The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Eclectic Theosophist

Blavatsky Collected Writings: Complete work of HPBanony1975-i31Novemberp1
"Celebration and Self-Examination"Gary Doorey1975-i31Novemberp2
Stanzas of DzyanElsie Benjaminy1975-i31Novemberp4
Isis Unveiled: Studies in Isisanony1975-i31Novemberp5
Invited HPB and Olcott to IndiaSwami Dayananday1975-i31Novemberp6
Caves and Jungles of HindustanHP Blavatskyy1975-i31Novemberp6
reviews When Daylight ComesIverson L Harrisy1975-i31Novemberp7
When Daylight Comes BiographyHP Blavatskyy1975-i31Novemberp7
Radhakrishnan ObituaryJohn B S Coatsy1975-i31Novemberp8
Passing ofDudley Barry1975-i31Novemberp8
Letter to CoatsIverson L Harrisy1976-i32Januaryp2
To Centenary World CongressJohn B S Coatsy1976-i32Januaryp2
Thankur on Sleep and DeathElsie Benjaminy1976-i32Januaryp3
Death: "Thankur on Sleep and Death"anony1976-i32Januaryp3
Reviews Twelve Signs of the ZodiacEvangeline D Farrelly1976-i32Januaryp5
In Praise of JudgeJH Dubbinky1976-i32Januaryp5
reviews Cloud Nine: On Educational PhilosophyKatherine G Hecky1976-i32Januaryp5
On GdePGary Doorey1976-i32Januaryp7
Getting on with the JobJohn B S Coatsy1976-i33Marchp2
Bio SketchHenry T Edgey1976-i33Marchp4
Response on GdeP DisparagementElsie Benjaminy1976-i33Marchp6
Interview in "A .T"John B S Coatsy1976-i33Marchp7
Article onanony1976-i33Marchp7
Notes on Possible Publicationanony1976-i33Marchp8
Echoes of the orient vols I-III Reviewsanony1976-i34Mayp1
Reviews Echoes of the OrientJH Dubbinky1976-i34Mayp1
When Daylight Comes BiographyHP Blavatskyy1976-i34Mayp2
Forgotten Facts of Theosophical HistoryIverson L Harrisy1976-i34Mayp3
What's the use of SymbolismKatherine G Hecky1976-i34Mayp5
Affected by PlatoG Lowes Dickinsony1976-i34Mayp5
Peopling of the EarthGeoffrey A Barborkay1976-i34Mayp6
Reviews Peopling of the EarthDaniel H Caldwelly1976-i34Mayp6
Reviews The DesatirGeoffrey A Barborkay1976-i34Mayp7
Christianity : Who is Jesus?anony1976-i35Julyp1
Christianity : Vicarious Atonementanony1976-i35Julyp1
Who is Jesus?Rev Francis Eric Bloyy1976-i35Julyp1
Evolution: Darwinismanony1976-i35Julyp3
Glossary of Sanskrit and Pronunciation TapesGeoffrey A Barborkay1976-i35Julyp4
On Geoffrey ShurlockIverson L Harrisy1976-i35Julyp5
Passing ofEmmi Haertery1976-i35Julyp5
On Peter StoddardIverson L Harrisy1976-i35Julyp5
"Centenary Congress"Ted G Davyy1976-i35Julyp6
At World CongressJohn B S Coatsy1976-i35Julyp10
Capital Punishment : Judge Onanony1976-i36Septemberp1
"The Golden Rule"Henry T Edgey1976-i36Septemberp1
Hermes: Both Wisdom and Methodanony1976-i36Septemberp2
Tolerant only of SincerityElsie Benjaminy1976-i36Septemberp2
On LanguageRalph Emersony1976-i36Septemberp4
On ReunificationIverson L Harrisy1976-i36Septemberp4
Grail: Grail Yogaanony1976-i36Septemberp6
Showing 101 to 150 of 1461 entries