The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


The Music of Gounod [image: source 'Thought Forms' by Annie Besant and CW Leadbeater][indexer: ? Mr John Varley, Mr Prince, Miss Macfarlane (source: 'Thought Forms')]y2012v3i3Autumnp17
EnlivenmentTim Frekey2012v3i3Autumnp18
The Psychedelic ExperienceBSy2012v3i3Autumnp20
Different Drummer [1968] [image]Peter Maxy2012v3i3Autumnp21
Who Was Madame Blavatsky? [extract: 'Madame Blavatsky: The Mother of Modern Spirituality' by Gary Lachman]Gary Lachmany2012v3i3Autumnp22
Cosmic Astrology - How knowledge of your birthchart can help you fulfil your highest destinyPaul Newmany2012v3i3Autumnp26
Contemporary 'Visionaries'BSy2012v3i3Autumnp28
I Think I Saw a Fairy [c2010] [image]Josephine Wally2012v3i3Autumnp29
Theosophical Society Northern Weekend - 26-27 May 2012 - Weekend ReflectionsAlexander Hayy2012v3i3Autumnp30
London Programme of Events - September-December 2012anony2012v3i3Autumnp31
Diary of Foundation Speakersanony2012v3i3Autumnp35
Obituary - John ClarkeKevin Tingayy2012v3i3Autumnp38
An Appreciation - Louie Lowe (1922-2012) [obituary]Maureen Atkinsony2012v3i3Autumnp38
The Ecstasy of St Theresa [image of sculpture: source Wikipedia]Giovanni Lorenzo Berniniy2012v3i4Winterp1
The Ecstasy of St Theresa by Giovanni Lorenzo BerniniBarry Seabourney2012v3i4Winterp2
From the Editor's DeskEric McGoughy2012v3i4Winterp4
The Secret of LifeBarry Seabourney2012v3i4Winterp5
Apollo and Daphne by Gian BerniniBarry Seabourney2012v3i4Winterp12
Apollo and Daphne [image of sculpture: source Wikipedia]Gian Berniniy2012v3i4Winterp13
The Secret Life of a MonadEric McGoughy2012v3i4Winterp14
Winged Victory of Samothrace c 190 BC [Notes]BSy2012v3i4Winterp18
Winged Victory of Samothrace c 190 BC [image of sculpture: source Wikipedia]anony2012v3i4Winterp19
The Secret of LifeRon Wallworky2012v3i4Winterp20
Venus de Milo 120 BC - The Goddess of Love and Beauty [Notes]Barry Seabourney2012v3i4Winterp24
Venus de Milo 120 BC - The Goddess of Love and Beauty [Image by Barry Seabourne]anony2012v3i4Winterp25
The Art of Discovering the Meaning of LifeSarah Jane Bossy2012v3i4Winterp26
The Rondanini Pieta - Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) [synopsis]Barry Seabourney2012v3i4Winterp28
The Rondanini Pieta - Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) [image of sculpture: source Wikipedia]Michelangelo Buonarrotiy2012v3i4Winterp29
Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke - 15 January 1953 - 29 August 2012 [obituary]anony2012v3i4Winterp30
Marlene Brown - An Appreciation [obituary]anony2012v3i4Winterp31
Summer School 2012Fiona Hughes, E Barbara Wintery2012v3i4Winterp32
London Programme of Events - January-March 2013 [Theme: Theosophy: The Utopian Dream]anony2012v3i4Winterp33
Speaker's Diary from January 2013anony2012v3i4Winterp37
Detail from the Mona Lisa c1506Leonardo da Vinciy2013v4i1Springp1
The SacredBarry Seabourney2013v4i1Springp2
From the Editor's DeskEric McGoughy2013v4i1Springp4
Seeking the SacredRonald A Gilberty2013v4i1Springp5
Sacred ArchitectureB Seabourney2013v4i1Springp8
St Peters in Rome [image: source Wikipedia]anony2013v4i1Springp9
The Wholly Other: The Essence of the SacredSimon Wilsony2013v4i1Springp10
Sacred Relics and ReliquariesB Seabourney2013v4i1Springp14
Byzantine Icon [image: source British Museum]anony2013v4i1Springp15
The Sacred in a Contemporary WorldBarry Thompsony2013v4i1Springp16
Sacred Art 1B Seabourney2013v4i1Springp18
Detail from Virgin of the Rocks [image: source Wikipedia]Leonardo da Vinciy2013v4i1Springp19
Sacred Art 2 - Pygmalion and GalateaB Seabourney2013v4i1Springp20
The Heart Desires [image: source Wikipedia]Edward Burne-Jonesy2013v4i1Springp21
Book Review 'Gnosticism and Gnosis' by RA GilbertBarry Seabourney2013v4i1Springp22
Sacred CosmologyBarry Seabourney2013v4i1Springp24
Humanus Novum [image]Julia Stilly2013v4i1Springp25
Showing 201 to 250 of 481 entries