The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


The AdversaryG de Purucker (L)y1952v1i9Junep261
The Voice of the TempleHazel S Minot (L)y1952v1i9Junep265
Pretend You Are Someone Else!Ann Farthing (L)y1952v1i9Junep269
Gates of TomorrowClifton Meek (L)y1952v1i9Junep271
Traffic MoodsAllan J Stover (L)y1952v1i9Junep274
The Day That Has No NightEloise Hart (L)y1952v1i9Junep275
Brotherhood; The Laughing Companion; Go BackW Fekken (L)y1952v1i9Junep276
filler - "Who can interpret with any certainty life's "ifs"?"Jefferson Fargeon (L)y1952v1i9Junep277
The Philosophy of Omar KhayyamKenneth Morris (L)y1952v1i9Junep278
Wine As A Mystic SymbolG de Purucker (L)y1952v1i9Junep280
filler - "Man gets what he works for"Katherine Tingley (L)y1952v1i9Junep288y+
The Turning of the WheelA. Studley Hart (L)y1952v1i10Julyp289
Aesop - Jester or Sage?Madeline Clark (L)y1952v1i10Julyp295
Thinking Out LoudMarilinda Taylor Johnson (L)y1952v1i10Julyp300
Then a Long Silence ...Gertrude W Hockinson (L)y1952v1i10Julyp302
The Individual and the World TodayKurt Reineman (L)y1952v1i10Julyp304
to the Editor (Omar Khayyam)Madeline Clark (L)y1952v1i10Julyp311
filler - "If, instead of longing for conditions that do not exist"William Q Judge (L)y1952v1i10Julyp312
The Battle in the GardenHazel S Minot (L)y1952v1i10Julyp313
Civilization Builded Upon ThoughtG de Purucker (L)y1952v1i10Julyp319
filler - "Cicada: Who, then, is wise, if foolish is he who is content"Giordano Bruno (L)y1952v1i10Julyp320y+
"Occult" TrapsA. Studley Hart (L)y1952v1i11Augustp321
filler - "Sorrow overmuch is suicide of the heart"Jean Paul Richter (L)y1952v1i11Augustp324
Jupiter and the WagonerReginald W Machell (L)y1952v1i11Augustp325
So Many WorldsCaroline Hall (L)y1952v1i11Augustp328
Access to WisdomMadeline Clark (L)y1952v1i11Augustp330
Growing PainsJean B Van Mater (L)y1952v1i11Augustp334
Songs before Sunrise (vf)Swinburne (L)y1952v1i11Augustp335
Four Days ... and One MinuteBoyne Grainger (L)y1952v1i11Augustp336
The Garden PoolAlice Comerford (L)y1952v1i11Augustp343
Is the Earth Alive?Neil Allison (L)y1952v1i11Augustp345
Man and the UniverseG de Purucker (L)y1952v1i11Augustp347
filler - "The real man is not some special individual"Katherine Tingley (L)y1952v1i11Augustp352y+
AnchorageKatherine Tingley (L)y1952v1i12Septemberp353
Earth and SkyHazel S Minot (L)y1952v1i12Septemberp356
Universe and ManJ Frederick Sanders (L)y1952v1i12Septemberp357
"Between Two Moments"Madeline Clark (L)y1952v1i12Septemberp361
A Vision CaughtWill Lucas (L)y1952v1i12Septemberp364
What is a Man WorthMorton J Cohn (L)y1952v1i12Septemberp366
The Remarkable Memory of Lotta Moore-Bosh (vf)Clifton Meek (L)y1952v1i12Septemberp370
The Greatest of These is CharityLTW (L)y1952v1i12Septemberp372
The CityRaymond Rugland (L)y1952v1i12Septemberp376
The Earth's BeginningAllan J Stover (L)y1952v1i12Septemberp378
filler - "There are two kinds of histories."John G Peck (L)y1952v1i12Septemberp381
A Call To ActionA. Trevor Barker (L)y1952v1i12Septemberp382
filler - "Plato was right: ideas rule the world" (ML-APS-6)KH (L)y1952v1i12Septemberp384y+
EditorialJames A. Long (L)y1952v2i1Octoberp1
Foundation of EsotericismGrace F Knoche (L)y1952v2i1Octoberp2
"All waits or goes by default till a strong being appears" (vf)Walt Whitman (L)y1952v2i1Octoberp5
As A Man ThinkethJean B Van Mater (L)y1952v2i1Octoberp6
Showing 151 to 200 of 6911 entries