The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Theosophical Siftings

Theosophy & the Churches(HP Blavatsky)y1888v1i1-p1
"Lucifer" to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Greeting! (rprnt Lutr Dec 1887)(HP Blavatsky)y1888v1i1-p1
Ancient Opinions Upon Psychic Bodies (rprnt)CC Massey (Dec 1879)y1888v1i2-p15
The Popular Idea of Soul Survival (rprnt)(HPB) (Dec 1879)y1888v1i2-p20
A Synopsis of Baron du Prel's "Philosophie der Mystik" (rprnt Transactions of the LL)Bertram Keightleyy1888v1i3-p1
The Theosophical Movement (from the Calcutta Review)AP Sinnetty1888v1i4-p1
What is the Theosophical Society? An Opinion in regard to what it ought to be (rprnt The Path)anony1888v1i4-p9
What is True Christianity? (rprnt The Path)Franz Hartmann (Hartmam)y1888v1i4-p12
What Are Theosophists? (rprnt)anon (HPB) (Oct 1879)y1888v1i4-p16
What is Matter & What is Force? (rprnt)anon (KH) (Sept 1882)y1888v1i5-p1
The New Epidemics (rprnt)anon (XX) (June 1886)y1888v1i5-p11
ReincarnationTB Harbottley1888v1i6-p1
Divyatchakchus (The "Infinite Perception" of Japanese Esotericism)C Pfoundes (Omoie)y1888v1i6-p9
Esoteric Buddhism (rprnt Dublin University Review July 1885)Charles Johnstony1888v1i6-p14
The Religions of Japan (Sadasad Vikaram na Sahate) (rprnt)anon (Oct 1881)y1888v1i6-p18
Practical Occultism - Important to Students (rprnt Lutr April 1888)HP Blavatskyy1888v1i7-p1
Occultism versus the Occult Arts (rprnt Lutr May 1888)HP Blavatskyy1888v1i7-p8
Epitome of Theosophical TeachingsWilliam Quan Judgey1888v1i8-p1
Keely's Secrets - IntroductionR Hartey1888v1i9-p1
Keely's Secrets (1) Etheric Force Identified as Dynaspheric ForceMrs Bloomfield Moorey1888v1i9-p10
Keely's Secrets (2) One Phase of Keely's Discovery in its Relation to the Cure of DiseaseClara J Bloomfield Moorey1888v1i9-p24
Nature-Spirits or ElementalsNizida (likely Louise Off)y1888v1i10-p1
(On) the Difference between Elementals & ElementariesNiziday1888v1i10-p15
The Higher ScienceWilliam Kingslandy1888v1i11-p1
Was Jesus a Perfect Man? - by the New LightFDy1888v1i12-p1
The Hebrew Talisman - IntroductionRichard Hartey1888v1i13-p1
The Hebrew Talisman (rprntd from rare pamphlet circa 1836)anony1888v1i13-p5
SelflessnessPilgrim (likely Wm Scott Elliott)y1888v1i14-p4
"Thelyphthoria" [exploitation of women]Harij (likely JD Buck)y1888v1i14-p11
(with unbound coloured diagram) The Taro - or Divination by Cardsanony1888v1i14-p17
(a) illustration - unbound coloured diagramanony1888v1i14-p18
Swedenborg Bifrons; or Swedenborg, the New Church Sect, & the Theosophical Society - A Critiquean FTSy1888v1i15-p1
Theosophical Concepts of Evolution & Religionanony1888v1i16-p1
The Inter-Relation of Supernatural PhenomenaJW Brodie Innesy1889v1i17-p5
The Ethics of TheosophyKatharine Hillardy1889v1i17-p14
Parabrahm (tr from Le Lotus by GRS Mead)Amaravella (Edouard J Coulomb)y1889v1i18-p1
advertisement - booksTheosophical Publishing Company, Londony1889v2i1-p2
advertisement - booksTheosophical Publishing Company, Londony1889v2i1-p3
plate - Scholae magicae Typus (alchemical iconic imagery)(Allen Scott)y1889v2i1-p4
Alchemy - Difficulties & Dangers in its PursuitParabolanusy1889v2i1-p5
The Possibilities of Scientific ProphecySylvester Baxtery1889v2i2-p1
The Five EnemiesAlexander Fullertony1889v2i2-p10
Theosophy as a Guide in Lifeanony1889v2i2-p17
The Curse of SeparatenessJW Brodie-Innesy1889v2i3-p1
Mutual & Interdependent Action of Karma & Free Willanony1889v2i3-p6
Divine Heartache (rprnt)anon (Gyanbhikshachari) (June 1887)y1889v2i3-p12
"The Old Wisdom-Religion", now called "Theosophy"JD Bucky1889v2i4-p1
The Genius of Christendom & The Law of Christanony1889v2i4-p20
Universal BrotherhoodAlexander Fullertony1889v2i5-p1
Showing 1 to 50 of 305 entries