Vegetarians Today [The New Zealand Vegetarian Society] | Margaret Johns | y2018 | v79 | i3 | Spring | p30 |
Directory of the Theosophical Society in New Zealand | anon | y2018 | v79 | i3 | Spring | p32 |
Notice - TSNZ National Convention 2019 - 17-23 January 2019 - Connectivity and Responsibility | anon | y2018 | v79 | i4 | Summer | p2 |
Letters to the Editor - Bouquet from India | G Murali dhar | y2018 | v79 | i4 | Summer | p4 |
Letters to the Editor | John Carver and comments by Warwick Keys | y2018 | v79 | i4 | Summer | p4 |
From the Editor's Desk: Wise Women following their stars ... | Pamela Zane Keys | y2018 | v79 | i4 | Summer | p5 |
President's Perspective: Our Mission | John Vorstermans | y2018 | v79 | i4 | Summer | p6 |
Feature: Annie Besant [condensed and adapted from talk given on 170th anniversary of Annie Besant's birth and published in 'The Theosophist' November 2017] | Tim Boyd | y2018 | v79 | i4 | Summer | p8 |
Feature: Sand Castles [reprint from 'Quest' magazine's "Viewpoint"] | Betty Bland | y2018 | v79 | i4 | Summer | p11 |
Feature: The Source of Spiritual Energy | Pradeep H Gohil | y2018 | v79 | i4 | Summer | p12 |
Special Book Reviews: 'The Initiate Life A Guide to the Path of Hastened Unfoldment' | Elena Dovalsantos; Peter Urbahn | y2018 | v79 | i4 | Summer | p16 |
Special Book Reviews: 'Science and the Akashic Field An Integral Field of Everything' by Ervin Laszlo | Peter Vorstermans | y2018 | v79 | i4 | Summer | p16 |
Science Feature: Star Bright - New Paradigms in Astronomy | Victor Gostin | y2018 | v79 | i4 | Summer | p18 |
Feature: Hildegard of Burgen; Julian of Norwich | [Pamela Zane Keys] | y2018 | v79 | i4 | Summer | p21 |
Feature: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky a life of dedication [from a talk presented at TSNZ Convention January 2018] | Penelope Foster | y2018 | v79 | i4 | Summer | p22 |
Theosophical Order of Service | Renee Sell | y2018 | v79 | i4 | Summer | p26 |
Feature: The Reason Why [extract: "The Watch Tower" in 'The Theosophist' August 1996 | Radha Burnier | y2018 | v79 | i4 | Summer | p28 |
Vegetarians Today [The New Zealand Vegetarian Society] | Margaret Johns | y2018 | v79 | i4 | Summer | p29 |
Directory of the Theosophical Society in New Zealand | anon | y2018 | v79 | i4 | Summer | p32 |
Letter to the Editor - The Silent Whisper | Tania Dyett | y2019 | v80 | i1 | Autumn | p2 |
From the Editor's Desk: Hush ... | Pamela Zane Keys | y2019 | v80 | i1 | Autumn | p3 |
Silence - Clear and Around the Valley (vf) | Clive Conland | y2019 | v80 | i1 | Autumn | p3 |
President's Perspective: The Power of Silence | John Vorstermans | y2019 | v80 | i1 | Autumn | p4 |
Feature: Undeserved Karma - Does it Exist? | Esteban Langlois | y2019 | v80 | i1 | Autumn | p6 |
Feature: The Joy of Silence - Its beauty spendour and peace | Vicky Weston | y2019 | v80 | i1 | Autumn | p10 |
Feature: Somewhere Over The Rainbow | Dorothy Bell | y2019 | v80 | i1 | Autumn | p12 |
Special Book Reviews: 'Fabulous Faerie Folk: Discovering a Hidden World' by Virginia Innes-Jones illustrated by Edward Hughes | anon, Renee Sell, Helen Pollock | y2019 | v80 | i1 | Autumn | p16 |
Special Book Reviews: 'The Initiate Life - A Guide to the Path of Hastened Unfoldment' by Geoffrey Hodson | anon | y2019 | v80 | i1 | Autumn | p17 |
Feature: Devachan - The blissful side of death | Barry Bowden | y2019 | v80 | i1 | Autumn | p18 |
Feature: Becoming Quiet Naturally [from an article in 'The Theosophist'] | Radha Burnier | y2019 | v80 | i1 | Autumn | p21 |
Feature: The Value of Silence... from 1900 [from 'New Zealand Theosophical Magazine' 1 April 1900, Vol I] | anon | y2019 | v80 | i1 | Autumn | p22 |
Feature: How Does Your Garden Grow? [from an article first published in 'Quest' magazine's "Viewpoint"] | Betty Bland | y2019 | v80 | i1 | Autumn | p23 |
Feedback: Feedback from TSNZ National Convention 2019 | Betty Bland, Diana Dunningham Chapotin, Sue Mitchell, Susan Skarsholt, Vicki Pennington, Margaret Johns | y2019 | v80 | i1 | Autumn | p24 |
Feedback: The Spring School of Theosophy - Feedback from delighted attendees | Carol Collier, Sue Mitchell, Amanda Cartridge, Darin Dance and Virginia Innes-Jones | y2019 | v80 | i1 | Autumn | p26 |
Theosophical Order of Service | Renee Sell | y2019 | v80 | i1 | Autumn | p28 |
Vegetarians Today [The New Zealand Vegetarian Society] | Margaret Johns | y2019 | v80 | i1 | Autumn | p30 |
Directory of the Theosophical Society in New Zealand | anon | y2019 | v80 | i1 | Autumn | p32 |
You Are Never Alone (vf) | Vicky Weston | y2019 | v80 | i2 | Winter | p3 |
From the Editor's Desk: Together ... | Pamela Zane Keys | y2019 | v80 | i2 | Winter | p3 |
President's Perspective: Unity of Life | John Vorstermans | y2019 | v80 | i2 | Winter | p4 |
Notice: The Spring School of Theosophy - Living Theosophy in the 21st Century | anon | y2019 | v80 | i2 | Winter | p6 |
Feature: Unity | Tim Boyd | y2019 | v80 | i2 | Winter | p7 |
Feature: The Ultimate Foundation - Unity of Life [from HPB Lodge article at] | includes quotations from Sri Yukteswar, David Bohm, Rudolf Steiner, Annie Besant | y2019 | v80 | i2 | Winter | p8 |
Science Feature: The Placebo Effect and the Effect of Belief | Victor Gostin | y2019 | v80 | i2 | Winter | p12 |
Special Book Review: 'Evolution of the Higher Consciousness - An In-Depth Study into HP Blavatsky's Teachings' by Pablo Sender | anon | y2019 | v80 | i2 | Winter | p16 |
Special Book Review: 'CWL Speaks - CW Leadbeater's Correspondence Concerning the 1906 Crisis in the theosophical Society' by Pedro Oliveira | anon | y2019 | v80 | i2 | Winter | p16 |
Special Book Review: 'The Akashic Experience - Science and the Cosmic Memory Field' Compiled by Ervin Lazlo | anon | y2019 | v80 | i2 | Winter | p16 |
TSNZ Convention 2020 - One Heart One Breath One World - 16-22 January 2020 [notice and information] | anon | y2019 | v80 | i2 | Winter | p17 |
Feature: The Will to Perfection - Becoming the One Life once again | Anthea Clement | y2019 | v80 | i2 | Winter | p18 |
Everything's Connected! - An unexpected dawning... | Pamela Zane Keys | y2019 | v80 | i2 | Winter | p21 |