The Reappearance of the Christ - VIII: Planetary Redemption | Mary Bailey | y1971 | v44 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p184 |
Group Meditation | Foster Bailey | y1971 | v44 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p187 |
Creative Work In Triangles | W. H. Davies | y1971 | v44 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p189 |
Editorial - The Alternative | Editorial | y1972 | v44 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p193 |
Laws And Their Effects | Djwhal Khul | y1972 | v44 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p195 |
Winds Of Spirit | A. J. Rydholm | y1972 | v44 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p197 |
Labours Of Hercules, Labour IV, Part I | Alice A. Bailey | y1972 | v44 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p203 |
The Breath Of Life | A Student | y1972 | v44 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p206 |
The New Interim Philosophy | Foster Bailey | y1972 | v44 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p208 |
Steps Towards The One World | Sander Feinberg | y1972 | v44 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p211 |
The Feminine Aspect Of Deity | Sandra Hodson | y1972 | v44 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p214 |
Skies Are Not So Dark | Alice Bostock | y1972 | v44 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p216 |
The Greatest Test | - | y1972 | v44 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p221 |
The Problems Of Humanity | - | y1972 | v44 | i7 | Jan-Feb | p222 |
Editorial - Emerging Spiritual Livingness | Editorial | y1972 | v44 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p25 |
The Chain Of Hierarchy | Djwhal Khul | y1972 | v44 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p227 |
Study To Be Quiet | M. E. Haselhurst | y1972 | v44 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p229 |
Steps Towards The One World - Part 2 | Sander Feinberg | y1972 | v44 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p231 |
The Labours Of Hercules, Labour IV, Part 2 | Alice Bailey | y1972 | v44 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p235 |
Creating A Spiritual Public Opinion | Enzio Savoini | y1972 | v44 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p240 |
Causes And Principles | J. J. G. Bourne | y1972 | v44 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p245 |
Changing Human Nature | Irving F. Laucks | y1972 | v44 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p250 |
Growth Towards Spiritual Wholeness | Will Inman | y1972 | v44 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p253 |
Will, Love And Active Intelligence | A Student | y1972 | v44 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p254 |
Editorial - Towards Synthesis | Editorial | y1972 | v44 | i9 | May-Jun | p257 |
Sensitivity To Impression | Djwhal Khul | y1972 | v44 | i9 | May-Jun | p258 |
The New Occultism | Mary Bailey | y1972 | v44 | i9 | May-Jun | p261 |
The Labours Of Hercules, Labour V | Alice A. Bailey | y1972 | v44 | i9 | May-Jun | p266 |
Relationship And Wholeness | Lillian T. Schutte | y1972 | v44 | i9 | May-Jun | p274 |
Introduction To Triangles | - | y1972 | v44 | i9 | May-Jun | p278 |
The Call To Be | Rene Yohannan | y1972 | v44 | i9 | May-Jun | p280 |
The Universality Of Life | Evelyn M. Holt | y1972 | v44 | i9 | May-Jun | p283 |
Discussion Of Meditation | A group | y1972 | v44 | i9 | May-Jun | p295 |
Editorial - Relationship | Editorial | y1972 | v44 | i10 | Jul-Aug | p289 |
The Saving Principle | Djwhal Khul | y1972 | v44 | i10 | Jul-Aug | p291 |
The Labours Of Hercules, Labour VI | Alice A. Bailey | y1972 | v44 | i10 | Jul-Aug | p293 |
Values To Live By | Foster Bailey | y1972 | v44 | i10 | Jul-Aug | p299 |
Education In 1996 | Frank K. Kelly | y1972 | v44 | i10 | Jul-Aug | p301 |
The Influence Of Leo | Mary Bailey | y1972 | v44 | i10 | Jul-Aug | p304 |
Advancing The Learning Process | Frances Vejiasa | y1972 | v44 | i10 | Jul-Aug | p307 |
Glamour, Illusion And Reality | Margaret Spencer | y1972 | v44 | i10 | Jul-Aug | p311 |
A Cave In Us | Will Inman | y1972 | v44 | i10 | Jul-Aug | p313 |
The United Nations and the Human Environment | U Thant | y1972 | v44 | i10 | Jul-Aug | p314 |
A Personal Vision For Humanity | A Student | y1972 | v44 | i10 | Jul-Aug | p316 |
Editorial - The Heart Of Humanity | Editorial | y1972 | v44 | i11 | Sep-Oct | p321 |
Three Doors Into Shamballa | Djwhal Khul | y1972 | v44 | i11 | Sep-Oct | p322 |
The Labours Of Hercules, Labour VII | Alice A. Bailey | y1972 | v44 | i11 | Sep-Oct | p324 |
The Ultimate Secret | Frances Paelian | y1972 | v44 | i11 | Sep-Oct | p331 |
The Purpose Of Meditation | Lillian T. Schutte | y1972 | v44 | i11 | Sep-Oct | p336 |
Ritual and the Disciple | M. E. Haselhurst | y1972 | v44 | i11 | Sep-Oct | p339 |