The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Transactions of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society first series

Questions by Members dealt with by Mr Mohini at a Meeting of the Lodge held on the 11th June 1884Mohini M Chatterjiy1884-i1Junep3
A Paper on Kama-Loca & the bearings of the Esoteric Doctrine on SpiritualismAP Sinnetty1884-i2Decemberp3
On the Higher Aspects of Theosophic StudiesMohini M Chatterjiy1885-i3Januaryp3
A Synopsis of Baron Du Prel's "Philosophie der Mystik"Bertram Keightleyy1885-i4Februaryp3
A Paper on ReincarnationFrancesca Arundaley1885-i5Marchp3
The Theosophical Movement (in this country has naturally been misunderstood.)AP Sinnetty1885-i6Junep3
Note by Mr MohiniMohini M Chatterjiy1885-i6Junep15
The Higher SelfAP Sinnetty1885-i7Octoberp3
The Theosophical Society & its WorkMohini M Chatterjiy1885-i8Decemberp3
A Paper on KrishnaMohini M Chatterjiy1886-i9Junep1
On MesmerismAP Sinnetty1886-i10Julyp1
Theosophy in the Works of Richard WagnerWilliam Ashton Ellisy1886-i11Augustp1
Buddha's TeachingAP Sinnetty1887-i12Julyp1
The Relations of the Lower & the Higher SelfAP Sinnetty1887-i13Augustp1
Karma in the Animal KingdomMrs AP Sinnetty1889-i14Novemberp1
On Free Will & Necessity regarded in the Light of Reincarnation & KarmaAP Sinnetty1890-i15Februaryp1
FaithPilgrim (W Scott-Elliot)y1890-i16Marchp1
The Evolution of HumanityW Scott-Ellioty1893-i17Februaryp3
The Human AuraAP Sinnetty1893-i18Julyp3
The Pyramids & StonehengeAP Sinnetty1893-i19Decemberp3
Masters of WisdomBertram Keightleyy1894-i20Aprilp3
Vehicles of ConsciousnessW Scott-Ellioty1894-i21Mayp3
The Culture of the SoulAnnie Besanty1894-i22Junep3
Modern Spiritualism (The Phenomena of Spiritualism considered in the Light of Theosophic Teaching)AP Sinnetty1895-i23Marchp3
The Astral PlaneCW Leadbeatery1895-i24Aprilp3
The Path of InitiationAP Sinnetty1895-i25Mayp3
The Lunar PitrisMrs AP Sinnett & W Scott-Ellioty1895-i26Augustp3
DreamsCW Leadbeatery1895-i27Decemberp3
The Future that Awaits UsAnnie Besanty1896-i28Januaryp3
Atlantis - A Geographical, Historical, & Ethnological SketchW Scott-Ellioty1896-i29Februaryp1
The System to which we BelongAP Sinnetty1896-i30Aprilp3
The Beginnings of the Fifth RaceAP Sinnetty1897-i31Februaryp3
Apollonius of TyanaAP Sinnetty1898-i32Januaryp3
The Constitution of the EgoAP Sinnetty1899-i33Februaryp3
Karma (The Extent & Limitations of our Knowledge)AP Sinnetty1899-i34Novemberp3
Hindoos & EuropeansAP Sinnetty1901-i35Marchp3
Obscure Problems of Karma & RebirthAP Sinnetty1902-i36Aprilp3
The Animal KingdomAP Sinnetty1902-i37Junep3
The Constitution of the EarthAP Sinnetty1903-i38Mayp3
The Law of SacrificeW Scott-Ellioty1903-i39Octoberp3
VibrationsAP Sinnetty1906-i40Aprilp3
Showing 1 to 41 of 41 entries