The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Eclectic Theosophist

The Psychic Tide (rprnt 'Messages to Conventions' 1934)G de Puruckery1972-i9March+p1
Passing On a Vital Philosophy of LifeJan H Venemay1972-i9Marchp1
review - 'Man, Son of Man' by Sri Madhava AshishHelen Toddy1972-i9March+p2
Speaking Out - The Voice of the SilenceKenneth Smally1972-i9Marchp2
How Isis Unveiled was Written (rprnt 'Introductory' to 'Isis Unveiled')Boris de Zirkoffy1972-i9Marchp2
Theosophy and Capital Punishment (rprnt 'Path' 1895)William Q Judgey1972-i9March+p3
Ltte - Mme Blavatsky DefendedManly P Hall, Ianthe H Hoskinsy1972-i9Marchp4
Ltte - From Letters Receivedvariousy1972-i9Marchp4
The Illogic of the Death Penalty (rprnt 'Newsletter' 1971)anony1972-i9Marchp4
HPB and the Theosophical MovementHP Blavatskyy1975-i26Januaryp1
Facsimille card to JudgeHP Blavatskyy1975-i26Januaryp1
Dictionary Biography: Perfidious entry on HPBanony1975-i26Januaryp3
GuiltyIverson L Harrisy1975-i26Januaryp3
Joan of Arc: Coincidences with HPBanony1975-i26Januaryp3
reviews `American Theosophist` special issueanony1975-i26Januaryp5
American Theosophist: Reviewsanony1975-i26Januaryp5
Editorial Art and Com: On Liberal Catholic Churchanony1975-i26Januaryp6
Passing ofBrandon Beachy1975-i26Januaryp8
obituary - Passing of Inez van Asscheanony1975-i26Januaryp8
Passing ofNell Beauchampy1975-i26Januaryp8
Individualism: Dangers ofanony1975-i27Marchp1
The Greatest Adventureanony1975-i27Marchp2
Mahatma onHP Blavatskyy1975-i27Marchp5
"Meditation"KMP Mohammed Cassimy1975-i27Marchp5
On Joy and LaughterEmilio Sandoval Bresy1975-i27Marchp5
Reviews Mahatmas and Genuine OccultismGeoffrey A Barborkay1975-i27Marchp6
Reviews HPB: The MysteryTed G Davyy1975-i27Marchp6
On HPB: The MysteryJH Dubbinky1975-i27Marchp7
errata in issue #24anony1975-i27Marchp8
Fraternization: Coats onanony1975-i28Mayp1
A Standing CommitteeJohn B S Coatsy1975-i28Mayp1
Cycles: Of Body, Celestialanony1975-i28Mayp2
On Future Evolutionanony1975-i28Mayp4
Reviews Numbers: Their Occult and Mystic VirtuesJohn Draisy1975-i28Mayp5
Ethics: "Foundation for Ethics"anony1975-i28Mayp5
D.,D. V.: Esoteric keys to Christian Scripturesanony1975-i28Mayp7
Christianity : Esoteric keys christian scripturesanony1975-i28Mayp7
Life's RiddleNils Amneusy1975-i28Mayp8
Fraternization: Started by GdePanony1975-i29Julyp6
TS PresidentArthur L Congery1975-i29Julyp7
Hodgson Report: Obituary: Hodgson Reportanony1975-i29Julyp8
End of the Wasteland (on Roszak book)John B S Coatsy1975-i30Septemberp2
Ideas: Immortal Ideasanony1975-i30Septemberp2
Evolution: Darwinismanony1975-i30Septemberp3
Reviews Plato on ManGary Doorey1975-i30Septemberp5
American Theosophist: Reviewsanony1975-i30Septemberp6
reviews Gayatri: Religious Practice of HindusKatherine G Hecky1975-i30Septemberp7
Scurrilous rehash on HPBL Sprague de Campy1975-i30Septemberp7
Hinduism: Gayatrianony1975-i30Septemberp7
Pt Loma Community StudentIverson L Harrisy1975-i30Septemberp8
Showing 51 to 100 of 1461 entries