Table of Contents | anon | y1923 | - | - | February | p1 |
(If we speak & write, it is but as guides ...) (Ennead 6.9.4) | Plotinus | y1923 | - | - | February | p2 |
From the Chair of Kttt Sttt | anon | y1923 | - | - | February | p3 |
filler | Dante | y1923 | - | - | February | p11 |
The Meaning & Purpose of Masonry (1) | HACW | y1923 | - | - | February | p12 |
Vers Dores (vf, in French) | Gerard de Nerval (1808-1855) | y1923 | - | - | February | p24 |
photo - The Altar of Heaven, Pekin | anon | y1923 | - | - | February | p24a+ |
Masonry's Oldest & Most Sacred Altar (The Altar of Heaven in Pekin) | CSM | y1923 | - | - | February | p25 |
filler (vf) (Truth is within ourselves) | Robert Browning | y1923 | - | - | February | p37 |
Freemasonry & the Egyptian Mysteries (A record of clairvoyant investigations) | CWL | y1923 | - | - | February | p38 |
Masonic Rites in China | DvHL | y1923 | - | - | February | p51 |
plate - Cogita Mori - Respici Finem - from an old engraving - Christian Rosenkreutz | anon | y1923 | - | - | February | p52a+ |
Lives & Doctrines of Great Master Builders (1) Christian Rosencreutz | HACW | y1923 | - | - | February | p53 |
3 fillers | Kabir, St Clement of Alexandria, anon | y1923 | - | - | February | p67 |
The "Magnum Opus" of the Freemason | JJvdL | y1923 | - | - | February | p68 |
filler - extract Kabir, poems - tr Rabindranath Tagore | Kabir | y1923 | - | - | February | p78 |
The Second Birth as Symbolised in Religions | TStJ | y1923 | - | - | February | p79 |
Tyler's Notes | The Tyler | y1923 | - | - | February | p90 |
filler - (extract Symposium) | Plato | y1923 | - | - | February | p92 |
Table of Contents | anon | y1923 | - | - | May | p1 |
extract (The Book of the Great Decease) | Gautama The Buddha | y1923 | - | - | May | p2 |
From the Chair of Kttt Sttt | anon | y1923 | - | - | May | p3 |
The Meaning & Purpose of Masonry (2) | HACW | y1923 | - | - | May | p11 |
filler | Plotinus | y1923 | - | - | May | p22 |
Plotinus & the Divine Quest | DL | y1923 | - | - | May | p23 |
filler | St Dionysius the Areopagite | y1923 | - | - | May | p29 |
Rosicrucian Prayer (strange diagram) (text) (circa 1785) | anon | y1923 | - | - | May | p30a+ |
The Rosicrucian's Prayer | VD | y1923 | - | - | May | p30 |
The Fruits of Initiation | JJvdL | y1923 | - | - | May | p31 |
The Apprentice | FH | y1923 | - | - | May | p44 |
Dhammapada I - tr Edwin Arnold | anon | y1923 | - | - | May | p48 |
The Secret of Masonry | JV | y1923 | - | - | May | p49 |
plate - Francis Bacon | anon | y1923 | - | - | May | p52a+ |
Lives & Doctrines of Great Master Builders (2a) Francis Verulam, Viscount St Albans | JJ | y1923 | - | - | May | p52 |
(2b) Francis Bacon a Rosicrucian | AAL | y1923 | - | - | May | p56 |
(2c) Francis Verulam's Prayer | (Francis Bacon) | y1923 | - | - | May | p61 |
Rudyard Kipling's "The Mother-Lodge" | CJ | y1923 | - | - | May | p63 |
The Mother Lodge | (Rudyard Kipling) | y1923 | - | - | May | p64 |
filler - Gitanjali extract | Rabindranath Tagore | y1923 | - | - | May | p66 |
The Fellowcraft Degree | EMC | y1923 | - | - | May | p67 |
filler (The religion which is to guide & fulfil ...) | Emerson | y1923 | - | - | May | p72 |
The Unbroken Tradition of Freemasonry | IWW | y1923 | - | - | May | p73 |
2 fillers | Meister Eckhardt & Plotinus | y1923 | - | - | May | p86 |
review - The Meaning of Masonry by WL Wilmshurst | KVG | y1923 | - | - | May | p87 |
review - Secret Sects of Syria & the Libanon by Bernard H Springett | KVG | y1923 | - | - | May | p90 |
Tyler's Notes - What the Tyler Sees & Hears as He Stands Without | The Tyler | y1923 | - | - | May | p92 |
Table of Contents | anon | y1923 | - | - | August | p1 |
(If we speak & write, it is but as guides ...) (Ennead 6.9.4) | Plotinus | y1923 | - | - | August | p2 |
From the Chair of Kttt Sttt | anon | y1923 | - | - | August | p3 |
3 fillers | Isaiah, Thomas Browne, Plato | y1923 | - | - | August | p8 |