The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

All entries

The TheosophistThe Theosophist, Bombay, October, 1882Editory1882v4-Octoberp1
The Theosophist"Brands Plucked from the Burning"anony1882v4-Oct+p2
The TheosophistEd. Note [to "Brands Plucked from the Burning"]anony1882v4-Oct+p2
The TheosophistFragments of Occult Truth (IV) The Evolution of ManA Lay Chela (? AP Sinnett)y1882v4-Octoberp2
The TheosophistGalle Theosophical-Buddhist SchoolGCA Jayasekaray1882v4-Oct+p2
The Theosophist"Our Aryan Forefathers' Society"TSVMOATSy1882v4-Oct+p2
The TheosophistColombo Branch (Ceylon) [general update]anony1882v4-Oct+p2
The Theosophist[Gregoris Edirewere (Edrewere) - helping Olcott canvass Galle district]anony1882v4-Oct+p4
The Theosophist[Thomas de Silva Amarasuriya - re work done for the Sinhalese National Fund]anony1882v4-Oct+p4
The Theosophist[Sinhalese National Buddhistic Fund - members elected to the Board]anony1882v4-Oct+p4
The Theosophist[Simon Pereira Abayawardene - elected chairman of the Sinhalese National Buddhistic Fund]anony1882v4-Oct+p4
The TheosophistHymn to BramhSJ Padshahy1882v4-Oct+p4
The TheosophistPersonal Itemsvariousy1882v4-Oct+p4
The TheosophistTheosophical Correspondence, "HX" & the "Brothers" (III)Navroji Dorabji Khandalavalay1882v4-Oct+p5
The TheosophistThe Birth & Growth of the Philharmonic Academy of Calcuttaanony1882v4-Octoberp5
The TheosophistPhotographic Gun invented by M Marrez (rprnt The Indian Mirror)anony1882v4-Octoberp5
The Theosophist[William Quan Judge - returned to New York from South America]anony1882v4-Oct+p5
The Theosophist[Hollis Billing - visiting London]anony1882v4-Oct+p5
The TheosophistTheosophical Correspondence, "HX" & the "Brothers" (II)Bishen Lally1882v4-Oct+p5
The TheosophistTheosophical Correspondence, "HX" & the "Brothers" (I)Bishen Lally1882v4-Oct+p5
The Theosophist[Baron and Baroness Von Vay - returned to Styria from visit to Austria]anony1882v4-Oct+p5
The Theosophistobituary - MRRy Ramaswami NaiduR Casava Pillayy1882v4-Oct+p6
The TheosophistTheosophical Correspondence, "HX" & the "Brothers" (IV)J Rungiah Naidu & 54 othersy1882v4-Oct+p6
The TheosophistThe Origin of Gospels & The Bishop of Bombay (on divorce & re-marriage)anon (HPB)y1882v4-Octoberp6
The TheosophistTheosophical Correspondence, "HX" & the "Brothers" (V)P.y1882v4-Oct+p6
The Theosophist[Note to the obituary of Ramaswami Naidu]Ed.y1882v4-Oct+p6
The TheosophistObservations on the "Panchakon"Kedarnath Basuy1882v4-Octoberp9
The Theosophist"The Perfect Way"anony1882v4-Octoberp10
The TheosophistThe Hindu Theory of MusicIsaac L Ricey1882v4-Octoberp11
The TheosophistPain in a Lost Arm (rprnt Danbury (Conn.) Democrat)anony1882v4-Octoberp11
The TheosophistAnthropomorphism (3)Poliutoy1882v4-Octoberp12
The TheosophistSuperiority of Hinduism to other Existing Religions (3)Raj Narain Bosey1882v4-Octoberp13
The TheosophistAn Alluring promise (of "HX")BJPy1882v4-Octoberp16
The TheosophistCan a Man live without Food?Krishnasarma Mookerjeey1882v4-Octoberp16
The TheosophistThe Vibratory Harmonics of SmellMOLy1882v4-Octoberp17
The Theosophist(an extract from Kaloolah: or Adventures in Africa)WS Mayoy1882v4-Octoberp17
The TheosophistIdolatry in the Vedasanony1882v4-Octoberp18
The TheosophistThe Philosophy of Spirit - Hierosophy, Theosophy & Psychosophy (2)T Subba Rowy1882v4-Octoberp18
The Theosophistfootnote to "Theosophy & the Avesta"(HPB)y1882v4-Octoberp20
The TheosophistTheosophy & the AvestaA Parsi FTSy1882v4-Octoberp20
The TheosophistWas It "Spirits" or What? (A Perplexed Theosophist)anony1882v4-Octoberp22
The TheosophistWas it "Spirits" or What? - (a reply)anon (HPB)y1882v4-Octoberp23
The TheosophistMind, Thought & Cerebration (1)Alexander Wildery1882v4-Octoberp25
The TheosophistSome Spiritual Thoughts of Carlyle (rprnt Light)anony1882v4-Octoberp26
The TheosophistThe Individuality of Branchesanony1882v4-Nov+p1
The TheosophistThe Rochester (USA) Theosophical Societyanony1882v4-Nov+p2
The TheosophistThe Simla Eclectic Theosophical SocietyAP Sinnett (1840-1921)y1882v4-Nov+p3
The Theosophistobituary - KG Deshmukh (father: Rao Bahadur Gopálráo Hari Deshmukh)anony1882v4-Nov+p3
The Theosophist[HS Olcott - expected back at headquarters]anony1882v4-Nov+p3
The TheosophistThe Simla Eclectic TS [election of officers for ensuing year]anony1882v4-Nov+p3
Showing 1551 to 1600 of 211352 entries