Feature - The Science of Happiness [3] | Gillian White | y2016 | v77 | i3 | Spring | p20 |
Special Book Review - The Miracle Effect is a Winner! 'The Miracle Effect: Four Steps to Living Heaven on Earth Every Day' by Sylvia Vowless | Ann Russell | y2016 | v77 | i3 | Spring | p23 |
Feature - A Few Connections of Evolution | Ynys Douglas | y2016 | v77 | i3 | Spring | p24 |
Hammer Springs Gathering (vf) | Julia Tarnawsky | y2016 | v77 | i3 | Spring | p25 |
Meditation (At the Botanical Gardens) (vf) | Penelope Foster | y2016 | v77 | i3 | Spring | p25 |
Event - The Mind and the Heart | Alistair McMurran | y2016 | v77 | i3 | Spring | p26 |
Events - The Key to Conscious Living - A Northern Regional Event - 26-27 March 2016 Hamilton | anon | y2016 | v77 | i3 | Spring | p27 |
Events - Yoga Sutras: Deepening the Experience with Dr Vera Zdarsky - A Central Regional Event 4-6 June 2016 Wellington | anon | y2016 | v77 | i3 | Spring | p27 |
Theosophical Order of Service | Renee Sell | y2016 | v77 | i3 | Spring | p28 |
Vegetarianism Today [The New Zealand Vegetarian Society] | Margaret Johns | y2016 | v77 | i3 | Spring | p30 |
From the Editor's Desk: Goodwill to All | Pamela Zane Keys | y2016 | v77 | i4 | Summer | p3 |
President's Perspective: The Purpose of the Theosophical Society | John Vorstermans | y2016 | v77 | i4 | Summer | p4 |
Feature: The Science and Esotericism of Occult Chemistry | Bette Stockbauer-Harris | y2016 | v77 | i4 | Summer | p6 |
Feature: Tuning in to Our World | Diana Dunningham Chapotin | y2016 | v77 | i4 | Summer | p8 |
Feature: Listening to the Song of Life | Elena Dovalsantos | y2016 | v77 | i4 | Summer | p12 |
A Key to Your Inner World | Barry Bowden | y2016 | v77 | i4 | Summer | p14 |
Convention: Theosophy Science Spirituality and Consciousness - 120th Convention of the Theosophical Society in New Zealand - 12-17 January 2017 in Dunedin | anon | y2016 | v77 | i4 | Summer | p16 |
Feature: Gratitude Community and Strength | David Park | y2016 | v77 | i4 | Summer | p18 |
Feature: Keepers and Sharers of the Ageless Wisdom | Victor Penaranda | y2016 | v77 | i4 | Summer | p19 |
Feature: Ancient Wisdom Modern Application and Miracles! | Syvia Vowless | y2016 | v77 | i4 | Summer | p22 |
Cross of Light | James Valley | y2016 | v77 | i4 | Summer | p24 |
Special Book Review: 'The Dalai Lama's Cat' by David Michie [and also 'The Art of Purring' and 'The Power of Meow' by David Michie] | Tania Dyett | y2016 | v77 | i4 | Summer | p26 |
Events: Feedback from the Branches | anon | y2016 | v77 | i4 | Summer | p27 |
Theosophical Order of Service | Renee Sell | y2016 | v77 | i4 | Summer | p28 |
Review - 'Astrology Karma and Transformation: The Inner Dimensions of the Birth Chart' by Stephen Arroyo | anon | y2016 | v77 | i4 | Summer | p30 |
Review - 'Closer to the Light: Learning from the Near-Death Experiences of Children' by Melvin Morse and Paul Perry | anon | y2016 | v77 | i4 | Summer | p30 |
Review - 'The Meditative Path: A Gentle Way to Awareness Concentration and Serenity' by John Cianciosi | anon | y2016 | v77 | i4 | Summer | p30 |
Review - 'Ancient Wisdom Modern Insight' by Shirley Nicholson [second, revised edition] | anon | y2016 | v77 | i4 | Summer | p30 |
From the Editor's Desk: Science and Theosophy | Pamela Zane Keys | y2017 | v78 | i1 | Autumn | p3 |
President's Perspective: Beyond Illusion | John Vorstermans | y2017 | v78 | i1 | Autumn | p4 |
Feature: Theosophy Remedy for a Sick World | Jacques Mahnich | y2017 | v78 | i1 | Autumn | p6 |
Feature: Our World is Shrinking | Viky Weston | y2017 | v78 | i1 | Autumn | p9 |
Feature: Theosophy as Science - Unlocking the Corridors of Nature | Luke Michael | y2017 | v78 | i1 | Autumn | p10 |
Feature: HP Blavatsky Phenomena and Parapsychology | Brian Harding | y2017 | v78 | i1 | Autumn | p13 |
Notice: TSNZ School of Theosophy Presents: A Theosophical Worldview - The Power Revealed - Director of Studies: Dorothy Bell Date: 4-7 May Venue: HPB Lodge Auckland | anon | y2017 | v78 | i1 | Autumn | p16 |
Feature: Why Atlantis Was Not An Atlantic Continent - A scientific view | Victor Gostin | y2017 | v78 | i1 | Autumn | p18 |
Special Book Review: 'How God Became God - what Scholars are Really Saying About God and the Bible' by Richard Smoley | Warwick Keys | y2017 | v78 | i1 | Autumn | p21 |
Feature: Back to Basics | Barry Bowden | y2017 | v78 | i1 | Autumn | p22 |
Events: Feedback from the Branches - 13th Triennial Conference of the Indo-Pacific Federation of the Theosophical Society | Clive Conland, Vicki Pennington | y2017 | v78 | i1 | Autumn | p24 |
Events: Christchurch Library Event | Alastair Murray | y2017 | v78 | i1 | Autumn | p25 |
Christmas Picnic of Hawke's Bay Branch of TSNZ | Bethne Gardner | y2017 | v78 | i1 | Autumn | p25 |
Events: Whanganui Market Day | Kirsty Burgess | y2017 | v78 | i1 | Autumn | p25 |
Science and Spirituality Seminar | Vicki Jerome | y2017 | v78 | i1 | Autumn | p26 |
Theosophical Order of Service | Renee Sell | y2017 | v78 | i1 | Autumn | p28 |
Vegetarianism Today [The New Zealand Vegetarian Society] | Margaret Johns | y2017 | v78 | i1 | Autumn | p30 |
Call for Nominations for Two Governance Board Members | anon | y2017 | v78 | i2 | Winter | p3 |
Great Theosophical Writing | Pamela Zane Keys | y2017 | v78 | i2 | Winter | p3 |
TSNZ National Convention 2018 18-24 January 2018 | anon | y2017 | v78 | i2 | Winter | p4 |
School of Theosophy Spring 2017 [notice] | anon | y2017 | v78 | i2 | Winter | p4 |
President's Perspective: What Should Theosophical Groups Study? | John Vorstermans | y2017 | v78 | i2 | Winter | p5 |