The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Eclectic Theosophist

review - 'Mystical Verses of a Mad Dalai Lama' by B Glenn MullinDara Eklundy1994v23i1Springp22
Items of Interest - The Olcott InstituteJohn Algeoy1994v23i1Springp24
Items of Interest - The Inter-Theosophical DialogueTamara Gerard, John Shafer, Christina Zubelliy1994v23i1Springp24
And Of Magazinesanony1994v23i1Springp25
Making of Mysticsanony1994v23i1Springp26
Addendum to the Inter-Theosophical Dialogue - Questioning Authority in the Theosophical Movement - A Post-Modern Theosophical RetreatJohn Shafery1994v23i1Springp26
The Battlefield of Mind (rprnt - 'Doctrine of Cycles')Lydia Rossy1994v23i1Springp26
The Rainbow Bridge (1)Francis Merchanty1994v23i2Summerp1
Loyalty and LeadershipChristmas Humphreysy1994v23i2Summerp6
Musings of the True Theosophist's Path (reprint - 'Path' 1886-7)WQ Judgey1994v23i2Summerp8
The Nature of Buddhist Meditation (2)Lama Doboom Tulkuy1994v23i2Summerp11
The Philosophy of Sufism (2)Mohamed Cassimy1994v23i2Summerp13
Dalai Lamaanony1994v23i2Summerp14
Shantarakshita, The Pure Land: A Buddhist Taleanony1994v23i2Summerp15
Reincarnation, a World-wide BeliefSteele O'Haray1994v23i2Summerp16
review - 'When We Die' by Geoffrey A FarthingGlenn H Mulliny1994v23i2Summerp21
Around the Worldanony1994v23i2Summerp22
And Of Magazines - High Country Theosophist, Protogonosanony1994v23i2Summerp25
Theosophical Reflectionsanony1994v23i2Summerp26
10 Ways to Break Meeting Gridlockanony1994v23i2Summerp26
Universal Perspective - MeditationG de Puruckery1994v23i2Summerp27
The Power of SilenceWilly Schmity1994v23i3Fallp1
Preparation for the Coming Out of the Book of DzyanDavid Reigley1994v23i3Fallp3
Our Thoughts, Our EarthRichard Robby1994v23i3Fallp5
A Civilization Founded Upon Spiritual Ideals and Cosmic Verities (rprnt - 'HP Blavatsky, The Mystery')G de Puruckery1994v23i3Fallp9
Life, Death, and the Human Situation - A Perspective on the Human PredicamentLama Doboom Tulkuy1994v23i3Fallp10
The Amazing and Fascinating Ant (rprnt 'Theosophy')anony1994v23i3Fallp12
Buddhism without SectarianismDeshung Rinpochey1994v23i3Fallp13
Nothing Too MuchHT Edgey1994v23i3Fallp17
Listening to the Hidden Singer (rprnt 'Quest')Anton Lysyy1994v23i3Fallp18
On the Parent Society of the TSDara Eklundy1994v23i3Fallp19
When Your Experiences are RealW Emmett Smally1994v23i3Fallp20
review - 'The Chalchiuhite Dragon' by Kenneth Morrisvariousy1994v23i3Fallp21
review - 'Theosophy in the Nineteenth Century: An Annotated Bibliography' by Michael Gomes (rprnt 'Theosophical History' vol 5)James Santucciy1994v23i3Fallp22
review - 'The Mahatma Letters to AP Sinnett - in Chronological Sequence' ed by Vicente R Hao Chin Jranony1994v23i3Fallp24
News and Notesanony1994v23i3Fallp24
Ltte - Preparation for the Spread of Theosophy Worldwide: The Discovery of the Book of DzyanDavid Reigley1994v23i3Fallp25
In and Out of the Real WorldWR Laudahny1994v23i3Fallp26
Buddhist Suggestions for a Just SocietyLama Doboom Tulkuy1994v23i4Winterp1
obituary - WR Laudahn. Gnostic and Mystical Theosophyedy1994v23i4Winterp5
obituary - Olive DuttaJean Coulstingy1994v23i4Winterp5
Ammonius Saccas and his Eclectic Philosophy (rprnt - 'Theosophical History Occasional Paper III' 1994)'Jean-Louis Siemons' should be James A Santucciy1994v23i4Winterp6
A Practical Nucleus of a Universal Brotherhood (rprnt 'Lucifer' 1888)HPBy1994v23i4Winterp8
Foreword (rprnt 'The Buddhist Path to Enlightenment' by Doboom Tulku)Glenn D Pagey1994v23i4Winterp8
The Relevance of Gandhi's Principles (rprnt 'Theosophy' 1995)anony1994v23i4Winterp9
Carlyle on Karma (rprnt 'Theosophical Forum' 1945)Henry T Edgey1994v23i4Winterp10
The Summit Veiled in Clouds (rprnt - 'Eclectic Theosophist' 1975)Jan Molijny1994v23i4Winterp11
Tibetan Medicine - A Spiritual Philosophy in Practice (rprnt 'Theosophical Journal 1994)Roger Worthingtony1994v23i4Winterp12
An Unfinished UniverseL Gordon Plummery1994v23i4Winterp14
Showing 1351 to 1400 of 1461 entries