The Theosophist | (The Criticism of A. Sankariah on) the Adi Brahmo Samaj | A. Sankariah | y1882 | v4 | - | December | p77 |
The Theosophist | The 7th Anniversary of the Theosophical Society | anon | y1882 | v4 | - | December | p78 |
Psychic Notes | Note - 2 Business Notices - subscribers | various | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24+ | p3 |
Psychic Notes | At a seance held recently in the rooms of Mr JG Meugens | OB Frothingham | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24+ | p3 |
Psychic Notes | filler (Napoleon) | anon | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24+ | p3 |
Psychic Notes | filler | Epes Sargent | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24+ | p3 |
Psychic Notes | The Colootolah Spiritual Society (Babu Priya Lal Mallik, Eglinton) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24+ | p3 |
Psychic Notes | Psychic Phenomena at Ranchi, Chutia, Nagput | Prof JR Buchanan | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24+ | p3 |
Psychic Notes | At a séance held recently in the rooms of Mr JG Meugens | OB Frothingham | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24+ | p3 |
Psychic Notes | advertisements | various | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24+ | p4 |
Psychic Notes | Candour (How is it that truly candid minds are rare?) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24 | p33 |
Psychic Notes | Moral Courage (This virtue seems rarer than physical courage ... strange) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24 | p33 |
Psychic Notes | (the letter - from Arthur C to JG Meugens) | (Arthur C) | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24 | p34 |
Psychic Notes | Transmission of a Letter from London to Calcutta | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24 | p34 |
Psychic Notes | letter - (something odd occurred yesterday!) | Arthur. | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24 | p34 |
Psychic Notes | Ltte - I have no hesitation in attesting the fact that the handwriting of this letter ... | Marc Meugens | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24 | p34 |
Psychic Notes | A Clergyman's Testimony (In a late number of the Rock, the Rev GW Weldon writes ...) | MA (Oxon) | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24 | p35 |
Psychic Notes | Seances in Calcutta (4) (a seance was held at Mr Leitch's ... Gordon, Eglinton, Wells, Andrews, Edmonds) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24 | p35 |
Psychic Notes | Séances in Calcutta (4) (a séance was held at Mr Leitch's ... Gordon, Eglinton, Wells, Andrews, Edmonds) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24 | p35 |
Psychic Notes | Ltte - Testimony of a non-Spiritualist (18 Feb 1882) | DF Micrulachi | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24 | p36 |
Psychic Notes | rprnt Light - A Séance in the Light (Eglinton, Nichols, Joey) | TL Nichols | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24 | p36 |
Psychic Notes | rprnt Light - A Seance in the Light (Eglinton, Nichols, Joey) | TL Nichols | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24 | p36 |
Psychic Notes | rprnt Light - Psychographic Experiments in the Light | TL Nichols | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24 | p37 |
Psychic Notes | Ltte Light - Miss Showers Mediumship (SG Potter, Mrs Nugent James) | Frederica Showers (= Mrs Nugent James) | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24 | p37 |
Psychic Notes | Magic in the Conciergerie - (rprnt from the Life & Adventures of Count Beugnot) | ? Count Beugnot | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24 | p38 |
Psychic Notes | Occultism - Experiences of M. Louis Jacolliot, 1867 (1) (tr by OC Dutt) | Louis Jacolliot | y1882 | v5 | i5 | Feb 24 | p39 |
Psychic Notes | A Curious Story (Professor Wheatstone) | Caroline Fox's Journal | y1882 | v6 | i6 | March 6+ | p3 |
Psychic Notes | Note - 2 Business Notices - subscribers | various | y1882 | v6 | i6 | March 6+ | p3 |
Psychic Notes | Colonel Meadows Taylor - extracts from his Story of My Life | Meadows Taylor | y1882 | v6 | i6 | March 6+ | p3 |
Psychic Notes | advertisements | various | y1882 | v6 | i6 | March 6+ | p4 |
Psychic Notes | Facts & Theories (there are now about 100 well-educated people in Calcutta who have been present at seances.) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v6 | i6 | March 6 | p41 |
Psychic Notes | Facts & Theories (there are now about 100 well-educated people in Calcutta who have been present at séances.) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v6 | i6 | March 6 | p41 |
Psychic Notes | Some Facts in Regard to Rappings (Mr W Crookes, Miss Kate Fox, Greely, McDowell) | HD Jencken | y1882 | v6 | i6 | March 6 | p42 |
Psychic Notes | Criticism | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v6 | i6 | March 6 | p42 |
Psychic Notes | Mr Kellar & his Critics | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v6 | i6 | March 6 | p42 |
Psychic Notes | Ltte Light - The Transmission of a Letter from London to Calcutta | Hensleigh Wedgwood | y1882 | v6 | i6 | March 6 | p43 |
Psychic Notes | Ltte - Psychography in the Light | TL Nichols | y1882 | v6 | i6 | March 6 | p43 |
Psychic Notes | Clairvoyance of Future Events (rprnt Light) | O. | y1882 | v6 | i6 | March 6 | p44 |
Psychic Notes | Ltte Spiritualist - Psychographic & other Manifestations (rprnt Jan 1881) | Charles Blackburn | y1882 | v6 | i6 | March 6 | p44 |
Psychic Notes | Practical Proofs of Spirit-Knowledge & Agency (rprnt The Two Worlds) | Eugene Crowell | y1882 | v6 | i6 | March 6 | p45 |
Psychic Notes | Occultism - Experiences of M. Louis Jacolliot, 1867 (2) (tr by OC Dutt) | Louis Jacolliot | y1882 | v6 | i6 | March 6 | p46 |
Psychic Notes | The Three Doctors of Macarthy's Island (from Savage Africa by W Reade) | Winwood Reade | y1882 | v6 | i6 | March 6 | p47 |
Psychic Notes | A Night in a Haunted House (rprnt Light) | Hensleigh Wedgwood | y1882 | v7 | i7 | March 18+ | p3 |
Psychic Notes | Note - 2 Business Notices | various | y1882 | v7 | i7 | March 18+ | p3 |
Psychic Notes | (The mendacity of some of the newspapers ...) | anon | y1882 | v7 | i7 | March 18+ | p3 |
Psychic Notes | advertisements | various | y1882 | v7 | i7 | March 18+ | p4 |
Psychic Notes | Scientific Obstructives (gas & electricity as public utilities) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v7 | i7 | March 18 | p49 |
Psychic Notes | Nothing New | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v7 | i7 | March 18 | p49 |
Psychic Notes | Plato a Spiritualist (Phaedo quote, Jowett's translation) | Plato | y1882 | v7 | i7 | March 18 | p50 |
Psychic Notes | Proofs of Immortality | TL Nichols | y1882 | v7 | i7 | March 18 | p51 |