The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Theosophist

Theosophy & MiraclesGilbert Ellioty1883v4-Aprilp152
footnote to "Theosophy & Miracles"(HPB)y1883v4-Aprilp152
The Eighteen Siddhas of Southern IndiaVSBy1883v4-Aprilp154
Atoms, Molecules & Ether Waves (2) (rprnt Longsman's Magazine)John Tyndall (1820-1893)y1883v4-Aprilp155
The Reminiscences of a Chela (2)Bhola Deva Sarmay1883v4-Aprilp157
The Power to Heal (Healing by Mesmerism)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Aprilp158
By "Bell, Book & Candle" - Leaves from the Note-Book of a Missionary Priest (1)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Aprilp160
Fragments of Occult Truth (VII) The Human Life WaveA Lay Chelay1883v4-Aprilp161
The Cave of the Echoes - A Strange But a True Storyanony1883v4-Aprilp164
Leon Gambetta, a Re-incarnation of Emperor Napoleonanony1883v4-Aprilp166
Pickings From Our Contemporariesvarious (HPB)y1883v4-Aprilp166
obituary - Dr George Beard (the most fierce opponent of Spiritualism)anony1883v4-Aprilp167
Indian Witness of Calcutta, slandering Theosophyanony1883v4-Aprilp167
Pity the Poor "Principals!" - Charges of Missionaries against the Principals of Indian Collegesanony1883v4-Aprilp167
A Heavy Curse - Papal Bull of Excommunication against SpiritualismPope (+ a note by HPB)y1883v4-Aprilp167
Mystic StoriesEd.y1883v4-Aprilp168
A Case of ClairvoyanceH. (+ editor's note)y1883v4-Aprilp168
Mehladi MataDaji Raj FTSy1883v4-Aprilp168
Hindu DivinationNobin K Bannerjiy1883v4-Aprilp169
The Bugbears of (Modern) Science (2) Homaeopathy & Mesmerismanon (HPB)y1883v4-Aprilp169
Medical MesmerismBrojendra Nath Banerjeey1883v4-Aprilp170
Whence the name "Lunatics"?anon (HPB)y1883v4-Aprilp171
Umrao Singh's "Reply to the Extra Supplement to the Theosophist of July 1882", reviewedanony1883v4-Aprilp172
A Seeker after God (vf) (rprnt Pioneer)HCIy1883v4-Aprilp172
Death WarningJ Sinclairy1883v4-Aprilp172
Cosmos, Les Mondes - (Missionary Expedition to Egypt to explore the remains of Pharaoh's Army)anony1883v4-Aprilp173
Ltte - A Philozoolatric Appeal - Encroachment on the pastures for AnimalsBengaleey1883v4-Aprilp173
Does Law Require a Legislator?BJPy1883v4-Aprilp174
The Finding of a GuruTS (A Chela)y1883v4-Aprilp174
Retrogression in Re-birthH. (+ an editor's note, HPB)y1883v4-Aprilp174
ChiromancyDhame Dinanath Pandurangy1883v4-Aprilp174
Ancient Metaloscopy & XiloscopySasi Bhushun Kumary1883v4-Aprilp175
Christians, Brahmos, & "BAs"A. Sankariahy1883v4-Aprilp175
The Adwaita Philosophy versus the Semitic BibleJohn Yarkery1883v4-Aprilp175
The Hindu Zodiac (1) or The Discovery of the Lost KeyN Chidambaram Iyery1883v4-Aprilp176
Colonel Olcott's Lectures on Theosophy & Archaic Religions, HS Olcott's bookanony1883v4-May+p1
Colonel Olcott at Dacca (rprnt The Indian Mirror)anony1883v4-May+p1
Programme of Colonel Olcott's Bengal Touranony1883v4-May+p2
Colonel Olcott's Cures in BeharLaddle Mohun Ghosey1883v4-May+p2
Cures effected by Colonel Olcott at Dumraon & ArrahBrojendra Nath Bannerjiy1883v4-May+p2
Colonel Olcott's Wonderful SuccessPurna Chundra Sen (HPB)y1883v4-May+p3
Colonel Olcott at Berhamporeanony1883v4-May+p3
Colonel Olcott at Dumraonanony1883v4-May+p3
Mirabile dictu! [Note to "Colonel Olcott's Wonderful Success"]anon (HPB)y1883v4-May+p3
What are we coming to?SHy1883v4-May+p4
New Branchesvariousy1883v4-May+p4
Dumraon TS [formation]anony1883v4-May+p4
[Official Report, The Eclectic TS - President (Sinnett) temporarily overseas; possibility of name change]anony1883v4-May+p4
Howrah TS (Howrah, Calcutta) [formation]Warmesh Chander Kury1883v4-May+p4
Howrah TS [proceedings of formation; temporary office-bearers chosen]HS Olcotty1883v4-May+p4
Showing 1851 to 1900 of 26591 entries