Correlations: The Pilgrim and the Path | various | y1976 | v2 | i3 | Mar | p140 |
Ceres and Persephone: A Greek Tale | anon | y1976 | v2 | i3 | Mar | p143 |
Creativity | Plotinus | y1976 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p145 |
The Volitional City [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1976 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p146 |
The Hermetic Method | anon | y1976 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p149 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1976 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p155 |
Mahatmas as Ideals and Facts [reprint from 'The Path' New York 1893] | WQ Judge | y1976 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p156 |
The River | anon | y1976 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p160 |
Love and Death | anon | y1976 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p167 |
Beyond Distinctions | anon | y1976 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p176 |
Jacob Boehme | anon | y1976 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p178 |
Glossary | anon | y1976 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p186 |
A Thing of Beauty (vf) | John Keats | y1976 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p187 |
Correlation: Cheerfulness | various | y1976 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p188 |
A Parable | Lafcadio Hearns | y1976 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p190 |
Return to Kapilavastu | anon | y1976 | v2 | i5 | May | p193 |
Seeing the Tathagatas [reprint from 'Gandavyuba Sutra'] | anon | y1976 | v2 | i5 | May | p194 |
By Their Fruits… | anon | y1976 | v2 | i5 | May | p195 |
The Mahatma [reprint from 'The Theosophist' Bombay 1884] | HP Blavatsky | y1976 | v2 | i5 | May | p201 |
The Atmajnyani [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1976 | v2 | i5 | May | p204 |
Nitya Pralaya: Ceaseless Dissolution | anon | y1976 | v2 | i5 | May | p207 |
The Elephant | anon | y1976 | v2 | i5 | May | p214 |
The Rosicrucian Movement | anon | y1976 | v2 | i5 | May | p225 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1976 | v2 | i5 | May | p233 |
Correlation: Direct Cognition | various | y1976 | v2 | i5 | May | p235 |
In No Strange Land (vf) | Francis Thompson | y1976 | v2 | i5 | May | p236 |
Glossary | anon | y1976 | v2 | i5 | May | p237 |
The Story of Shiva | Nivedita | y1976 | v2 | i5 | May | p238 |
The Fire of Devotion | Bhavani Shankar | y1976 | v2 | i6 | Jun | p241 |
Arupa Brahma [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana | Valmiki | y1976 | v2 | i6 | Jun | p242 |
Universality and Sectarianism [from 'Presidential Address' North American Theosophical Convention] | anon | y1976 | v2 | i6 | Jun | p245 |
Light in the Desert [reprint from 'Mahaparinirvana Sutra | anon | y1976 | v2 | i6 | Jun | p265 |
The Tower | anon | y1976 | v2 | i6 | Jun | p266 |
Vers Dores (vf) | Gerard de Nerval | y1976 | v2 | i6 | Jun | p274 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1976 | v2 | i6 | Jun | p275 |
Franz Anton Mesmer | anon | y1976 | v2 | i6 | Jun | p276 |
Correlations: The Secret of Being | various | y1976 | v2 | i6 | Jun | p284 |
Glossary | anon | y1976 | v2 | i6 | Jun | p286 |
The Sound of One Hand: A Zen Tale | anon | y1976 | v2 | i6 | Jun | p287 |
Fore-Runners | HP Blavatsky | y1976 | v2 | i7 | Jul | p289 |
The Sovereign Silence [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana | Valmiki | y1976 | v2 | i7 | Jul | p290 |
The Community of the Future | anon | y1976 | v2 | i7 | Jul | p294 |
Masters and Karma [reprint from 'The Friendly Philosopher'] | Robert Crosbie | y1976 | v2 | i7 | Jul | p305 |
The Vairochana Tower [reprint from 'Gandavyuha Sutra'] | anon | y1976 | v2 | i7 | Jul | p308 |
Genesis in Motion | anon | y1976 | v2 | i7 | Jul | p311 |
The Pyramid | anon | y1976 | v2 | i7 | Jul | p316 |
Sir Yantra | anon | y1976 | v2 | i7 | Jul | p323 |
Louis Claude de Saint-Martin | anon | y1976 | v2 | i7 | Jul | p324 |
The Voice Divine (vf) | Louis Claude de Saint-Martin | y1976 | v2 | i7 | Jul | p331 |
Correlations: Interaction & Self-Judgment | various | y1976 | v2 | i7 | Jul | p332 |