The Magic in Art | Barry Seabourne | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p5 |
Theosophical Society World Congress | anon | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p7 |
Art: Primavera by Sandro Botticelli | anon | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p8 |
The Hidden History of Humanity - Evolution of Consciousness through the Rootraces | Phillip Lindsay | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p10 |
Art: Beata Beatrix by Dante Gabriel Rosseti | anon | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p18 |
The Mind of Water | Chad Manion | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p20 |
Appreciation | anon | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p25 |
Art: Love of Souls by Jean Delville | anon | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p26 |
God Prayer and Theosophy | Stephen Freeman | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p28 |
Esotericism and Psychology - The Bridge Between Spirituality and Science - 'A Theoversity Weekend' - Oxford Conference 18-19 March 2011 [Conference Information] | anon | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p31 |
Art: Parzival by Jean Delville | anon | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p32 |
Peter Brown: An Appreciation [obituary] | Members of Basingstoke Lodge | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p34 |
Lord Make me an instrument of thy peace | Attributed to St Francis of Assisi | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p35 |
Colin Byrom [obituary] | Blackburn Lodge Officers | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p35 |
Book Review: 'The View Beyond - Sir Francis Bacon: Science Alchemy Mystery' edited by Dave Patrick | Colum Hayward [information supplied] | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p36 |
Book Review: 'Good and Evil - An individual interpretation of the Secret Doctrine by Helena P Blavatsky' by Tatyana N Mickushina | Eric McGough | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p37 |
The Foundation for Theosophical Studies | anon | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p38 |
Trans-Pennine Weekend 15th-17th April 2011 - Theme: "The heart of Mysticism" | anon | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p39 |
Diary of Foundation Speakers | anon | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p40 |
Winter/Spring 2011 London Programme of Events - Theme: The Portal of Initiation | anon | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p41 |
Summer School 2010 Summaries | Roy N Fletcher | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p46 |
The Foundation for Theosophical Studies Summer School 2011 Application Forms and Information | anon | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p47 |
Further Information | anon | y2011 | v2 | i1 | Winter-Spring | p50 |
Cosmic Man or Zodiac Man [cover image: from 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berri'; source Wikipedia] | Limbourg Brothers | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p1 |
Symbols and Images of the Universe [Introduction and notes re cover image] | Barry Seabourne | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p2 |
From the Editor's Desk | Eric McGough | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p4 |
The Knower of the Field | Maurice Anslow | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p5 |
Heaven and Earth: Flammarion Wood Engraving [image: source Wikipedia, colour Hugo Heikenwaelder] | anon | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p8 |
Heaven and Earth: Flammarion Wood Engraving - Notes | Barry Seabourne | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p9 |
The Plucking of Flower Affects a Distant Star | Bhupendra R Vora | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p10 |
Book review: 'The Inner Being - Co-operating with Divinity' by Ruby Tovet | anon | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p13 |
The Path - Reginald Machell 1917 - Notes | Barry Seabourne | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p14 |
The Path [image: source Theosophical Society Pasadena USA] | Reginald Machell | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p14 |
Dante and Beatrice view the Highest Heaven: Gustav Dore - 1867 [image: source Wikipedia] - Notes | Barry Seabourne | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p16 |
The Spiritual Quest and Interreligious Brotherhood - Convention Information [notice: The Theosophical Society in Israel] | anon | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p17 |
Unlocking the Secrets of 'The Secret Doctrine': The Authentic Voice of HP Blavatsky - Review essay of 'The Secret Doctrine Commentaries - The Unpublished 1889 Instructions' by HP Blavatsky Transcribed/Annotated by Michael Gomes | Barry Thompson | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p18 |
Tree of the Cosmos [image source: Wikipedia] | Dionysius Freher | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p20 |
Jacob Boehme - Notes | Barry Seabourne | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p21 |
The New Biology | Ron Wallwork | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p22 |
The Foundation for Theosophical Studies | anon | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p23 |
Obituary - Sheila Clair Banks: An Appreciation | Maureen Atkinson | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p24 |
Esoteric Traditions in the Ancient and Modern World - Call for Papers | anon | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p25 |
Letter to the Editor: The Anthropomorphic God - A Response to Stephen Freeman | WA Simmons | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p26 |
Book Review: 'Many-Sided Wisdom' by Aidan Rankin | Atma and Cynthia Trasi | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p28 |
Diary of Foundation Speakers | anon | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p29 |
May-July 2011 London Programme of Events - Theme: Vision of the Inner Light | anon | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p32 |
Foundation for Theosophical Studies - Summer School 2011 Saturday 6 August - Saturday 13 August 2011 | anon | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p36 |
Summer School 2011 [programme] | anon | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p37 |
Deceased - Sehroo Avari Blavatsky Lodge Died November 2010 Joined 1946; Mary Brace Unattached (London Federation) Died December 2010; Joan Rollerson Unattached (NorthWestern Federation) Died January 2011 | anon | y2011 | v2 | i2 | May | p38 |
Virgin of the Rocks [detail] [image: source Wikipedia] | Leonardo da Vinci | y2011 | v2 | i3 | August | p1 |