The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

TheoSophia (NZ)

Directory of Theosophical Society in New Zealandanony2015v76i2Winterp32
Notices - The Process of Self-Transformation Seminar [21-23 January 2016]anony2015v76i3Springp2
Notices - 119th Convention of the Theosophical Society in New Zealand [14-19 January 2016]anony2015v76i3Springp2
Call for Nominations for National Vice-President [notice]anony2015v76i3Springp3
Central Region Event Sat-Sun September 2015 - The Wisdom of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras with Dr Vera Zdarsky - TS Weekend and Study Retreatanony2015v76i3Springp3
From the Editor's Desk: the worldPamela Zane Keysy2015v76i3Springp3
President's Perspective - Polytheism and HomosexualityJohn Vorstermansy2015v76i3Springp4
Feature - Mainstreaming TheosophyVicente R Hao Jry2015v76i3Springp7
Feature - Going to School in AdyarVictor Penaranday2015v76i3Springp11
Feature - Reincarnation: An Opportunity to Manage and Create DestinySushma Webbery2015v76i3Springp14
Event - School of Theosophy 2015 Auckland New Zealand - Three Participants Share Their Impressions...Sushma Webber, John Gammons, Adrian Philipsy2015v76i3Springp18
Poetry - Tapestry of Time (vf)Beth Gardnery2015v76i3Springp19
Feature - Being in Tune with the UniverseTom Davisy2015v76i3Springp20
Feature - The Reason WhyRadha Burniery2015v76i3Springp22
Vegetarianism Today [The New Zealand Vegetarian Society]Margaret Johnsy2015v76i3Springp23
Theosophical Order of ServiceRenee Selly2015v76i3Springp24
Theosophy Quiz! [derived from the English Theosophical Society's Diploma course]Gudiseva Murali dhary2015v76i3Springp27
Special Book Review - 'Spirituality and Sustainable Development' by Rohana UlluwishewaPZKy2015v76i3Springp28
Review - 'Living Buddha Living Christ' by Thich Nhat Hanhanony2015v76i3Springp29
Review - 'The Power of the new Spirituality: How to Live a Life of Compassion and Personal Fulfillment' by William Bloomanony2015v76i3Springp29
Review - 'Meditation: A Practical Study (with exercises)' by Adelaide Gardneranony2015v76i3Springp29
Adyar Gateway [photographic illustration]Richard Selly2015v76i3Springp32
Notices - 119th Convention of the Theosophical Society in New Zealand [14-19 January 2016] [Theosophy - A way of being and a way of seeing... in the world]anony2015v76i4Summerp2
From the Editor's Desk: TSNZ Election Results [Renee Sell elected National Vice-President]John Vorstermansy2015v76i4Summerp3
From the Editor's Desk: Wise men and women...Pamela Zane Keysy2015v76i4Summerp3
President's Perspective - Theosophy in the World TodayJohn Vorstermansy2015v76i4Summerp4
School of Theosophy 2016 [8-14 April 2016, Theme: The Yoga of Theosophy]anony2015v76i4Summerp6
Feature - The Secretland - Aotearoa New ZealandGary Cooky2015v76i4Summerp7
Feature - The Power of a WorldviewDorothy Belly2015v76i4Summerp8
Feature - Life's JourneyBarry Bowdeny2015v76i4Summerp12
Notice - 119th Convention of the Theosophical Society in New Zealand - Theosophy - A way of being and a way of seeing... in the world [includes details of speakers, talks, workshops]anony2015v76i4Summerp16
The Process of Self-Transformation Seminar [21 January - 23 January 2016 following 2016 convention]anony2015v76i4Summerp17
Feature - Going Higher with the Spirit of Co-creationLinda Wattsy2015v76i4Summerp18
Poetry from Victor - Stargazers (vf); Prayer (vf)Victor Penaranday2015v76i4Summerp21
Feature - New Zealand Theosophists in the Global 'New Education' Movement 1915-1938Sue Middletony2015v76i4Summerp22
Theosophical Order of ServiceRenee Selly2015v76i4Summerp26
Vegetarianism Today [The New Zealand Vegetarian Society]Margaret Johnsy2015v76i4Summerp29
Review - 'Journey of Awakening: A Meditator's Guidebook' by Ram Dassanony2015v76i4Summerp30
Review - 'The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics' by Gary Zukavanony2015v76i4Summerp30
Review - 'HP Blavatsky and the Secret Doctrine' edited by Virginia Hansonanony2015v76i4Summerp30
Review - 'Reincarnation: A New Horizon in Science Religion and Society' by Sylvia Cranston and Carey Williamsanony2015v76i4Summerp30
Notices - The 13th Triennial Conference of the Indo-Pacific Federation - 14-19 October 2016anony2016v77i1Autumnp2
Notices - School of Theosophy 2016 - 8-14 Aprilanony2016v77i1Autumnp2
From the Editor's Desk: White Lotus Day [adapted from: Theosophy Watch]anony2016v77i1Autumnp3
From the Editor's Desk: Mystery and MysticsPamela Zane Keysy2016v77i1Autumnp3
Letter to the Editor - Polytheism and Homosexuality [edited to fit space]Jakob Jonkery2016v77i1Autumnp4
President's Perspective - MysticismJohn Vorstermansy2016v77i1Autumnp5
Forget Not thy Friend (vf)Clive Conlandy2016v77i1Autumnp7
Remembrance - Joy Mills - 9 October 1920-29 December 2015 [obituary]John Vorstermansy2016v77i1Autumnp7
Feature - Ramana Maharshi - The Silent MysticSushma Webbery2016v77i1Autumnp8
Showing 901 to 950 of 1349 entries