The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


A Christmas LetterGrace F Knoche (L)y1951v1i3Decemberp92
"Behold, the mellow light that floods the Eastern sky."Anonymous (L)y1951v1i3Decemberp96y+
Brotherhood vs CommunismJames A. Long (L)y1952v1i4Januaryp97
The Golden ThreadLord Kennet (L)y1952v1i4Januaryp101
AwakenersElsa-Brita Titchenell (L)y1952v1i4Januaryp106
filler - "better to be a Prometheus who brings the sun's fire to earth."Phillips Brooks (L)y1952v1i4Januaryp108
Little Four-LegsZR (L)y1952v1i4Januaryp109
filler - "All great developments complete themselves ... in silence."Henry Ward Beecher (L)y1952v1i4Januaryp110
Beating of WingsHazel S Minot (L)y1952v1i4Januaryp111
The Other Night the Longing CameCG Hasbrouck (L)y1952v1i4Januaryp113
Personal OrbitEarle C Hostler (L)y1952v1i4Januaryp114
The Penalty of LeadershipTheodore MacManus (L)y1952v1i4Januaryp115
filler - "Fortune smiles my way lately"from the Chinese (L)y1952v1i4Januaryp116
Earned, Not BestowedAudrey Klosterman (L)y1952v1i4Januaryp117
Is There Something More?John S Hasbrouck (L)y1952v1i4Januaryp120
What Is Truth?Kenneth Morris (L)y1952v1i4Januaryp123
Avenue of StarsMadeline Clark (L)y1952v1i4Januaryp125
Courage (vf)Anonymous (L)y1952v1i4Januaryp128
"Ring out, wild bells to the wild sky" (vf)Alfred Lord Tennyson (L)y1952v1i4Januaryp128y+
Signposts of ProgressJames A. Long (L)y1952v1i5Februaryp129
One Man's LifeMadeline Clark (L)y1952v1i5Februaryp133
Wind of the SpiritG de Purucker (L)y1952v1i5Februaryp135
Is Happiness Our Birthright?Arthur L Conger (L)y1952v1i5Februaryp136
filler - "Perform thou that which thou hast to do" from the Bhagavad Gitaanon (L)y1952v1i5Februaryp137
Simple IncidentLeslie T Titchenell (L)y1952v1i5Februaryp138
Sunrise (vf)M Sybil Tustin (L)y1952v1i5Februaryp140
That Dauntless EnergyH Percy Leonard (L)y1952v1i5Februaryp141
Watch-TowersAllan J Stover (L)y1952v1i5Februaryp143
I Need A Little Editing, Myself!Ann Farthing (L)y1952v1i5Februaryp145
Sparks of LightHans Geer (L)y1952v1i5Februaryp147
filler - "I am a citizen, not of Athens or Greece, but of the world."Socrates (L)y1952v1i5Februaryp148
Servants of GodDouglas R Hart (L)y1952v1i5Februaryp149
John Littlespuds, Gentleman (vf)Clifton Meek (L)y1952v1i5Februaryp152
BeginningsLetha Olson Reineman (L)y1952v1i5Februaryp154
filler - "It is better to do one's own duty" from the Bhagavad Gitaanon (L)y1952v1i5Februaryp155
Deep Calls to DeepIsabel B Clemshaw (L)y1952v1i5Februaryp156
Dear Ma and DadRay (L)y1952v1i5Februaryp158
Victory in Defeat (vf)Edwin Markham (L)y1952v1i5Februaryp160
"No Coward soul is mine, No trembler in the world's" (vf)Emily Jane Bronte (L)y1952v1i5Februaryp160y+
World-LegacyGrace F Knoche (L)y1952v1i6Marchp161
Adventuring in BrotherhoodArthur L Conger (L)y1952v1i6Marchp166
A Gradely Prayer (vf)Anonymous (L)y1952v1i6Marchp167
The Everlasting HillsKenneth Morris (L)y1952v1i6Marchp168
The Deep Calm CenterLetha Olson Reineman (L)y1952v1i6Marchp171
filler - "The higher we rise, the more self-discipline"B Jowett (L)y1952v1i6Marchp172
Balance and VisionG de Purucker (L)y1952v1i6Marchp173
filler - Spring TrainingCarolyn Simpson (L)y1952v1i6Marchp174
The Wisdom of John KeatsMadeline Clark (L)y1952v1i6Marchp175
filler - "In the Beauty of the World lies"Fiona MacLeod (L)y1952v1i6Marchp181
Highways and By-waysJohn S Hasbrouck (L)y1952v1i6Marchp182
Showing 51 to 100 of 6911 entries