The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Eclectic Theosophist

HPB on Meditation and Yoga (rprnt - 'Theosophist' 1992)Geoffrey Farthingy1993v22i3Fallp10
The Three Principal Aspects of the Path to Supreme EnlightenmentTsong Khapa, trans Geshe Lhundup Sopa and J Hopkinsy1993v22i3Fallp13
Diagram of Meditation (rprnt)HP Blavatskyy1993v22i3Fallp14
CoincidencesFG Plummery1993v22i3Fallp15
obituary - Helen ToddWESy1993v22i3Fallp16
review - 'The Secret Doctrine' by HP Blavatsky, Quest 1993David Reigley1993v22i3Fallp17
And Of Magazinesanony1993v22i3Fallp18
And Of Booksanony1993v22i3Fallp18
Items of Interest - Meeting of World Religions Leads to Ethics Rulesanony1993v22i3Fallp19
Items of Interest - Krotona School of Theosophy, The Changing Face of The TS in Australiaanony1993v22i3Fallp21
Items of Interest - The Theosophical Society in New Zealand, The American Theosophistanony1993v22i3Fallp21
Items of Interest - Dual Globes of a Planetary Chain?anony1993v22i3Fallp22
Education Based on Humanism (rprnt 'Theosophical Movement' 1993)anony1993v22i3Fallp22
Ltte - From Letters Receivedvariousy1993v22i3Fallp23
HP Blavatsky on the Gnosticsanony1993v22i3Fallp23
The Message of the Sixth Patriarchanony1993v22i3Fallp24
Universal Perspective - Life Flows by Like a River (rprnt - 'Theosophia' 1980)John BS Coatsy1993v22i3Fallp27
The Astronomy of the Vedic Altars and the RgVeda (1) (rprnt - 'Mankind Quarterly')Subhash C Kaky1993v22i4Winterp1
Editorial - Hasten SlowlyEdy1993v22i4Winterp2
Ltte - From Letters ReceivedSamuel M Range, Willy Schmity1993v22i4Winterp3
Silent Music (vf)Doreen Domby1993v22i4Winterp3
Theosophic Impressions at the Parliament of the World's Religions (2)Eugene Jenningsy1993v22i4Winterp6
Echoes of the Orient (rprnt 'Dept of Branch Work' American Section 1980)William Q Judgey1993v22i4Winterp7
The Pendulum of Life - MeditationL Gordon Plummery1993v22i4Winterp10
Kalachakra and its MandalaAbhinyanoy1993v22i4Winterp12
Unmasked (vf)Doreen Domby1993v22i4Winterp12
review - 'The Book of Liberation in Life, Not Death' by Padma Sambhava, trans Robert AF ThurmanDara Eklundy1993v22i4Winterp14
review - 'Deity, Cosmos, and Man: An Outline of Esoteric Science' by Geoffrey A Farthing (rprnt - 'American Theosophist' 1993)John Algeoy1993v22i4Winterp17
review - 'Peace Pilgrim, Her Life and Work in her own Words'Rosemary Vossey1993v22i4Winterp17
review - 'The Vedanta Commentaries of HP Blavatsky' by HJ SpierenburgRonald Engelsey1993v22i4Winterp18
And Of Booksanony1993v22i4Winterp19
And Of Magazinesanony1993v22i4Winterp20
Items of Interestanony1993v22i4Winterp21
A Talk on Impermanence and DeathGeshe Dakpa Topgyaly1993v22i4Winterp22
Eastern SchoolDavid Reigley1993v22i4Winterp23
obituary - Renate Behrenbeckanony1993v22i4Winterp27
Universal Perspective - Toward the Mystic EastJohn R Beavery1993v22i4Winterp27
The Need for Constant RegenerationJohn Cokery1994v23i1Springp1
Editorial - Live and Breathe in AllKen Smally1994v23i1Springp2
Theosophy in the 21st Century - Where do we go from here?Nancy Cokery1994v23i1Springp4
The Perennial DilemmaFred Sonnabendy1994v23i1Springp5
A Wise Instance of Prison reform (rprnt - 'Theosophical Movement' 1993)anony1994v23i1Springp10
A Suggested Approach to Meditation and Spiritual Growth (rprnt 'Antahkarana')anony1994v23i1Springp10
The Extraordinary Nature of the Ordinary Mind: 'Nirvanizing' the WorldJoy Millsy1994v23i1Springp11
The Making of a MysticWR Laudahny1994v23i1Springp17
Avoid the Stilted, the Cut-and-dried Approach (rprnt 'Theosophical Forum' 1938)G de Puruckery1994v23i1Springp17
The Amazing and Fascinating Antanony1994v23i1Springp19
A Day of Inter-Theosophical DialogueDoreen Domby1994v23i1Springp20
review - 'Deity, Cosmos, and Man: An Outline of Esoteric Science' by Geoffrey A Farthing (rprnt - 'American Theosophist' 1993)John Algeoy1994v23i1Springp22
Showing 1301 to 1350 of 1461 entries