The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


Silence and Brahmacharya [reprint from 'Mahabharata']Punarvasuy1988v14i10Octp434
The Path of Renunciation [reprint from 'The Theosophical Movement' September 1940]BP Wadiay1988v14i10Octp444
Symbols: Sigurdanony1988v14i10Octp449
The Dark Night (vf)John of the Crossy1988v14i10Octp464
Correlations: Unknown Depthsvariousy1988v14i10Octp466
Turiya [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1988v14i10Octp468
The Master's Test: A Buddhist Taleanony1988v14i10Octp479
Assent and ChoiceFCS Schillery1988v14i11Novp481
The Sun of the Sun [reprint from 'Mahabharata]Punarvasuy1988v14i11Novp482
Symbols: Balderanony1988v14i11Novp488
The Omkara [reprint from 'The Theosophist' February 1880]Dadoba Pandurangy1988v14i11Novp502
The Practice of YogaDnyaneshwary1988v14i11Novp506
Hymn to AthenaPercy Bysshe Shelleyy1988v14i11Novp509
Spiritual Commandments [reprint from 'The Theosophist' July 1880]anony1988v14i11Novp510
Correlations: The Invisible Centrevariousy1988v14i11Novp512
Supreme Contemplation (vf) [reprint from 'Avatamsaka Sutra' XXXIX]anony1988v14i11Novp514
Keeper of the Shrine: A Turkish Taleanony1988v14i11Novp518
The Unseen Kingdom [reprint from 'The Gospel According to Thomas']anony1988v14i12Decp529
Devotion to the Guru: GurvashtakamAdi Shankaracharyay1988v14i12Decp530
Symbols: Ragnarokanony1988v14i12Decp534
Light of all Lights (vf)Revatiy1988v14i12Decp552
Liberty and Lucifer: Epilogue (vf) [reprint from 'La Fin de Satan']Victor Yugoy1988v14i12Decp558
The Devil Is Dead (vf)William Dentony1988v14i12Decp559
Wisdom and Wakefulness [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1988v14i12Decp560
Ten Rules of Right [reprint from 'The Theosophist' July 1880]anony1988v14i12Decp563
Compensation (vf)Ralph Waldo Emersony1988v14i12Decp564
Lord of the Dance: A Hindu Taleanony1988v14i12Decp575
Divine SupremacyEmperor Juliany1989v15i1Janp1
The Yoga Sutras: Patanjali and the 'Yoga Sutras' (3)anony1989v15i1Janp2
Symbols: Mercuryanony1989v15i1Janp10
Science and Human Nature [reprint from 'Circa' Simla 15 October 1880]Mahatma KHy1989v15i1Janp25
The God of the Upanishads [reprint from 'The Theosophist' October 1880]Jogindranath Bosey1989v15i1Janp30
Loa Tzuanony1989v15i1Janp39
Change of DirectionHugh I'anson Faussety1989v15i2Febp49
The Yoga Sutras: Samidhi Pada (4)anony1989v15i2Febp50
Symbols: Venusanony1989v15i2Febp61
The Seal of the Mysteries [reprint from 'Circa' Simla 19 October 1880]Mahatma KHy1989v15i2Febp76
Modes of Self-Consciousness [reprint from 'The Aryan Path' August 1930]JWT Masony1989v15i2Febp80
The Avatar (vf)Nammalvary1989v15i3Marp97
The Yoga Sutra: Sadhan Pada (5)anony1989v15i3Marp98
Symbols: Marsanony1989v15i3Marp109
Showing 1951 to 2000 of 2043 entries