The Prayer That Was Answered: A Sufi Tale | anon | y1985 | v11 | i2 | Feb | p96 |
Will and Desire | WQ Judge | y1985 | v11 | i3 | Mar | p97 |
Light, Love and Hope | anon | y1985 | v11 | i3 | Mar | p98 |
Invictus (vf) | William Ernest Henley | y1985 | v11 | i3 | Mar | p110 |
Symbols: The Lake | anon | y1985 | v11 | i3 | Mar | p111 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1985 | v11 | i3 | Mar | p125 |
Peace and Contentment [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1985 | v11 | i3 | Mar | p126 |
Some Words on Daily Life | anon | y1985 | v11 | i3 | Mar | p128 |
Correlations: Altruism | various | y1985 | v11 | i3 | Mar | p132 |
Glossary | anon | y1985 | v11 | i3 | Mar | p134 |
The Converted Snake: An Indian Tale | anon | y1985 | v11 | i3 | Mar | p135 |
Ashvaghosha | anon | y1985 | v11 | i3 | Mar | p136 |
The Word and the Way (vf) [reprint from 'Evangelium Veritatis] | anon | y1985 | v11 | i4 | Apr | p145 |
Dhyana Marga | anon | y1985 | v11 | i4 | Apr | p146 |
Meditation on Emptiness | Geshe Rabten | y1985 | v11 | i4 | Apr | p158 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1985 | v11 | i4 | Apr | p161 |
Symbols: The Wind | anon | y1985 | v11 | i4 | Apr | p162 |
Glossary | anon | y1985 | v11 | i4 | Apr | p177 |
Buddhakaya (vf) [reprint from 'Avatamsaka Sutra' I] | anon | y1985 | v11 | i4 | Apr | p178 |
Correlations: Yoga and Will | various | y1985 | v11 | i4 | Apr | p180 |
Compassion (vf) | Alice Meynell | y1985 | v11 | i4 | Apr | p182 |
Nagarjuna | anon | y1985 | v11 | i4 | Apr | p183 |
Letting Go: A Zen Tale | anon | y1985 | v11 | i4 | Apr | p192 |
The Secret Gnosis | HP Blavatsky | y1985 | v11 | i5 | May | p193 |
The Mahamudra of Voidness | anon | y1985 | v11 | i5 | May | p194 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1985 | v11 | i5 | May | p206 |
Symbols: The Unicorn | anon | y1985 | v11 | i5 | May | p207 |
How Many Heavens (vf) | Edith Sitwell | y1985 | v11 | i5 | May | p221 |
Spiritual Transformation | Gyalwa Gendun Drub | y1985 | v11 | i5 | May | p222 |
Correlations: Concentration and Devotion | various | y1985 | v11 | i5 | May | p228 |
Desirelessness [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1985 | v11 | i5 | May | p230 |
The Dragon's Mouth: A Buddhist Tale | anon | y1985 | v11 | i5 | May | p232 |
Aryadeva | anon | y1985 | v11 | i5 | May | p233 |
Unity in Multiplicity (vf) [reprint from 'Isha Upanishad] | anon | y1985 | v11 | i6 | Jun | p241 |
Wisdom in Action | anon | y1985 | v11 | i6 | Jun | p242 |
Cyclic Return [reprint from 'Cyclic Impression and Return and Our Evolution' Convention of the American Section TS 25 April 1892] | WQ Judge | y1985 | v11 | i6 | Jun | p256 |
Who Knows the Lord (vf) | Lalan Shah | y1985 | v11 | i6 | Jun | p261 |
Symbols: The Line | anon | y1985 | v11 | i6 | Jun | p262 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1985 | v11 | i6 | Jun | p275 |
Correlations: The Power to Act | various | y1985 | v11 | i6 | Jun | p276 |
Meditation | anon | y1985 | v11 | i6 | Jun | p278 |
The Tathagata Seed (vf) [reprint from 'Uttaratantra' I, 146-154] | Maitreya | y1985 | v11 | i6 | Jun | p279 |
Asanga | anon | y1985 | v11 | i6 | Jun | p280 |
Love Beyond Measure | Thomas a Kempis | y1985 | v11 | i7 | Jul | p289 |
Gandhian Trusteeship in Theory and Practice: The Art of Renunciation (1) | anon | y1985 | v11 | i7 | Jul | p290 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1985 | v11 | i7 | Jul | p300 |
Symbols: The Ear | anon | y1985 | v11 | i7 | Jul | p301 |
The Divine Will [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1985 | v11 | i7 | Jul | p313 |
Bridging the Earth and Heaven (vf) [reprint from 'Atharva Veda' XI.5] | anon | y1985 | v11 | i7 | Jul | p318 |
Correlation: Fohatic Correspondence | various | y1985 | v11 | i7 | Jul | p320 |