Synthesis of Science and Mysticism' by Sutapas Bhattacharya | Daniel Ross Chandler | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p158 |
review: 'Born in Lhasa: The Autobiography of Namgyal Lhamo Taklha' by Namgyal Lhamo Taklha | Daniel Ross Chandler | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p159 |
review: 'Meeting God: Elements of Hindu Devotion' by Stephen P Huyler | Daniel Ross Chandler | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p159 |
review: 'Art Treasures of the Mahabharata' by Bhaktisiddhanta | Daniel Ross Chandler | y2003 | v91 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p159 |
Viewpoint: Paying Attention | Betty Bland | y2003 | v91 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p162 |
Theosophy on War and Peace [adapted] | Robert S Ellwood | y2003 | v91 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p164 |
Darkness Noticeable | John P O'Grady | y2003 | v91 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p172 |
The Buddhist Vision of Peace [reprint American Theosophist 1987] | Glenn H Mullin | y2003 | v91 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p176 |
Violence of War [reprint American Theosophist 1986] | Sri Krishna Prem | y2003 | v91 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p180 |
The View from Adyar: Walking without Crutches [adapted Theosophist 2003] | Radha Burnier | y2003 | v91 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p186 |
President's Diary | Betty Bland | y2003 | v91 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p188 |
review: 'The Psychology of War' by Lawrence LeShan | Robert Ellwood | y2003 | v91 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p190 |
review: 'War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning' by Chris Hedges | Robert Ellwood | y2003 | v91 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p190 |
review: 'From Science to God: A Physicist's Journey in the Mystery of Consciousness' by Peter Russell | Anna F Lemkow | y2003 | v91 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p193 |
review: 'Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom, Bride of God' by Caitlin Matthews | Jay G Williams | y2003 | v91 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p194 |
review: 'To Light a Thousand Lamps' by Grace Knoche | Leatrice Kreeger Bonnell | y2003 | v91 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p194 |
review: 'Psychosynthesis: A Psychology of the Spirit' by John Firman and Ann Gila | John Plummer | y2003 | v91 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p195 |
Theosophical Historians Gather | anon | y2003 | v91 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p197 |
letter: Remembering the True Self | Joann S Bakula | y2003 | v91 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p199 |
letter: A Difference of Opinion | Stephan A Hoeller | y2003 | v91 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p199 |
Viewpoint: Letting Go to Receive | Betty Bland | y2003 | v91 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p202 |
Karma and Dharma: Twin Keys to the Heroic Journey [reprint American Theosophist 1983] | Joy Mills | y2003 | v91 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p204 |
Legends of the Grail: The Chivalric Vision [excerpt] | Karen Ralls | y2003 | v91 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p210 |
Flowers in the Sky | John P O'Grady | y2003 | v91 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p216 |
The Matrix as the Hero's Journey | Chris Richardson | y2003 | v91 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p220 |
The View from Adyar: Humanity's Onward Path [adapted Theosophist 2002] | Radha Burnier | y2003 | v91 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p229 |
President's Diary | Betty Bland | y2003 | v91 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p230 |
review: 'Radical Optimism: Practical Spirituality in an Uncertain World' by Beatrice Bruteau | John Plummer | y2003 | v91 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p236 |
review: 'The Hebrew God: Portrait of an Ancient Deity' by Bernhard Lang | Paul Wine | y2003 | v91 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p236 |