The United Nations Demonstrates Synthesis, Unity And Fusion | Emily Skillen | y1969 | v43 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p142 |
The World Needs Knowers | M. E. Haselhurst | y1969 | v43 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p147 |
The New Generation - What Is It? | Frances Vejtasa | y1969 | v43 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p150 |
Beliefs | E.M.P.B. | y1969 | v43 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p153 |
Conchsound In The Hills - The Shape of a Heartbeat | Will Inman | y1969 | v43 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p154 |
Desiderata | - | y1969 | v43 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p155 |
The Present Student Unrest - Part II | Jacques Bousquet | y1969 | v43 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p156 |
High Voltage Words - Authority | - | y1969 | v43 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p158 |
Editorial - Light On Our Way | Editorial | y1969 | v43 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p161 |
Through Testing To Triumph | Djwhal Khul | y1969 | v43 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p163 |
The Reappearance of the Christ - 5 | Mary Bailey | y1969 | v43 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p166 |
On Symbolism - Part 2 | G. A. Jansen | y1969 | v43 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p169 |
New Values | J. de la Roche | y1969 | v43 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p174 |
A New Man For A New Age | Robert L. Costas | y1969 | v43 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p179 |
Union Through Synthesis | Alfred Pratt | y1969 | v43 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p182 |
Teilhard De Chardin And Synthesis | Alice Bostock | y1969 | v43 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p186 |
Conchsound From The Hills - Incarnation In Our Time? | Will Inman | y1969 | v43 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p189 |
Meditation On The Flame of a Candle - Light | Francis Merchant | y1969 | v43 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p190 |
Editorial - Reorientation | Editorial | y1970 | v43 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p193 |
The Immediate Task Ahead | Djwhal Khul | y1970 | v43 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p194 |
From Incarnation To Incarnation | M. E. Haselhurst | y1970 | v43 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p196 |
Meditations On The Flame of a Candle - Transformation | Francis Merchant | y1970 | v43 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p201 |
Esotericism Through Science | Michael K. Kaprielian | y1970 | v43 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p202 |
New Publications Acknowledged | - | y1970 | v43 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p206 |
The Challenge Of Change | Charles A. Wells | y1970 | v43 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p207 |
Youth and the Human Rights Gap | Rene Maheu | y1970 | v43 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p212 |
The Miracles Of '69 | - | y1970 | v43 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p214 |
Meditation: A Way Of Life | Mary Bailey | y1970 | v43 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p216 |
From The Editor's Desk | E.M.S. | y1970 | v43 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p218 |
The Transcendance of the 'I' | M. J. Bittencount | y1970 | v43 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p219 |
Letter To The Editor: Initiation On The Moon | Arthur P. Moore | y1970 | v43 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p220 |
Moon Chart For 1970 | - | y1970 | v43 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p222 |
Full Moon Approach To The Hierarchy | - | y1970 | v43 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p223 |
Editorial - Peace And Progress | Editorial | y1970 | v43 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p225 |
The Three Major Spiritual Festivals | - | y1970 | v43 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p226 |
The Reappearance of the Christ (6): New Life In A New Setting | Mary Bailey | y1970 | v43 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p229 |
Many Mansions | E. M. Holt | y1970 | v43 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p233 |
The New Time Religion | Charles A. Wells | y1970 | v43 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p238 |
Reality | M. E. Haselhurst | y1970 | v43 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p240 |
Five Points Of Life | A Student | y1970 | v43 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p243 |
Conchsound In The Hills: If Man Is Fallen, Shall We Rise? | Will Inman | y1970 | v43 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p246 |
From The Editor's Desk: The Co-Operators | M.B. | y1970 | v43 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p248 |
Mystery Of Pluto, Venus And Saturn | Michael Aprielian | y1970 | v43 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p250 |
Editorial - Many Are Called | Editorial | y1970 | v43 | i9 | May-Jun | p257 |
Invocation And Evocation | Djwhal Khul | y1970 | v43 | i9 | May-Jun | p259 |
The One Life: Identification With The Whole | Winifred H. Brewin | y1970 | v43 | i9 | May-Jun | p262 |
The Age Of Restoration | E.M. Holt | y1970 | v43 | i9 | May-Jun | p269 |
The Student Of Tomorrow | Rene Habachi | y1970 | v43 | i9 | May-Jun | p272 |
Laying It On The Line | Rev. Tom Rehorn | y1970 | v43 | i9 | May-Jun | p276 |
Who Is He That Comes? | Foster Bailey | y1970 | v43 | i9 | May-Jun | p280 |