The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Theosophical Siftings

The Qualifications needed for Practical Occultism (rprnt)TCC (May 1892)y1893v6i7-p17
Egyptian Belief - Theosophically ConsideredPW Bullocky1893v6i8-p1
What is Prana?Herbert Coryny1893v6i8-p22
Occult Physiology (rprnt)Narrainasawmy Iyer (March 1891)y1893v6i9-p1
Notes on Hata (Hatha) Yoga (rprnt)Solar Sphinx (Dec 1886)y1893v6i9-p11
Brahmopanishad of the Yajur Veda (rprnt)CR Srinivasa Ayangar (Feb 1891)y1893v6i9-p13
filler - Gleaningsvariousy1893v6i9-p20
Notes on Nirvana (rprnt Lutr March, April, May 1893)GRS Meady1893v6i10-p3
EvolutionRB Holty1893v6i11-p3
Peace of MindW Bealey1893v6i11-p20
The Legend of the GrailReginald Machelly1893v6i12-p3
KarmaReginald Machelly1893v6i12-p11
The Zodiac (precession & the Yugas)SGP Coryny1893v6i13-p3
Pundari - A Story of the Buddha (rprnt The New Californian)Lafcadio Hearny1893v6i13-p18
A Word on Man, his Nature & his PowersAnnie Besanty1893v6i14-p1
Christian Rosenkreuz & the RosicruciansW Wynn Westcotty1894v6i15-p1
The Platonic Philosopher's Creed (rprnt Miscellanies in Prose & Verse, London, 1820)Thomas Taylory1894v6i15-p15
"Man & His Creators"Charlotte E Woodsy1894v6i16-p3
Epidemics from the Theosophical Standpoint (rprnt)PM Johns (Jan 1893)y1894v6i16-p16
Occultism Past & PresentPWBy1894v6i17-p3
Freewill (rprnt New Californian Sept 1892)W Mainy1894v6i17-p15
Theosophy the True Basis of True SocialismRB Holty1894v6i18-p3
In the Shadow of the GodsThomas Williamsy1894v6i18-p14
The Ethical Aspect of Theosophy not the Only AspectHT Edgey1894v6i18-p19
Moral Aspect of KarmaE Adamsy1894v7i1-p1
The Pythagoric Sentences of Demophilus (tr Thomas Taylor)(Demophilus)y1894v7i1-p24
An Hour in Borderland Occultism (Hypnotism, Thought Transference, Mediumship)Herbert AW Coryny1894v7i2-p3
Neo-PlatonismWE Wardy1894v7i3-p1
ReincarnationR Machelly1894v7i3-p12
Life Eternal (rprnt Journal of the American Akademe)Alexander Wildery1894v7i4-p3
What are we here for? (rprnt)CR Srinivasayangar (Sept 1891)y1894v7i4-p18
Theosophy & the Alcohol QuestionHerbert Coryny1894v7i5-p1
The World we Live inR Machelly1894v7i5-p12
The Language of SymbolsSGP Coryny1894v7i6-p1
On the Higher Aspect of Theosophic Studies (rprnt)Mohini M Chatterji (March 1885)y1894v7i6-p10
ConsciousnessRB Holty1894v7i7-p3
The Heresy of Separateness (rprnt Lutr)J.y1894v7i7-p19
The Myth of Prometheus, or the Coming of Creative Power to ManC.y1894v7i8-p3
PlethoraRC Fishery1894v7i9-p3
Freewill (Free Will) & Karma (rprnt Lutr June 1893)William Kingslandy1894v7i9-p12
Philosophy & Ethics of the Zoroasters (rprnt Journal of the American Akademe, Nov 1885)Alexander Wildery1894v7i10-p3
Zoroastrism: An AfterwordAWy1894v7i10-p18
The Doctrine of the ResurrectionAM Glassy1894v7i11-p1
The Cambridge Platonists - A LectureWilliam C Wardy1894v7i12-p3
The Enthusiasm of Neophytes (rprnt)Francis Annesley (June 1890)y1894v7i12-p18
Extracts from the Treatise of Synesius on Providence (rprnt The Select Works of Plotinus)tr Thomas Taylor, London 1817y1894v7i13-p1
The Re-incarnating Ego (rprnt New Californian July 1892)Jerome A. Andersony1894v7i14-p3
The Evolution of ManFellow AE Clovery1894v7i14-p12
PrefaceEd. TPSy1895v7i15-p3
An Essay On the Beautiful (from the Greek of Plotinus) Introduction (rprnt 1792)Thomas Taylory1895v7i15-p4
Showing 251 to 300 of 305 entries