Periodicals Reviewed | HTE and HS | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p315 |
The Hierarchical System of the TS | G de Purucker | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p321 |
Reincarnation for Everyman | HT Edge | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p325 |
In the Temple (15): Thought is Circular | Lloyd A Kennell | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p330 |
The Two Masters Behind the Theosophical Movement | EV Savage | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p331 |
Majesty | WL Utermark | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p345 |
Agreeing to Disagree | CQW | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p349 |
Why So Many Theosophical Societies? | Alida Venema-Cortlever | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p350 |
His Vision Embraces the World [reprint from 'World Vision'] | Leslie J Belton | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p354 |
HP Blavatsky Speaks for Herself: HPB's Grand Manner | HP Blavatsky | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p355 |
Send In the Questions! | various | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p357 |
The Waves (vf) | Anthony Thompsen | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p361 |
Science and Research | CJ Ryan | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p362 |
Leaves of Theosophical History: Letter to Abner Doubleday | HP Blavatsky | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p367 |
Ways of Light and Darkness | Lydia Ross | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p370 |
The New Knowledge | MG Gowsell | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p375 |
Is Man the Master of His Destiny? | Dorothy Hall Le Gros | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p376 |
The Falsehood of Extremes | Peter Stormont | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p379 |
Letter | Peter Stormont | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p382 |
Triennial Convention of American Section TS | Long | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p383 |
review: 'Paideia: The Ideals of Greek Culture' by Werner Jaeger | HT Edge | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p384 |
review: 'Hindu Scriptures' ed by Nicol Macnicol | JM Prentice | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p388 |
review: 'Death is Not Enough: Essays in Active Negation' by Michael Fraenkel | HT Edge | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p390 |
review: 'African Doctor' by T Gerald Garry | CJ Ryan | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p392 |
review: 'The Medea of Euripides' ed by Denys L Page | HT Edge | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p394 |
Periodicals Reviewed | WES | y1939 | v15 | i5 | Nov | p396 |
Rules of Conduct | G de Purucker | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p401 |
Spiritual Gifts and Their Attainment | A Trevor Barker | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p403 |
A Fragment of the Secret Doctrine of the Blackfoot Indians | Sunrise Heart | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p410 |
Vision | MG Gowsell | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p416 |
The Zero Hour | Irene R Ponsonby | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p417 |
Knowledge Within Your Reach | HT Edge | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p420 |
In Search of Wisdom | LGP | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p421 |
Lodge-Force | Jan H Venema | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p422 |
The Dweller on the Threshold | Leoline L Wright | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p425 |
The Ancient Wisdom in Today's Perspective | Louis E Van Norman | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p428 |
The Visible, the Unreal: The Invisible, the Real | B Finkernagel | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p431 |
Send in Your Questions! | G de Purucker | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p439 |
Man Is Not an Animal | Abbott Clark | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p443 |
In the Temple (16): Spiritual Sunlight Within Man | MM Tyberg | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p444 |
Leaves of Theosophical History: Theosophy | Abner Doubleday | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p445 |
Science and Research | CJ Ryan | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p448 |
The Question Eternal (vf) | Charles C Crouch | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p452 |
European Convention at Penarth, Wales | anon | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p454 |
Seventh Theosophical Fraternization Convention, September 1939, Detroit Michigan | anon | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p455 |
Third Triennial Convention of the American Section, September 1939, Washington DC | anon | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p457 |
review: 'The Kantian Philosophy of Space' by Christopher Browne Garnett Jr | HT Edge | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p458 |
review: 'The March of Mind: A Short History of Science' by F Sherwood Taylor | HTE | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p460 |
review: 'The Initiation of the World' by Vera S Alder | C J Ryan | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p462 |
review: 'The Secret Sciences' by Hans Liebstoeckl | CJ Ryan | y1939 | v15 | i6 | Dec | p462 |