The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


Conversation on Occultism [reprint 'The Path' December 1894]anony1918v6i11Sepp487
Shankara’s Catechism [reprint 'Oriental Department Papers' January 1895]anony1918v6i11Sepp490
Theosophists Beware! You Are Being Deceived!Mathewy1918v6i11Sepp491
Secret Doctrine Extracts [reprint (OE) Vol II p 240; (3rd E) Voll II p 250]HPBy1918v6i11Sepp494
The Psychology of Dreams (2)anony1918v6i11Sepp495
The Hymn of the Spirit [reprint 'Oriental Department Papers' March 1895]anony1918v6i11Sepp499
Questions and Answersanony1918v6i11Sepp500
The Three Worlds: Katha Upanishad, ii 1, 6 [reprint 'Oriental Department Papers' March-April 1896]anony1918v6i11Sepp504
Around the Tableanony1918v6i11Sepp504
The Tide of Life (2) [reprint 'The Path' May 1888]Charles Johnstony1918v6i11Sepp511
Electric and Magnetic Affinities Between Man and Nature [reprint 'The Theosophist' February 1881]anony1918v6i11Sepp517
The Hidden Selfanony1918v6i11Sepp521
On the Lookoutanony1918v6i11Sepp524
Questions and Answersanony1918v6i12Octp263
Reincarnations in Tibet [reprint 'The Theosophist' March 1882]anony1918v6i12Octp528
Conversation on Occultism [reprint 'The Path' January 1895]anony1918v6i12Octp536
Buddha’s Method [reprint 'Oriental Department Papers' March 1894]anony1918v6i12Octp538
The Psychology of Dreams (3)anony1918v6i12Octp539
The Birth of the World-Egg: Manava Dharma Shastra I [reprint 'Oriental Department Papers' July 1894]anony1918v6i12Octp547
Thoughts on Karmaanony1918v6i12Octp549
Secret Doctrine Extracts [reprint (OE) Vol I 248-249; (3rd E) Vol I pp 268-269]anony1918v6i12Octp550
The Noble Eightfold Path [reprint 'Oriental Department Papers' September-October 1895]anony1918v6i12Octp551
Dwelling in the Truthanony1918v6i12Octp555
The Prince and the Woodman [reprint 'Oriental Department Papers' July-August 1896]anony1918v6i12Octp559
Around the Tableanony1918v6i12Octp560
Secret Doctrine Teachings [reprint (OE) Vol I p 218; (3rd E) Vol I 239]HPBy1918v6i12Octp562
An Editorial by HPB [reprint 'Lucifer' December 1887]HPBy1918v6i12Octp567
From the Secret Doctrine [reprint (OE) Vol I p 142; (3rd E) Vol I p 166]HPBy1918v6i12Octp570
What is our Object?anony1918v6i12Octp571
On the Lookoutanony1918v6i12Octp573
Have Animals Souls? [reprint 'The Theosophist' January 1886]HP Blavatskyy1918v7i1Novp1
The Self: From Shankara’s Tattva Bodha (vf) [reprint 'Oriental Department Papers' November 1894]anony1918v7i1Novp8
Conversations on Occultism [reprint 'The Path' February 1895]anony1918v7i1Novp9
Secret Doctrine Extracts [reprint (OE) Vol I p 149; (3rd E) Vol I 173]HPBy1918v7i1Novp10
The Mahomedan Tradition of Issa or Iesus (1) [reprint 'Oriental Department Papers' September 1894]anony1918v7i1Novp11
Secret Doctrine Teachings [reprint (OE) Vol I p 203; (3rd E) Vol I p 224]HPBy1918v7i1Novp14
Questions and AnswersRobert Crosbiey1918v7i1Novp15
The Dream of Life: From the Vakyasudha [reprint 'Oriental Department Papers' November-December 1895]anony1918v7i1Novp19
Queries and Answers [reprint 'Lucifer' September 1890]anony1918v7i1Novp20
From the Secret Doctrine [reprint (OE) Vol I p 148; (3rd E) Vol I p 179]HPBy1918v7i1Novp24
Around the Tableanony1918v7i1Novp25
On the Lookoutanony1918v7i1Novp27
Have Animals Souls? (2) [reprint 'The Theosophist' February 1886]HP Blavatskyy1918v7i2Decp33
Self-Soul-Mind [reprint 'Oriental Department Papers' September-October 1895]anony1918v7i2Decp40
Questions and AnswersRobert Crosbiey1918v7i2Decp41
The Origin of the Christmas Tree [reprint 'Lucifer' March 1891]Kaygorodoffy1918v7i2Decp45
The Mahomedan Tradition of Issa or Jesus (2) [reprint 'Oriental Department Papers' November 1894]anony1918v7i2Decp47
Extracts From Isis Unveiled [reprint (OE) Vol I pp 30-31]HPBy1918v7i2Decp54
Around the Tableanony1918v7i2Decp55
From the Secret Doctrine [reprint (OE) Vol I p 570; (3rd E) Vol I p 622]HPBy1918v7i2Decp57
Showing 901 to 950 of 23246 entries