Questions by Members dealt with by Mr Mohini at a Meeting of the Lodge held on the 11th June 1884 | Mohini M Chatterji | y1884 | - | i1 | June | p3 |
A Paper on Kama-Loca & the bearings of the Esoteric Doctrine on Spiritualism | AP Sinnett | y1884 | - | i2 | December | p3 |
On the Higher Aspects of Theosophic Studies | Mohini M Chatterji | y1885 | - | i3 | January | p3 |
A Synopsis of Baron Du Prel's "Philosophie der Mystik" | Bertram Keightley | y1885 | - | i4 | February | p3 |
A Paper on Reincarnation | Francesca Arundale | y1885 | - | i5 | March | p3 |
The Theosophical Movement (in this country has naturally been misunderstood.) | AP Sinnett | y1885 | - | i6 | June | p3 |
Note by Mr Mohini | Mohini M Chatterji | y1885 | - | i6 | June | p15 |
The Higher Self | AP Sinnett | y1885 | - | i7 | October | p3 |
The Theosophical Society & its Work | Mohini M Chatterji | y1885 | - | i8 | December | p3 |
A Paper on Krishna | Mohini M Chatterji | y1886 | - | i9 | June | p1 |
On Mesmerism | AP Sinnett | y1886 | - | i10 | July | p1 |
Theosophy in the Works of Richard Wagner | William Ashton Ellis | y1886 | - | i11 | August | p1 |
Buddha's Teaching | AP Sinnett | y1887 | - | i12 | July | p1 |
The Relations of the Lower & the Higher Self | AP Sinnett | y1887 | - | i13 | August | p1 |
Karma in the Animal Kingdom | Mrs AP Sinnett | y1889 | - | i14 | November | p1 |
On Free Will & Necessity regarded in the Light of Reincarnation & Karma | AP Sinnett | y1890 | - | i15 | February | p1 |
Faith | Pilgrim (W Scott-Elliot) | y1890 | - | i16 | March | p1 |
The Evolution of Humanity | W Scott-Elliot | y1893 | - | i17 | February | p3 |
The Human Aura | AP Sinnett | y1893 | - | i18 | July | p3 |
The Pyramids & Stonehenge | AP Sinnett | y1893 | - | i19 | December | p3 |
Masters of Wisdom | Bertram Keightley | y1894 | - | i20 | April | p3 |
Vehicles of Consciousness | W Scott-Elliot | y1894 | - | i21 | May | p3 |
The Culture of the Soul | Annie Besant | y1894 | - | i22 | June | p3 |
Modern Spiritualism (The Phenomena of Spiritualism considered in the Light of Theosophic Teaching) | AP Sinnett | y1895 | - | i23 | March | p3 |
The Astral Plane | CW Leadbeater | y1895 | - | i24 | April | p3 |
The Path of Initiation | AP Sinnett | y1895 | - | i25 | May | p3 |
The Lunar Pitris | Mrs AP Sinnett & W Scott-Elliot | y1895 | - | i26 | August | p3 |
Dreams | CW Leadbeater | y1895 | - | i27 | December | p3 |
The Future that Awaits Us | Annie Besant | y1896 | - | i28 | January | p3 |
Atlantis - A Geographical, Historical, & Ethnological Sketch | W Scott-Elliot | y1896 | - | i29 | February | p1 |
The System to which we Belong | AP Sinnett | y1896 | - | i30 | April | p3 |
The Beginnings of the Fifth Race | AP Sinnett | y1897 | - | i31 | February | p3 |
Apollonius of Tyana | AP Sinnett | y1898 | - | i32 | January | p3 |
The Constitution of the Ego | AP Sinnett | y1899 | - | i33 | February | p3 |
Karma (The Extent & Limitations of our Knowledge) | AP Sinnett | y1899 | - | i34 | November | p3 |
Hindoos & Europeans | AP Sinnett | y1901 | - | i35 | March | p3 |
Obscure Problems of Karma & Rebirth | AP Sinnett | y1902 | - | i36 | April | p3 |
The Animal Kingdom | AP Sinnett | y1902 | - | i37 | June | p3 |
The Constitution of the Earth | AP Sinnett | y1903 | - | i38 | May | p3 |
The Law of Sacrifice | W Scott-Elliot | y1903 | - | i39 | October | p3 |
Vibrations | AP Sinnett | y1906 | - | i40 | April | p3 |