The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

All entries

Psychic NotesPhysical Action of Spirits(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v10i10April 27p73
Psychic NotesEsoteric Theosophy - (Olcott, Blavatsky, The Brothers, The Theosophical Society)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v10i10April 27p74
Psychic NotesMiraculous Cures (JE Purdon, Spiritualist, Miracles at Knock, Ireland)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v10i10April 27p75
Psychic Notes(The Sydney Daily Telegraph of Nov 30th says of Mr Milner Stephen ...)anony1882v10i10April 27p76
Psychic NotesMr Eglinton & his Calcutta SéancesA. Gordony1882v10i10April 27p77
Psychic NotesMr Eglinton & his Calcutta SeancesA. Gordony1882v10i10April 27p77
Psychic NotesPlato a Spiritualist (Phaedo quoted at length, Jowett's translation)Platoy1882v10i10April 27p78
Psychic NotesThe Constitution of Man (... the modus operandi of the soul's progress ...)Anna Kingsfordy1882v10i10April 27p79
Psychic Notesfrom The Martyrdom of ManWinwood Readey1882v10i10April 27p80
Psychic NotesThe Value of Common Testimony (quoted from Boswell's Johnson)Boswelly1882v10i10April 27p80
Psychic NotesMr W Eglinton's Seances in Bruges (3) (July 22th 1879)Florence Marryat Leany1882v10i10April 27p81
Psychic NotesMr W Eglinton's Séances in Bruges (3) (July 22th 1879)Florence Marryat Leany1882v10i10April 27p81
Psychic NotesOccultism - Experiences of M. Louis Jacolliot, 1867 (6) (tr by OC Dutt)Louis Jacollioty1882v10i10April 27p82
Psychic Notesfiller - We quote from the Englishman ... Mr Kellar ... Mr Eglintonanony1882v10i10April 27p83
Psychic Notesfiller - For modes of faith, let graceless zealots fight, He can't be wrong whose life is in the right. (vf)Popey1882v10i10April 27p84
Psychic NotesThe "Doubles" of Living Persons - (rprnt Light)SWWy1882v10i10April 27p84
Psychic NotesClairvoyance (rprnt Light)MSG Nicholsy1882v10i10April 27p84
The TheosophistCelebration of the 7th Anniversary of the Theosophical Societyvariousy1883v4-Jan+p1
The Theosophist[Remarks delivered at the Seventh Anniversary of the TS - rprnt Times of India]AP Sinnetty1883v4-Jan+p2
The TheosophistTreasurer's Annual Report - 1882DK Mavalankary1883v4-Jan+p3
The TheosophistAnnual Meeting of the General CouncilDamodar K Mavalankary1883v4-Jan+p4
The TheosophistThe Kanchinjinga Theosophical Society or the Psycho-Scientific Brotherhood Rules & Bye-LawsChattre Dhorghosy1883v4-Jan+p5
The TheosophistThe "Kanchinjhinga" Theosophical SocietyChhatra Dhorghoshy1883v4-Jan+p5
The TheosophistProceedings of the First General Meeting of the "Jamalpur Theosophical Society"Durshanth Royy1883v4-Jan+p6
The Theosophist[WD Tilden - appointed secretary of the Simla Eclectic Theosophical Society]anony1883v4-Jan+p6
The Theosophist[Rao Bahadur Vinayak Janardan Kirtane - recovering from a long illness]anony1883v4-Jan+p6
The Theosophist[S Rama Swamier - helped organize a branch at Sholapore]anony1883v4-Jan+p6
The TheosophistOn the 17th ultimo, the Head-quarters Establishment at Bombay ... left by train for Madras.anony1883v4-Jan+p6
The TheosophistPersonal Itemsvariousy1883v4-Jan+p6
The Theosophist[Naik K Banerjee - left Bombay for Sikkhim]anony1883v4-Jan+p6
The Theosophist[R Casava Pillay - elected President of the Nellore Theosophical Society]anony1883v4-Jan+p6
The Theosophist[Certified Statements as to Cures Effected by Colonel Olcott]Kodituwakku Kankanange Cornelis Appuy1883v4-Jan+p7
The Theosophist[Narendro Nath Sen - organized a branch at Bankipore]FTSy1883v4-Jan+p7
The TheosophistBehar TS (Bankipore) [formation; officer-bearers]FTSy1883v4-Jan+p7
The Theosophist[Janaki Nath Ghosal - in Carwar]anony1883v4-Jan+p7
The Theosophist[Statement of DAW as to cures effected by Colonel Olcott]DA Wijesurendary1883v4-Jan+p7
The TheosophistWonderful Mesmeric Cures effected by the P-F of the Theosophical Society in CeylonKK Cornelisy1883v4-Jan+p7
The TheosophistLetter(Bombay Branch Members)y1883v4-Jan+p8
The TheosophistManager's Notice [- all Theosophical correspondence to be sent to Adyar, Madras]anony1883v4-Jan+p8
The TheosophistAn Evening Party in Honor of Madame Blavatsky & Colonel Olcottanony1883v4-Jan+p8
The TheosophistSpecial Notice to CorrespondentsEditory1883v4-Januaryp79
The TheosophistWriting for the Press (advice from the Boston transcript)anony1883v4-Januaryp79
The TheosophistThe Theosophist, Bombay, January, 1883Editory1883v4-Januaryp79
The TheosophistMind, Thought & Cerebration (2)Alexander Wildery1883v4-Januaryp79
The TheosophistA Mysterious Race (Yanadhis, in Nellore District)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Januaryp82
The TheosophistCrime In Bengal (& Britain Compared) (rprnt Scientific American)anony1883v4-Januaryp82
The TheosophistThe Buddhist Catechism (of HS Olcott, reviewed)YZy1883v4-Januaryp83
The TheosophistGleanings from Eliphas Levi (from Ritual de la Haute Magic) (Chapter XIX: The Magisterium of the Sun)Eliphas Leviy1883v4-Januaryp84
The Theosophistfootnotes to "Gleanings from Eliphas Levi"(HPB)y1883v4-Januaryp84
The TheosophistA Spectral Warninganon (HPB)y1883v4-Januaryp85
Showing 1801 to 1850 of 211352 entries