review: 'The Crisis in Physics' by Christopher Caudwell, ed by H Levy | HT Edge | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p307 |
review: 'More About the Hereafter' by Mrs Rhys Davids | Charles J Ryan | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p311 |
review: 'After Many a Summer Dies the Swan' by Aldous Huxley | MMT | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p312 |
review: 'The Bible of the World' ed by Robert O Ballou | HT Edge | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p313 |
Periodicals Reviewed | HTE | y1940 | v16 | i4 | Apr | p315 |
Sanskrit Theosophical Terms and Their Meaning: Lesson II (5) | Judith Tyberg | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p267 |
The Chela Path | JM Prentice | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p321 |
The Forces of the Universe | G de Purucker | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p325 |
Send in Your Questions! | various | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p331 |
The Immortal Human Race | SH Wylde | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p336 |
The Simple Truth | AE Court | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p340 |
Theosophical Encyclopedic Glossary (5) | anon | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p341 |
Consciousness After Death | TB Marriott | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p346 |
Light the Way for the 'Lost' | Raymond Rugland | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p347 |
The Thoughts of Men | Martyn Witter | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p349 |
review: 'The Philosophy of Physical Science' by Arthur Eddington | HT Edge | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p351 |
Fulfil Your Own Destiny [extract 'Questing Heart'] | Inga Sjostedt | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p355 |
Who Is Responsible? | EJ Dadd | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p356 |
The Ills of the Soul | Stanley Zurek | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p358 |
Leaves of Theosophical History: HPB's 'Inner Group' (2) | Joseph H Fussell | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p360 |
A Magazine With a Constructive Philosophy | Joseph H Fussell | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p365 |
What the World Needs | CQW | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p366 |
Letter: A Broad-minded Up-to-date Magazine | LL Wright | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p374 |
Letter: - But Highbrow (?) | MR Franklin | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p374 |
Letter: A Satisfactory Philosophy for Everyone | John L Toomey | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p375 |
Letter: Good Use of Back Issues | LLW | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p377 |
Letter: Human Carnivorousness | CTJ | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p378 |
An Occult Mystery-Tale: The Jewel of Atlantis (5) | Leoline L Wright | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p379 |
review: 'Let the People Sing' by JB Priestley | MMT | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p390 |
review: 'Changing India: An Anthology of Writings from Raja Rammohun Roy to Jawaharlal Nehru' ed by Raja Rao and Iqbal Singh | IRP | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p391 |
review: 'Three Copernical Treatises' translated by Edward Rosen | HT Edge | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p392 |
review: 'Crossing the Rubicon or The Passage from the Rule of Force to the Rule of Law Among Nations' by FN Keen | Alice Copeland | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p393 |
review: 'A Bibliography of John Dewey 1882-1939' by Milton Halsey Thomas | HTE | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p394 |
Periodicals Reviewed | HTE | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p395 |
Theosophical Activities | anon | y1940 | v16 | i5 | May | p397 |
Study-Groups in Theosophy | G de Purucker | y1940 | v16 | i6 | Jun | p401 |
Hidden Forces in Man | JWA Croiset van Uchelen | y1940 | v16 | i6 | Jun | p405 |
Those Things Which Make for Peace | Lawrence Merkel | y1940 | v16 | i6 | Jun | p414 |
Pipe Dreams? (vf) | MG Gowsell | y1940 | v16 | i6 | Jun | p417 |
Moral Issues: Where Do We Stand? | Arthur A Beale | y1940 | v16 | i6 | Jun | p418 |
A Way of Escape | Hazel O Minot | y1940 | v16 | i6 | Jun | p422 |
The Use We Give to Words | PA Malpas | y1940 | v16 | i6 | Jun | p423 |
review: : 'Figures of Transition' by Granville Hicks | Marjorie M Tyberg | y1940 | v16 | i6 | Jun | p426 |
Nature | MG Gowsell | y1940 | v16 | i6 | Jun | p431 |
What is 'Life'? | HT Edge | y1940 | v16 | i6 | Jun | p432 |
Balzac on Divination [reprint from 'Le Cousin Pons' trans by Ellen Marriage] | Balzac | y1940 | v16 | i6 | Jun | p433 |
Science and Research | CJ Ryan | y1940 | v16 | i6 | Jun | p434 |
Leaves of Theosophical History: HPB's 'Inner Group' (3) | Joseph H Fussell | y1940 | v16 | i6 | Jun | p437 |
Sanskrit Theosophical Terms and Their Meanings: Lesson II (6) | Judith Tyberg | y1940 | v16 | i6 | Jun | p441 |
Change and Progress All the Time | HTE | y1940 | v16 | i6 | Jun | p448 |