The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


Compassion and CalmnessTenzin Gyatsoy1985v11i7Julp322
The Buddha's Fingers: A Japanese Taleanony1985v11i7Julp326
Buddhaghosa: India and Sri Lankaanony1985v11i7Julp328
The Homeless Hero [reprint from 'The Dhammapada']anony1985v11i8Augp337
Gandhian Trusteeship in Theory and Practice: Regeneration and Rebirth (2)anony1985v11i8Augp338
The Sun of Truth (vf) [reprint from 'Uttaratantra IV, 61-69]Maitreyay1985v11i8Augp348
Symbols: The Dodecahedronanony1985v11i8Augp350
Sri Yantraanony1985v11i8Augp362
Keshava in Klaki (vf) [reprint from 'Gita Govind']Jayadevay1985v11i8Augp363
The Avatar Purushaanony1985v11i8Augp366
Correlations: The Self and the Seervariousy1985v11i8Augp370
Chelas and Mediums [reprint from 'Are Chelas “Mediums”?' The Theosophist Bombay 1884]HP Blavatskyy1985v11i8Augp372
The Tree and the PoleLeonardo da Vinciy1985v11i8Augp384
Silence and Immortality (vf)Ansari of Heraty1985v11i9Sepp385
Gandhian Socialism: Isms and Individuals (1)anony1985v11i9Sepp386
Symbols: The Weedanony1985v11i9Sepp396
Sri Yantraanony1985v11i9Sepp409
Replanting Diseases for Future Use [reprint from 'The Path' New York 1892]WQ Judgey1985v11i9Sepp410
The Aeriform Intellect [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1985v11i9Sepp414
Consecration and RenunciationBhavani Shankary1985v11i9Sepp416
To Crown the Truth (vf) [reprint from 'Worship']Ralph Waldo Emersony1985v11i9Sepp420
Correlations: Practical Altruismvariousy1985v11i9Sepp422
Teaching in Secret: A Sufi Taleanony1985v11i9Sepp424
FaithMK Gandhiy1985v11i10Octp433
Gandhian Socialism: The Constructive Programme (2)anony1985v11i10Octp434
Sweeping: A Zen Taleanony1985v11i10Octp446
Striving Towards Perfection (vf)Rabindranath Tagorey1985v11i10Octp447
Symbols: The Mirroranony1985v11i10Octp448
Sri Yantraanony1985v11i10Octp461
The Sacred Thread: YajnopavitaBR Sharmay1985v11i10Octp462
Correlations: Kinship of Mankindvariousy1985v11i10Octp468
The Path of Purity (vf) [reprint from Avatamsaka Sutra' I]anony1985v11i10Octp470
The Cave of the Heart (vf) [reprint from 'Katha Upanishad']anony1985v11i11Novp481
The Seven Deadly Sins: The Historical Content (1)anony1985v11i11Novp482
Symbols: The Drumanony1985v11i11Novp493
Sri Yantraanony1985v11i11Novp508
The Throne of Self-Realization [reprint from 'Dnyaneshvari']anony1985v11i11Novp509
Worlds Upon Worlds [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1985v11i11Novp512
The Gossamer Thread (vf) [reprint from 'A Noiseless Patient Spider']Walt Whitmany1985v11i11Novp514
Initiation: A Hindu Taleanony1985v11i11Novp515
Correlation: Integrity and Iniquityvariousy1985v11i11Novp516
Return to the Root (vf)Seng Ts'any1985v11i12Decp529
Showing 1551 to 1600 of 2043 entries