Fact and Fiction in Mythology | Henry Travers (L) | y1962 | v11 | i8 | May | p249 |
filler - "If our journey through life can be so solidly true that every" | Katherine Tingley (L) | y1962 | v11 | i8 | May | p252 |
A New God Through Science | Elsa-Brita Titchenell (L) | y1962 | v11 | i8 | May | p253 |
filler - There are certain marks by which we may know what comes | Kenneth Morris (L) | y1962 | v11 | i8 | May | p256z+ |
filler - "Who does not respond with joy to the renewing life" | Gertrude W Hockinson (L) | y1962 | v11 | i8 | May | p256y+ |
filler - "life cycles ... moral ideas ... appear before man" | Alfred North Whitehead (L) | y1962 | v11 | i8 | May | p256 |
Rosetta Stone of Life | Gertrude W van Pelt (L) | y1962 | v11 | i9 | June | p257 |
God's Fiddler | Oscar Ronnback (L) | y1962 | v11 | i9 | June | p261 |
filler - "Nature is an Aeolian harp, a musical instrument" | Novalis (L) | y1962 | v11 | i9 | June | p264 |
The Great Library | John P Van Mater (L) | y1962 | v11 | i9 | June | p265 |
The Mirage | Alphonse Bihr (L) | y1962 | v11 | i9 | June | p272 |
filler - "If man is fully to attain his destiny" | Friederich Froebel (L) | y1962 | v11 | i9 | June | p274 |
On Freedom of Thought | Moses Pergament (L) | y1962 | v11 | i9 | June | p275 |
filler - "There are two freedoms, the false where one is free to do" | Charles Kingsley (L) | y1962 | v11 | i9 | June | p279 |
Where Is Primitive Man? | Kenneth Morris (L) | y1962 | v11 | i9 | June | p280 |
filler - "Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of Nature." | Max Planck (L) | y1962 | v11 | i9 | June | p285 |
The Real Miracle | Alice Mason (L) | y1962 | v11 | i9 | June | p286 |
filler - "No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden" | Charles Dickens (L) | y1962 | v11 | i9 | June | p288y+ |
filler - "power to know does not come from book-study ... altruism" | William Q Judge (L) | y1962 | v11 | i9 | June | p288 |
filler - Every system of philosophy worthy of the name | Gertrude Wyckoff (L) | y1962 | v11 | i9 | June | p288z+ |
A Wiser Science, A More Progressive Religion | Charles J Ryan (L) | y1962 | v11 | i10 | July | p289 |
filler - "The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious" | Albert Einstein (L) | y1962 | v11 | i10 | July | p294 |
Drama and the Soul's Potential | RM Willoughby (L) | y1962 | v11 | i10 | July | p295 |
filler - "The language of the lips is easily taught" | M Gandhi (L) | y1962 | v11 | i10 | July | p298 |
Yang, Yin and You | Peter H Samsom (L) | y1962 | v11 | i10 | July | p299 |
filler - "As the watch passes from hand to hand and room to room" | HP Blavatsky (L) | y1962 | v11 | i10 | July | p306 |
A Chance on Trust | Alice Mason (L) | y1962 | v11 | i10 | July | p307 |
filler - "God does not weigh criminality in our scales. ... heart" | James Russell Lowell (L) | y1962 | v11 | i10 | July | p309 |
The Phenomenon of Man | George J Lindemans (L) | y1962 | v11 | i10 | July | p310 |
Practical Man | Elizabeth M Duffie (L) | y1962 | v11 | i10 | July | p314 |
Bonds of Space | Elsa-Brita Titchenell (L) | y1962 | v11 | i10 | July | p317 |
filler - Contrast is one of nature's favorite methods. | J Caldwell (L) | y1962 | v11 | i10 | July | p320z+ |
filler - "No man has come to true greatness who has not felt" | Phillips Brooks (L) | y1962 | v11 | i10 | July | p320y+ |
filler - "Nature has linked all parts of her Empire together by" | KH (L) | y1962 | v11 | i10 | July | p320 |
Anchorage For Faith | T H (L) | y1962 | v11 | i11 | August | p321 |
filler - "Here is a test of wisdom" | Walt Whitman (L) | y1962 | v11 | i11 | August | p323 |
The Light of Wisdom | Kenneth Morris (L) | y1962 | v11 | i11 | August | p324 |
filler - "heaven serve(s) us best by ... refusing us" | Leonard Hodges (L) | y1962 | v11 | i11 | August | p329 |
"The Lost Years" of the Master, Jesus | Elizabeth Hope Urban (L) | y1962 | v11 | i11 | August | p330 |
On the Side of the New | Nellie M Davis (L) | y1962 | v11 | i11 | August | p336 |
Truth or Faith? | Richard Sattelberg (L) | y1962 | v11 | i11 | August | p338 |
filler - "great art is the product of self-forgetfulness" | Hazel Boyer Braun (L) | y1962 | v11 | i11 | August | p341 |
No One Stands Alone | Elizabeth M Duffie (L) | y1962 | v11 | i11 | August | p342 |
filler - "Our greatest glory consists not in never falling" | Oliver Goldsmith (L) | y1962 | v11 | i11 | August | p344 |
Flame of the Spirit | Arne Wettermark (L) | y1962 | v11 | i11 | August | p345 |
filler - "artist who thinks he is a success is a monumental failure" | Fritz Kreisler (L) | y1962 | v11 | i11 | August | p349 |
The Face of God | Elsa-Brita Titchenell (L) | y1962 | v11 | i11 | August | p350 |
filler - There are Teachers, Helpers, at every stage | Gertrude Wyckoff (L) | y1962 | v11 | i11 | August | p352z+ |
filler - "Why should there be an attraction between the molecules of" | HP Blavatsky (L) | y1962 | v11 | i11 | August | p352 |
The Scientist and the Fairy Tale | Ernst Krauss (L) | y1962 | v11 | i12 | September | p353 |