The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


cover photo - HP Blavatsky - August 11, 1831-May 8, 1891anony1944v1i1May-Junp1
White Lotus DayEditorialy1944v1i1May-Junp1
Theosophy: The Need of the HourBoris de Zirkoffy1944v1i1May-Junp3
Antiquity of TheosophyF B Finlaysony1944v1i1May-Junp4
Theosophy Speaks - Radio Talks - What is Theosophy?anony1944v1i1May-Junp6
The Spirit of ServiceHarold W Dempstery1944v1i1May-Junp9
The Beacon of the UnknownHP Blavatskyy1944v1i1May-Junp10
Theosophy TodayW R Bergstromy1944v1i1May-Junp12
review - 'Wind of the Spirit' by G de Puruckeranony1944v1i1May-Junp13
Theosophy Yesterday and TodayTheodore Heliney1944v1i1May-Junp14
New HorizonsJ W A Croiset van Ucheleny1944v1i1May-Junp14
A Statement about The Theosophical SocietyBoris de Zirkoffy1944v1i1May-Junp16
Some Words on Daily LifeEditorialy1944v1i2Jul-Augp1
Is There Justice in this World-Drama?Boris de Zirkoffy1944v1i2Jul-Augp3
Every Theosophist a LeaderG de Puruckery1944v1i2Jul-Augp5
Theosophy Speaks - Radio Talks - What is Man?anony1944v1i2Jul-Augp6
Does Chance or Justice Rule Our Lives?Boris de Zirkoffy1944v1i2Jul-Augp9
To the Soldier, Sailor or MarineEditorialy1944v1i2Jul-Augp10
From Our Study ClassesEditorialy1944v1i2Jul-Augp11
Thoughts by the Wayside (1)The Wayfarer (Hubert S Turner)y1944v1i2Jul-Augp12
Karman in the BibleEditorialy1944v1i2Jul-Augp13
Investment in HumanityE M Ingrahmy1944v1i2Jul-Augp14
Theosophy and AdversityDL Kersty1944v1i2Jul-Augp15
cover photo - Gottfried de Purucker Jan.15, 1874 - Sept. 27, 1942anony1944v1i3Sep-Octp1
Scientific Basis for EthicsG de Puruckery1944v1i3Sep-Octp3
The Theosophical MovementWilliam Q Judgey1944v1i3Sep-Octp4
The Brotherhood of ManH Willardy1944v1i3Sep-Octp6
Feeding the HungryGrace Finlaysony1944v1i3Sep-Octp7
Theosophy Speaks - Radio Talks - Reincarnation (1)anony1944v1i3Sep-Octp9
Man and the Invisible WorldsDella A Piercey1944v1i3Sep-Octp12
Thoughts by the Wayside (2)The Wayfarer (Hubert S Turner)y1944v1i3Sep-Octp14
The Case for AtlantisBoris de Zirkoffy1944v1i3Sep-Octp15
The All Pervading Oneness of LifeBoris de Zirkoffy1944v1i4Nov-Decp3
The Practical Side of TheosophyWilliam Q Judgey1944v1i4Nov-Decp5
Every Man Potentially a TheosophistWeno R Bergstromy1944v1i4Nov-Decp7
Theosophy Speaks - Radio Talks - Reincarnation (2)anony1944v1i4Nov-Decp9
What is Love?T Marriotty1944v1i4Nov-Decp12
Divine Forgiveness in the Light of TheosophyF C Clemeshawy1944v1i4Nov-Decp13
Thoughts by the Wayside (3)The Wayfarer (Hubert S Turner)y1944v1i4Nov-Decp15
[This issue is labelled No. 4 in error]-y1945v1i5Jan-Febp1
Our Immediate OpportunityBoris de Zirkoffy1945v1i5Jan-Febp3
The Esotericism of Christian DogmaH P Blavatskyy1945v1i5Jan-Febp5
Reflections on Universal TraditionWilliam W Stevensy1945v1i5Jan-Febp7
Theosophy Speaks - Radio Talks - Reincarnation (3)anony1945v1i5Jan-Febp9
Theosophy and YouthElinor Huftyy1945v1i5Jan-Febp12
Watching Our ThoughtsNorine G Chadily1945v1i5Jan-Febp14
Thoughts by the Wayside (4)The Wayfarer (Hubert S Turner)y1945v1i5Jan-Febp15
cover photo - William Quan Judge - April 13, 1851 - March 21, 1896anony1945v1i6Mar-Aprp1
Let's Go to Work!Boris de Zirkoffy1945v1i6Mar-Aprp3
Why a Theosophical SocietySven Eeky1945v1i6Mar-Aprp5
Showing 1 to 50 of 1079 entries