The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Star in the East. Australian Division

Note from Mr Jinarajadasa's Address at Conferenceedy1925v7i3Julyp9
Extract from 'The Hidden Side of Christian Festivals'CW Leadbeatery1925v7i3Julyp10
Teaching for Little ChildrenMrs Cooky1925v7i3Julyp12
A Vision in the Amphitheatreanony1925v7i3Julyp13
NotesMr Chappely1925v7i3Julyp13
List of all Gardens of the Star to dateanony1925v7i3Julyp14
Summary of Star Lands in the Different States of Australiaanony1925v7i3Julyp15
LtteRobert Firebracey1925v7i3Julyp15
LtteMarcella R Clarkey1925v7i3Julyp15
Star Membership for NSW [993]anony1925v7i3Julyp15
The Roll of Watchersanony1925v7i3Julyp16
Meetings (Sydney)anony1925v7i3Julyp16
4th Congress of the Order of the Star in the East, Ommen 1925anony1925v7i3Julyp16
The Order of the Star in the Eastanony1925v7i3Julyp16
The Holy of Holies (vf)GK Chestertony1925v7i3Julyp17
photos - The Amphitheatre, Balmoral Sydneyanony1925v7i3Julyp17
Report from Melbourneanony1925v7i3Julyp18
Immanence (vf)Evelyn Underhilly1925v7i3Julyp18
photo - J Krishnamurti, 1925anony1925v7i4Octoberp1
Editorial Notesedy1925v7i4Octoberp2
AddressJ Krishnamurtiy1925v7i4Octoberp3
Meetings, Magazinesanony1925v7i4Octoberp6
From the Acting National RepresentativeAE Bennetty1925v7i4Octoberp6
A Subscription or Not?anony1926v8i1January+p1
Self-Denial Month in Australiaanony1926v8i1January+p1
I come for those who want sympathy, who want happiness... (extract)J Krishnamurtiy1926v8i1Januaryp1
December 28th, 1925 [Star Day at TS Jubilee Convention at Adyar]Mary E Rockey1926v8i1Januaryp2
Advance AustraliaGeorge S Arundaley1926v8i1Januaryp4
KrishnajiOscar G Kollerstromy1926v8i1Januaryp5
The Coming of the ChristCW Leadbeatery1926v8i1Januaryp7
International Self-Preparation Groupanony1926v8i1Januaryp8
The Work Ahead of Usanony1926v8i1Januaryp9
Australian Notesanony1926v8i1Januaryp10
Self-Denial Month - Bulletin No 1George S Arundaley1926v8i1Januaryp11
Showing 201 to 234 of 234 entries