Hui-Neng | anon | y1987 | v13 | i11 | Nov | p523 |
Equality and Emancipation | Percy Bysshe Shelley | y1987 | v13 | i12 | Dec | p529 |
The Healing of Elementals | anon | y1987 | v13 | i12 | Dec | p530 |
Symbols: Surya | anon | y1987 | v13 | i12 | Dec | p544 |
Yantra | anon | y1987 | v13 | i12 | Dec | p559 |
Maya and Consciousness | Hesperus | y1987 | v13 | i12 | Dec | p560 |
Dharmachakra (vf) [reprint from 'Avatansaka Sutra' XXXIX] | anon | y1987 | v13 | i12 | Dec | p565 |
Correlations: Centres of Force | various | y1987 | v13 | i12 | Dec | p566 |
Chu-Hung | anon | y1987 | v13 | i12 | Dec | p568 |
The Dervish and His Beard | Farid ud-Din Attar | y1987 | v13 | i12 | Dec | p576 |
Magnanimity [reprint from 'History of the Peloponnesian War'] | Thucydides | y1988 | v14 | i1 | Jan | p1 |
The Gandhian Bridge Between Heaven and Earth | anon | y1988 | v14 | i1 | Jan | p2 |
Symbols: Ymir | anon | y1988 | v14 | i1 | Jan | p14 |
Yantra | anon | y1988 | v14 | i1 | Jan | p29 |
Works and Days [reprint from 'The Irish Theosophist' June 1896] | George William Russell | y1988 | v14 | i1 | Jan | p30 |
Correlations: Reverting to the Real | various | y1988 | v14 | i1 | Jan | p34 |
The Yogin [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1988 | v14 | i1 | Jan | p36 |
Wisdom (vf) | Dante Gabriel Rossetti | y1988 | v14 | i1 | Jan | p38 |
Prince Shotoku | anon | y1988 | v14 | i1 | Jan | p39 |
Beyond the Game: A Buddhist Tale | anon | y1988 | v14 | i1 | Jan | p47 |
Divine Wisdom | WQ Judge | y1988 | v14 | i2 | Feb | p49 |
Civilization, Politics and Religion | anon | y1988 | v14 | i2 | Feb | p50 |
Symbols: Yggdrasill and the Norns | anon | y1988 | v14 | i2 | Feb | p62 |
Yantra | anon | y1988 | v14 | i2 | Feb | p75 |
Oh Yet We Trust (vf) | Alfred Lord Tennyson | y1988 | v14 | i2 | Feb | p76 |
Nishkama Karma | Bhavani Shankar | y1988 | v14 | i2 | Feb | p77 |
Correlations: The One Force | various | y1988 | v14 | i2 | Feb | p82 |
Keeping the Lotus Sutra (vf) [reprint from 'Lotus Sutra' XIX] | anon | y1988 | v14 | i2 | Feb | p84 |
Four Communities: A Sufi Tale | anaon | y1988 | v14 | i2 | Feb | p86 |
Saicho | anon | y1988 | v14 | i2 | Feb | p87 |
Cosmos and Limit | Ward Rutherford | y1988 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p97 |
Truth and Non-Violence | anon | y1988 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p98 |
One Fraternity (vf) | John Addington Symonds | y1988 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p113 |
Symbols: Odin | anon | y1988 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p114 |
Yantra | anon | y1988 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p127 |
Contentment [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1988 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p128 |
Self-Knowledge [reprint from 'The Path' February 1888] | WQ Judge | y1988 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p130 |
Correlations: Love of Truth | various | y1988 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p132 |
Kukai | anon | y1988 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p134 |
Seeking Justice | anon | y1988 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p144 |
Creative Insights | Troy Organ | y1988 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p145 |
Non-Violent Resistance and Social Transformation: Satyagraha (1) | anon | y1988 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p146 |
The Voice [reprint from 'The Path' April 1897] | anon | y1988 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p155 |
Symbols: Thor | anon | y1988 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p156 |
Yantra | anon | y1988 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p169 |
Unwavering Devotion (vf) | Shri Chaitanya | y1988 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p170 |
The Unbroken Sphere [reprint from 'The Yoga of the Kathopanishad'] | Shri Krishna Prem | y1988 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p172 |
Correlations: The Awakening Spirit | various | y1988 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p180 |
Beyond Standpoints [reprint from 'Yuktshashtika' 44-60] | Nagarjuna | y1988 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p182 |
Lin-Chi | anon | y1988 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p184 |