The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Transactions Annual Congresses of the Federation of European Sections Theosophical Society

Part (1) - Officialanony1904v1-Junep1
Contents of Part (1)anony1904v1-Junep2
List of Officers & Members - President - Mrs Besant - Council of the Federation - Sectional Committeesanony1904v1-Junep3
Members of the Congress (from Holland, France, Germany, UK, others)anony1904v1-Junep5
Statement of Accounts for 1903-1904anony1904v1-Junep13
Opening Meeting (Salutations & Congratulations)variousy1904v1-Junep14
Meetings of (seven) Departmentsanony1904v1-Junep20
(A) BrotherhoodTh Pascaly1904v1-Junep20
(B) Comparative Religion, Mysticism, Folklore, etcMrs Windusty1904v1-Junep21
(C) PhilosophyBertram Keightleyy1904v1-Junep23
(D) Science (including "Borderland" sciences)AC Wallery1904v1-Junep24
(E) ArtAJ Cnoop-Koopmansy1904v1-Junep25
(F) Administration, Propaganda, Methods of WorkFraulein von Siversy1904v1-Junep26
(G) OccultismWB Frickey1904v1-Junep27
Exhibition of Arts & Craftsanony1904v1-Junep29
Public Meetingsanony1904v1-Junep30
Receptions & Entertainmentsanony1904v1-Junep32
Closing Meetinganony1904v1-Junep34
Regulations (passed March 1904)anony1904v1-Junep35
(summaries of) Meetings of the Council of the Federation (June 1904)anony1904v1-Junep37
Constitution & Rules of the Federation of European Sections of the TSanony1904v1-Junep46
Part (2) General Addressesanony1904v1-Junep49
Contents of Part (2)anony1904v1-Junep50
Address of WelcomeWB Frickey1904v1-Junep51
Presidential AddressAnnie Besanty1904v1-Junep53
Secretary's ReportJohan Van Maneny1904v1-Junep59
(in French) Réminiscences sur Mme HP BlavatskyUne Amiey1904v1-Junep63
(in French) Reminiscences sur Mme HP BlavatskyUne Amiey1904v1-Junep63
Part (3) - Departmental Papersanony1904v1-Junep67
Contents of part (3)anony1904v1-Junep68
Department A - Brotherhoodanony1904v1-Junep69
Contents of Department Aanony1904v1-Junep70
Fraternity as found in the laws of Primitive RacesE Weisey1904v1-Junep71
(in French) Le droit de Suffrage dans les NationsDA Cormesy1904v1-Junep77
Practical BrotherhoodS Edgar Aldermany1904v1-Junep83
Department B - Comparative Religion, Mysticism, Folkloreanony1904v1-Junep89
Contents of Department Banony1904v1-Junep90
The Religion of the Future - An aspect of VaishnavismPurnendu Narayana Sinhay1904v1-Junep91
The Bhagavad GitaC Jinarajadasay1904v1-Junep99
Some Counsels of Saint TeresaJMIy1904v1-Junep117
(in Dutch) Kitab TasaoefD van Hinloopen Labbertony1904v1-Junep125
Traces of the "Wisdom" Teaching in the Italian RenaissanceIsabel Cooper-Oakleyy1904v1-Junep149
Department C - Philosophyanony1904v1-Junep155
Contents of Department Canony1904v1-Junep156
(in German) Mathematik und OccultismusDr Rudolf Steinery1904v1-Junep157
The Relation between the Self & the Not-SelfBhagavan Dasy1904v1-Junep165
(in italian) Un Filosofo Ermetico Italiano del Secolo XVII (FG Borri)Decio Calvariy1904v1-Junep179
(in French) Symetrie et RhytmeGaston Polaky1904v1-Junep201
(in French) Symétrie et RhytmeGaston Polaky1904v1-Junep201
As Above, so Below (see The Theosophical Review, v34 page 456)GRS Meady1904v1-Junep221
Showing 1 to 50 of 415 entries