The Qualifications needed for Practical Occultism (rprnt) | TCC (May 1892) | y1893 | v6 | i7 | - | p17 |
Egyptian Belief - Theosophically Considered | PW Bullock | y1893 | v6 | i8 | - | p1 |
What is Prana? | Herbert Coryn | y1893 | v6 | i8 | - | p22 |
Occult Physiology (rprnt) | Narrainasawmy Iyer (March 1891) | y1893 | v6 | i9 | - | p1 |
Notes on Hata (Hatha) Yoga (rprnt) | Solar Sphinx (Dec 1886) | y1893 | v6 | i9 | - | p11 |
Brahmopanishad of the Yajur Veda (rprnt) | CR Srinivasa Ayangar (Feb 1891) | y1893 | v6 | i9 | - | p13 |
filler - Gleanings | various | y1893 | v6 | i9 | - | p20 |
Notes on Nirvana (rprnt Lutr March, April, May 1893) | GRS Mead | y1893 | v6 | i10 | - | p3 |
Evolution | RB Holt | y1893 | v6 | i11 | - | p3 |
Peace of Mind | W Beale | y1893 | v6 | i11 | - | p20 |
The Legend of the Grail | Reginald Machell | y1893 | v6 | i12 | - | p3 |
Karma | Reginald Machell | y1893 | v6 | i12 | - | p11 |
The Zodiac (precession & the Yugas) | SGP Coryn | y1893 | v6 | i13 | - | p3 |
Pundari - A Story of the Buddha (rprnt The New Californian) | Lafcadio Hearn | y1893 | v6 | i13 | - | p18 |
A Word on Man, his Nature & his Powers | Annie Besant | y1893 | v6 | i14 | - | p1 |
Christian Rosenkreuz & the Rosicrucians | W Wynn Westcott | y1894 | v6 | i15 | - | p1 |
The Platonic Philosopher's Creed (rprnt Miscellanies in Prose & Verse, London, 1820) | Thomas Taylor | y1894 | v6 | i15 | - | p15 |
"Man & His Creators" | Charlotte E Woods | y1894 | v6 | i16 | - | p3 |
Epidemics from the Theosophical Standpoint (rprnt) | PM Johns (Jan 1893) | y1894 | v6 | i16 | - | p16 |
Occultism Past & Present | PWB | y1894 | v6 | i17 | - | p3 |
Freewill (rprnt New Californian Sept 1892) | W Main | y1894 | v6 | i17 | - | p15 |
Theosophy the True Basis of True Socialism | RB Holt | y1894 | v6 | i18 | - | p3 |
In the Shadow of the Gods | Thomas Williams | y1894 | v6 | i18 | - | p14 |
The Ethical Aspect of Theosophy not the Only Aspect | HT Edge | y1894 | v6 | i18 | - | p19 |
Moral Aspect of Karma | E Adams | y1894 | v7 | i1 | - | p1 |
The Pythagoric Sentences of Demophilus (tr Thomas Taylor) | (Demophilus) | y1894 | v7 | i1 | - | p24 |
An Hour in Borderland Occultism (Hypnotism, Thought Transference, Mediumship) | Herbert AW Coryn | y1894 | v7 | i2 | - | p3 |
Neo-Platonism | WE Ward | y1894 | v7 | i3 | - | p1 |
Reincarnation | R Machell | y1894 | v7 | i3 | - | p12 |
Life Eternal (rprnt Journal of the American Akademe) | Alexander Wilder | y1894 | v7 | i4 | - | p3 |
What are we here for? (rprnt) | CR Srinivasayangar (Sept 1891) | y1894 | v7 | i4 | - | p18 |
Theosophy & the Alcohol Question | Herbert Coryn | y1894 | v7 | i5 | - | p1 |
The World we Live in | R Machell | y1894 | v7 | i5 | - | p12 |
The Language of Symbols | SGP Coryn | y1894 | v7 | i6 | - | p1 |
On the Higher Aspect of Theosophic Studies (rprnt) | Mohini M Chatterji (March 1885) | y1894 | v7 | i6 | - | p10 |
Consciousness | RB Holt | y1894 | v7 | i7 | - | p3 |
The Heresy of Separateness (rprnt Lutr) | J. | y1894 | v7 | i7 | - | p19 |
The Myth of Prometheus, or the Coming of Creative Power to Man | C. | y1894 | v7 | i8 | - | p3 |
Plethora | RC Fisher | y1894 | v7 | i9 | - | p3 |
Freewill (Free Will) & Karma (rprnt Lutr June 1893) | William Kingsland | y1894 | v7 | i9 | - | p12 |
Philosophy & Ethics of the Zoroasters (rprnt Journal of the American Akademe, Nov 1885) | Alexander Wilder | y1894 | v7 | i10 | - | p3 |
Zoroastrism: An Afterword | AW | y1894 | v7 | i10 | - | p18 |
The Doctrine of the Resurrection | AM Glass | y1894 | v7 | i11 | - | p1 |
The Cambridge Platonists - A Lecture | William C Ward | y1894 | v7 | i12 | - | p3 |
The Enthusiasm of Neophytes (rprnt) | Francis Annesley (June 1890) | y1894 | v7 | i12 | - | p18 |
Extracts from the Treatise of Synesius on Providence (rprnt The Select Works of Plotinus) | tr Thomas Taylor, London 1817 | y1894 | v7 | i13 | - | p1 |
The Re-incarnating Ego (rprnt New Californian July 1892) | Jerome A. Anderson | y1894 | v7 | i14 | - | p3 |
The Evolution of Man | Fellow AE Clover | y1894 | v7 | i14 | - | p12 |
Preface | Ed. TPS | y1895 | v7 | i15 | - | p3 |
An Essay On the Beautiful (from the Greek of Plotinus) Introduction (rprnt 1792) | Thomas Taylor | y1895 | v7 | i15 | - | p4 |