The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


Why "Theosophy"anony1912v1i1Novp1
HP Blavatsky and Theosophyanony1912v1i1Novp4
William Q Judge and the Theosophical Movementanony1912v1i1Novp7
Henry Steel Olcott and the Theosophical Societyanony1912v1i1Novp10
Letter from HPB to the American Convention of 1888HP Blavatskyy1912v1i1Novp13
Considerations on Magic [reprint 'The Path' March 1887]'Pythagoras' [William Q Judge]y1912v1i1Novp18
Three Fundamental Propositions of the Secret Doctrineanony1912v1i1Novp21
Musings on the True Theosophist’s Path [reprint 'The Path' 1886-7]William Q Judgey1912v1i1Novp24
On the Lookoutanony1912v1i1Novp29
Studies in the Secret Doctrineanony1912v1i1Novp32
Notice to Enquirersanony1912v1i1Novp32
Let the Work Go Onanony1912v1i2Decp33
Letter from HPB to the American Convention of 1889HP Blavatskyy1912v1i2Decp35
The Mystery of All Time [reprint 'Lucifer' September 1887]anony1912v1i2Decp41
Karma [reprint 'The Path' September 1886]anony1912v1i2Decp43
Aphorisms on Karma [reprint 'The Path' March 1893]anony1912v1i2Decp48
Misconceptions of Theosophyanony1912v1i2Decp51
The Coming Crisis [reprint 'Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine' January 1880; 'The Theosophist' March 1880]A Turkish Effendiy1912v1i2Decp53
The Monad (1)anony1912v1i2Decp63
Some Words on Daily Life [reprint 'Lucifer' January 1888]A Master of Wisdomy1912v1i2Decp67
Papyrus - The Gem [reprint 'The Path' March 1887]Rameses [William Q Judge]y1912v1i2Decp70
To All Open-Minded Theosophistsanony1912v1i2Decp72
Questions and Answersanon [Robert Crosbie]y1912v1i2Decp73
On The Lookoutanony1912v1i2Decp76
The Purpose of Lifeanony1913v1i3Janp81
Practical Occultism [reprint 'Lucifer' April 1888]HP Blavatskyy1913v1i3Janp84
Addendum - Is There No Hope? [reprint 'Lucifer' May 1888][HP Blavatsky]y1913v1i3Janp89
Occultism vs The Occult Arts [reprint 'Lucifer' May 1888]HP Blavatskyy1913v1i3Janp90
Reincarnation and Memory (1) [reprint 'The Path' Vol IV 1889-1890]Harij [William Q Judge]y1913v1i3Janp99
The Monad (2)anony1913v1i3Janp104
First Principlesanony1913v1i3Janp110
Questions and Answersanon [Robert Crosbie]y1913v1i3Janp114
On the Lookoutanony1913v1i3Janp117
A Comparative Failureanony1913v1i4Febp121
Letter From HPB to the American Convention of 1890HPBy1913v1i4Febp124
Environment [reprint 'The Path' February 1887]Hadjii Erinn [William Q Judge]y1913v1i4Febp128
'Lucifer' to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Greeting! [reprint 'Lucifer' 1887]HP Blavatskyy1913v1i4Febp131
Resurrecting the Deadanony1913v1i4Febp142
Universal Applications of Doctrine [reprint 'The Path' October 1889]WQJy1913v1i4Febp145
Re-Incarnation and Memory (2) [reprint 'The Path' Vol IV 1889-1890]Harij [William Q Judge]y1913v1i4Febp150
A Curious Tale [reprint 'The Path' December 1888]Bryan Kinnavan [William Q Judge]y1913v1i4Febp156
The Monad (3) The Evolution of Human Formanony1913v1i4Febp159
Question and AnswersUnited Lodge of Theosophists [Robert Crosbie]y1913v1i4Febp164
On the Lookoutanony1913v1i4Febp165
To the Man in the Streetanony1913v1i5Marp169
Letter of HP Blavatsky to the Convention of 1891HP Blavatskyy1913v1i5Marp174
Additional message from HP Blavatsky to the Convention of 1891HP Blavatskyy1913v1i5Marp177
William Q Judgeanony1913v1i5Marp178
The First Object of The TSanony1913v1i5Marp181
Mesmerism [reprint 'Lucifer' May 1892]William Q Judgey1913v1i5Marp183
Showing 1 to 50 of 23246 entries