filler - "Universal life is infinite in its manifestation" | G de Purucker (L) | y1962 | v11 | i12 | September | p359 |
Growth of Knowledge | Isabel B Clemshaw (L) | y1962 | v11 | i12 | September | p360 |
Philosopher of the Marketplace | T Henry (L) | y1962 | v11 | i12 | September | p362 |
filler - "We must set aside the old idea that the Divine is a punishing" | Katherine Tingley (L) | y1962 | v11 | i12 | September | p367 |
The Way of the Warrior | Ida Perrine Ryder (L) | y1962 | v11 | i12 | September | p368 |
Confessions of a Non-Conformist | Clifton Meek (L) | y1962 | v11 | i12 | September | p373 |
filler - "Stoic, Christian, and Buddhist saints are ... indistinguishable" | William James (L) | y1962 | v11 | i12 | September | p376 |
End of the World | J Caldwell (L) | y1962 | v11 | i12 | September | p377 |
Buried Treasure | Alice Mason (L) | y1962 | v11 | i12 | September | p382 |
filler - The Situation that has not its Duty, its Ideal | Thomas Carlyle (L) | y1962 | v11 | i12 | September | p384z+ |
filler - "The good is one thing" from the Katha-Upanishad | anon (L) | y1962 | v11 | i12 | September | p384 |
Space: Outer and Inner | James A. Long (L) | y1962 | v12 | i1 | October | p1 |
filler - "I feel more and more every day, as my imagination strengthens" | John Keats (L) | y1962 | v12 | i1 | October | p2 |
Sound Creative Mystery | Kurt Reineman (L) | y1962 | v12 | i1 | October | p3 |
The Fundamentals of Theosophy | various - round tables | y1962 | v12 | i1 | October | p6 |
filler - "One moment in eternity is of as great consequence as another" | Zoroaster (L) | y1962 | v12 | i1 | October | p17 |
Amulets and Aspirations | Elizabeth M Duffie (L) | y1962 | v12 | i1 | October | p18 |
Web of Destiny | Marjorie Tyberg (L) | y1962 | v12 | i1 | October | p21 |
filler - "minor cycles within a larger one" | HP Blavatsky (L) | y1962 | v12 | i1 | October | p25 |
History and the Whole Man | John P Van Mater (L) | y1962 | v12 | i1 | October | p26 |
Thus the Seer, With vision clear, Sees forms appear (vf) | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (L) | y1962 | v12 | i1 | October | p32z+ |
Is Man 200,000 Years Old? | Walther Matthes (L) | y1962 | v12 | i1 | October | p32 |
The Same Blue Sky | Martha Blake (L) | y1962 | v12 | i2 | November | p33 |
Tradition of Religious Freedom | Peter H Samsom (L) | y1962 | v12 | i2 | November | p37 |
Finer Than Silk | Alice Mason (L) | y1962 | v12 | i2 | November | p43 |
filler - "Nature is economic in her gifts" | J Arthur Hadfield (L) | y1962 | v12 | i2 | November | p44 |
Boundaries of Science | I Manuel Oderberg (L) | y1962 | v12 | i2 | November | p45 |
Some Thoughts on Death | RM Willoughby (L) | y1962 | v12 | i2 | November | p50 |
Fate or Free Will | T Henry (L) | y1962 | v12 | i2 | November | p54 |
"There are three truths which are absolute" (Idyll of the White Lotus) (vf) | MC (L) | y1962 | v12 | i2 | November | p57 |
A Page of History | Ida Perrine Ryder (L) | y1962 | v12 | i2 | November | p58 |
filler - "The love of truth is inherently the love of good" | HP Blavatsky (L) | y1962 | v12 | i2 | November | p64y+ |
filler - Without seeking, truth cannot be known at all | John Ruskin (L) | y1962 | v12 | i2 | November | p64z+ |
Christmas - AD 1962 | James A. Long (L) | y1962 | v12 | i3 | December | p65 |
filler - "Spring has finally arrived here in Australia" | Lo Guest (L) | y1962 | v12 | i3 | December | p67 |
Archives of the Oceans | Hans W Ahlmann (L) | y1962 | v12 | i3 | December | p68 |
On the Nature of Christ | various - round tables | y1962 | v12 | i3 | December | p74 |
filler - "Out of the tough and bitter experiences of life" | Peter Flach (L) | y1962 | v12 | i3 | December | p85 |
Ltte - "I can never be a true native as my skin is white." | Sidney M Finbow (L) | y1962 | v12 | i3 | December | p86 |
filler - "The solidarity of humanity ... brotherhood" | Charles J Ryan (L) | y1962 | v12 | i3 | December | p87 |
Labyrinths of Mind | Jean B Van Mater (L) | y1962 | v12 | i3 | December | p88 |
filler - "Every man hath the key to God in himself" | Jakob Boehme (L) | y1962 | v12 | i3 | December | p91 |
And the Darkness Comprehended It Not | Willem Brandt (L) | y1962 | v12 | i3 | December | p92 |
filler - Before the being of Heaven and Earth | Lao-tsu (L) | y1962 | v12 | i3 | December | p96z+ |
filler - "There is one eternal Law in nature" | HP Blavatsky (L) | y1962 | v12 | i3 | December | p96y+ |
"Before beginning, and without an end" (vf) | Sir Edwin Arnold (L) | y1962 | v12 | i3 | December | p96 |
Guardian of the Open Door | Grace F Knoche (L) | y1963 | v12 | i4 | January | p97 |
Life That We Do Not See | I Manuel Oderberg (L) | y1963 | v12 | i4 | January | p101 |
Meister Eckhart, Medieval Mystic | HS (L) | y1963 | v12 | i4 | January | p104 |
Pageant of the Seasons | John P Van Mater (L) | y1963 | v12 | i4 | January | p110 |