Paracelsus | ENT | y1883 | v4 | - | February | p121 |
footnote to "Paracelsus" | (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | February | p121 |
Post-mortem life - review of On Life After Death by Gustav Theodor Fechner | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | February | p123 |
review - Mr Isaacs by F Marion Crawford (see ref to p199 ML-APS; Letter #25) | anon (HPB acc BdZ) (APS acc G) | y1883 | v4 | - | February | p124 |
review - The Violin by Peter Davidson | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | February | p126 |
review - Dr Callcott's Musical Grammar | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | February | p126 |
review - Pundit Heera Nund's Almanac for 1883 | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | February | p126 |
Another New Contemporary (Sattya Prakash ed by Bishen Lall) | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | February | p126 |
[portion of a letter discussing the success of the Theosophical Society] | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | February | p126 |
The Theosophist in Marathi | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | February | p126 |
Our Branches - The Anniversary of the Krishna Theosophical Society | J Purnayya | y1883 | v4 | - | March+ | p1 |
The President-Founder on his Annual Tour | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | March+ | p1 |
The Brotherhood of Man | Ram Das Sen | y1883 | v4 | - | March+ | p2 |
Bombay Branch of the Theosophical Society | Bal Nilaji Pitale | y1883 | v4 | - | March+ | p3 |
Adhi Bhoutic Bhratru TS (Berhampore, Bengal) [annual executive meeting held Dec. 31, 1882] | Kali Prasanna Mukerji | y1883 | v4 | - | March+ | p3 |
Madura Theosophical Society (Bye-Laws) | V Cooppooswamy | y1883 | v4 | - | March+ | p4 |
The Behar Theosophical Society - Rules & Bye-Laws | Purnendra Narayan Sinha | y1883 | v4 | - | March+ | p4 |
The British Theosophical Society | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | March+ | p4 |
The Paris (France) Theosophical Society | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | March+ | p5 |
Another Theosophical Sanscrit School | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | March+ | p5 |
Personal Items | various | y1883 | v4 | - | March+ | p5 |
[visit to the Adyar Headquarters by HH Daji Raj] | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | March+ | p5 |
A Praiseworthy Example, Sinhalese National Buddhistic Fund | Gregoris Edrewere | y1883 | v4 | - | March+ | p5 |
[Bishen Lall - promoting theosophy across India] | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | March+ | p5 |
The Number Seven | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | March+ | p5 |
[Alfred Percy Sinnett - in Calcutta; expected to visit headquarters] | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | March+ | p5 |
obituary - HE Nawab Sir Salar Jung Bahadur | MRRy P Iyalu Naida | y1883 | v4 | - | March+ | p6 |
[JC Williams - going to England] | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | March+ | p6 |
An Enemy Turned Brother | * * * | y1883 | v4 | - | March+ | p6 |
The Theosophist, Madras, March, 1883 | Editor | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p127 |
Sir Richard & Theosophy, Again | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p127 |
In re Adwaita Philosophy | Swami of Almora | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p128 |
Editor's Note [to "In re Adwaita Philosophy"] | anon (? T Subba Row) | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p128 |
(Rev Joseph) Cook at Home | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p130 |
The Sacred Tree of Kum Bum (in Tibet) | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p130 |
Sham Asceticism | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p131 |
Fragments of Occult Truth (VI) Devachan | A Lay Chela | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p131 |
Appendix to "Devachan" | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p135 |
Under the Shadow of Great Names | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p137 |
A Personal & An Impersonal God | T Subba Row | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p138 |
Missionary Progress in India | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p139 |
Letter - No Revelation Infallible | AO Hume | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p140 |
The "Blessings" of the Brothers | Ed. (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p141 |
Light wanted by a Parsi | A FTS (+ note by Editor) | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p141 |
Prince Wittgenstein's Letter (to the Editor of the Spiritualist) | E Wittgenstein (1824-1878) | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p142 |
An Excellent Magic Mirror | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p142 |
(reply) A Word with "Zero" | Theosophical Unit (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p143 |
A Word with the Theosophists | Zero (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p143 |
Mr Isaacs | A***8111 | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p145 |
footnote to "Mr Isaacs" | (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | March | p145 |