The Guruparampara | Pandit Bhavani Shankar | y1975 | v1 | i4 | Apr | p159 |
The Egg | anon | y1975 | v1 | i4 | Apr | p162 |
The Religion of Solidarity | anon | y1975 | v1 | i4 | Apr | p168 |
The Function of Attention in Personal Development [reprint from Lucifer( London 1888] | anon | y1975 | v1 | i4 | Apr | p172 |
One-Pointedness | anon | y1975 | v1 | i4 | Apr | p178 |
Spiritual Conception | various | y1975 | v1 | i4 | Apr | p184 |
The Music of the Spheres (vf) | William Shakespeare | y1975 | v1 | i4 | Apr | p186 |
Theosophical Glossary | anon | y1975 | v1 | i4 | Apr | p187 |
The Stone Lion [A Tibetan Tale] | anon | y1975 | v1 | i4 | Apr | p188 |
The Time-Honoured Rules | HP Blavatsky | y1975 | v1 | i5 | May | p193 |
The Seven Stages of Cognition [reprint from Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana(] | Valmiki | y1975 | v1 | i5 | May | p194 |
The Tathagata [reprint from Vajrachchedika( 18-26] | anon | y1975 | v1 | i5 | May | p197 |
Metaphysics and Ethics: Tat Tvam Asi | anon | y1975 | v1 | i5 | May | p200 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1975 | v1 | i5 | May | p207 |
Discourse of Nous to Hermes [reprint from Corpus Hermeticum( Book XI] | anon | y1975 | v1 | i5 | May | p208 |
The Psychology of the Future | anon | y1975 | v1 | i5 | May | p210 |
Mahatmas and Chelas | HP Blavatsky | y1975 | v1 | i5 | May | p216 |
The Lotus | anon | y1975 | v1 | i5 | May | p219 |
A Lesson for Kings [A Jataka Tale] | anon | y1975 | v1 | i5 | May | p225 |
The Bodhisattva Ideal | anon | y1975 | v1 | i5 | May | p228 |
The Bodhisattva Ordination | Santideva | y1975 | v1 | i5 | May | p235 |
Then and Now | various | y1975 | v1 | i5 | May | p236 |
Glossary | anon | y1975 | v1 | i5 | May | p238 |
A Creed (vf) | John Masefield | y1975 | v1 | i5 | May | p239 |
Aquarian Axioms | anon | y1975 | v1 | i6 | Jun | p241 |
Arupa Manas [reprint from Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana(] | Valmiki | y1975 | v1 | i6 | Jun | p242 |
A Flash of Lightning [reprint from Vajrachchedika( 27-32] | anon | y1975 | v1 | i6 | Jun | p245 |
The Lodge and the Sangha | anon | y1975 | v1 | i6 | Jun | p247 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1975 | v1 | i6 | Jun | p253 |
Obscured Adepts [reprint from The Theosophical Movement( Bombay 1945] | anon | y1975 | v1 | i6 | Jun | p254 |
The Diamond | anon | y1975 | v1 | i6 | Jun | p260 |
Isis and Ra [An Egyptian Tale] | anon | y1975 | v1 | i6 | Jun | p266 |
Moment of Awakening | anon | y1975 | v1 | i6 | Jun | p269 |
Prometheus and IO | anon | y1975 | v1 | i6 | Jun | p273 |
Unconditionality | anon | y1975 | v1 | i6 | Jun | p277 |
Theosophical Glossary | anon | y1975 | v1 | i6 | Jun | p279 |
The Age of Aquarius | various | y1975 | v1 | i6 | Jun | p280 |
Humanity of the Future (vf) | Percy Bysshe Shelley | y1975 | v1 | i6 | Jun | p282 |
Harmlessness | anon | y1975 | v1 | i6 | Jun | p284 |
The Distribution of Wisdom | Thomas Paine | y1975 | v1 | i7 | Jul | p289 |
The Nature of Existence [reprint from Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana(] | Valmiki | y1975 | v1 | i7 | Jul | p290 |
The Heart Sutra [reprint from Maha Prajnaparamita Hridaya(] | anon | y1975 | v1 | i7 | Jul | p293 |
De Rerum Natura: Natura Non Facit Saltum | anon | y1975 | v1 | i7 | Jul | p295 |
Matter and Consciousness | anon | y1975 | v1 | i7 | Jul | p304 |
The Sphinx | anon | y1975 | v1 | i7 | Jul | p314 |
Moments of Choice | anon | y1975 | v1 | i7 | Jul | p322 |
To Him That Was Crucified | Walt Whitman | y1975 | v1 | i7 | Jul | p326 |
The Adepts in America in 1776 [reprint from The Theosophist( Madras 1883 | WQ Judge | y1975 | v1 | i7 | Jul | p327 |
Sri Yantra | - | y1975 | v1 | i7 | Jul | p331 |
A League of Humanity | various | y1975 | v1 | i7 | Jul | p332 |