Psychic Notes | Physical Action of Spirits | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v10 | i10 | April 27 | p73 |
Psychic Notes | Esoteric Theosophy - (Olcott, Blavatsky, The Brothers, The Theosophical Society) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v10 | i10 | April 27 | p74 |
Psychic Notes | Miraculous Cures (JE Purdon, Spiritualist, Miracles at Knock, Ireland) | (anon Ed. HPB AG) | y1882 | v10 | i10 | April 27 | p75 |
Psychic Notes | (The Sydney Daily Telegraph of Nov 30th says of Mr Milner Stephen ...) | anon | y1882 | v10 | i10 | April 27 | p76 |
Psychic Notes | Mr Eglinton & his Calcutta Séances | A. Gordon | y1882 | v10 | i10 | April 27 | p77 |
Psychic Notes | Mr Eglinton & his Calcutta Seances | A. Gordon | y1882 | v10 | i10 | April 27 | p77 |
Psychic Notes | Plato a Spiritualist (Phaedo quoted at length, Jowett's translation) | Plato | y1882 | v10 | i10 | April 27 | p78 |
Psychic Notes | The Constitution of Man (... the modus operandi of the soul's progress ...) | Anna Kingsford | y1882 | v10 | i10 | April 27 | p79 |
Psychic Notes | from The Martyrdom of Man | Winwood Reade | y1882 | v10 | i10 | April 27 | p80 |
Psychic Notes | The Value of Common Testimony (quoted from Boswell's Johnson) | Boswell | y1882 | v10 | i10 | April 27 | p80 |
Psychic Notes | Mr W Eglinton's Seances in Bruges (3) (July 22th 1879) | Florence Marryat Lean | y1882 | v10 | i10 | April 27 | p81 |
Psychic Notes | Mr W Eglinton's Séances in Bruges (3) (July 22th 1879) | Florence Marryat Lean | y1882 | v10 | i10 | April 27 | p81 |
Psychic Notes | Occultism - Experiences of M. Louis Jacolliot, 1867 (6) (tr by OC Dutt) | Louis Jacolliot | y1882 | v10 | i10 | April 27 | p82 |
Psychic Notes | filler - We quote from the Englishman ... Mr Kellar ... Mr Eglinton | anon | y1882 | v10 | i10 | April 27 | p83 |
Psychic Notes | filler - For modes of faith, let graceless zealots fight, He can't be wrong whose life is in the right. (vf) | Pope | y1882 | v10 | i10 | April 27 | p84 |
Psychic Notes | The "Doubles" of Living Persons - (rprnt Light) | SWW | y1882 | v10 | i10 | April 27 | p84 |
Psychic Notes | Clairvoyance (rprnt Light) | MSG Nichols | y1882 | v10 | i10 | April 27 | p84 |
The Theosophist | Celebration of the 7th Anniversary of the Theosophical Society | various | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p1 |
The Theosophist | [Remarks delivered at the Seventh Anniversary of the TS - rprnt Times of India] | AP Sinnett | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p2 |
The Theosophist | Treasurer's Annual Report - 1882 | DK Mavalankar | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p3 |
The Theosophist | Annual Meeting of the General Council | Damodar K Mavalankar | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p4 |
The Theosophist | The Kanchinjinga Theosophical Society or the Psycho-Scientific Brotherhood Rules & Bye-Laws | Chattre Dhorghos | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p5 |
The Theosophist | The "Kanchinjhinga" Theosophical Society | Chhatra Dhorghosh | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p5 |
The Theosophist | Proceedings of the First General Meeting of the "Jamalpur Theosophical Society" | Durshanth Roy | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p6 |
The Theosophist | [WD Tilden - appointed secretary of the Simla Eclectic Theosophical Society] | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p6 |
The Theosophist | [Rao Bahadur Vinayak Janardan Kirtane - recovering from a long illness] | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p6 |
The Theosophist | [S Rama Swamier - helped organize a branch at Sholapore] | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p6 |
The Theosophist | On the 17th ultimo, the Head-quarters Establishment at Bombay ... left by train for Madras. | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p6 |
The Theosophist | Personal Items | various | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p6 |
The Theosophist | [Naik K Banerjee - left Bombay for Sikkhim] | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p6 |
The Theosophist | [R Casava Pillay - elected President of the Nellore Theosophical Society] | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p6 |
The Theosophist | [Certified Statements as to Cures Effected by Colonel Olcott] | Kodituwakku Kankanange Cornelis Appu | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p7 |
The Theosophist | [Narendro Nath Sen - organized a branch at Bankipore] | FTS | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p7 |
The Theosophist | Behar TS (Bankipore) [formation; officer-bearers] | FTS | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p7 |
The Theosophist | [Janaki Nath Ghosal - in Carwar] | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p7 |
The Theosophist | [Statement of DAW as to cures effected by Colonel Olcott] | DA Wijesurendar | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p7 |
The Theosophist | Wonderful Mesmeric Cures effected by the P-F of the Theosophical Society in Ceylon | KK Cornelis | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p7 |
The Theosophist | Letter | (Bombay Branch Members) | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p8 |
The Theosophist | Manager's Notice [- all Theosophical correspondence to be sent to Adyar, Madras] | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p8 |
The Theosophist | An Evening Party in Honor of Madame Blavatsky & Colonel Olcott | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | Jan+ | p8 |
The Theosophist | Special Notice to Correspondents | Editor | y1883 | v4 | - | January | p79 |
The Theosophist | Writing for the Press (advice from the Boston transcript) | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | January | p79 |
The Theosophist | The Theosophist, Bombay, January, 1883 | Editor | y1883 | v4 | - | January | p79 |
The Theosophist | Mind, Thought & Cerebration (2) | Alexander Wilder | y1883 | v4 | - | January | p79 |
The Theosophist | A Mysterious Race (Yanadhis, in Nellore District) | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | January | p82 |
The Theosophist | Crime In Bengal (& Britain Compared) (rprnt Scientific American) | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | January | p82 |
The Theosophist | The Buddhist Catechism (of HS Olcott, reviewed) | YZ | y1883 | v4 | - | January | p83 |
The Theosophist | Gleanings from Eliphas Levi (from Ritual de la Haute Magic) (Chapter XIX: The Magisterium of the Sun) | Eliphas Levi | y1883 | v4 | - | January | p84 |
The Theosophist | footnotes to "Gleanings from Eliphas Levi" | (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | January | p84 |
The Theosophist | A Spectral Warning | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | January | p85 |