The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

High Country Theosophist

reply to Sophia TenbroeckDavid Reigley1997v12-Augustp19
Ltte - (re problems of editing a relevant TS publication)Gloria Repkay1997v12-Augustp20
(Letter containing news from Point Loma Publications)Carmen Smally1997v12-Augustp21
(publishers note - Spirit of the Sun Publications releases two books)-y1997v12-Augustp22
Among the Adepts - Confidential Communications from the Hindu Adepts & Christian Mystics (3) A Postscript ...Franz Hartmanny1997v12-Septemberp1
Ltte - (in praise of the HCT; on an edition of Voice of the Silence)CA Bartzokasy1997v12-Septemberp6
HCT editor comments; complete diskette versions of next two items availableeditory1997v12-Septemberp9
Theosophy - Inner WisdomCA Bartzokasy1997v12-Septemberp9
Modifications of Consciousness & Cosmic UltimatesCA Bartzokasy1997v12-Septemberp10
From Internet - Building Upon What HPB WroteJerry Hejka-Ekinsy1997v12-Septemberp11
Ltte - SD ProemJohn Greschnery1997v12-Septemberp15
Man! (vf)Rich Archery1997v12-Septemberp19
Ltte - (from the Internet)Dallas TenBroecky1997v12-Septemberp20
review - Initiates of Theosophical Masters by K Paul JohnsonJohn Coopery1997v12-Septemberp22
filler - Intuition (quoted from LMW-1)KHy1997v12-Septemberp23
Among the Adepts - Confidential Communications from the Hindu Adepts & Christian Mystics (4) A Postscript ...Franz Hartmanny1997v12-Octoberp1
Theosophical Pedagogy (rprnt Theosophy Sept 1935)anon (ULT)y1997v12-Octoberp5
Theosophy - Inner Wisdom - Blavatsky on How to Approach Theosophy (Welsh compilation)variousy1997v12-Octoberp8
A Slice of Theosophical History - Aftermath (rprnt Theosophy April 1935)anon (ULT)y1997v12-Octoberp11
A Call for Papers on The Works & Influence of HP Blavatsky - conference in Edmontonanony1997v12-Octoberp13
United States Postal Service Statement of Ownership, Management & CirculationRichard Slussery1997v12-Octoberp14
advertisement - Joyful Wisdom Tour - Tibetan Music & Dance - Ganden Jangtse Monasteryanony1997v12-Octoberp16
Ltte - "Mr Farthing is right."Abhinyanoy1997v12-Octoberp25
Ltte - why give space to Nicholas Weeks? (the merit of the Alice Bailey teachings)David Keaney1997v12-Octoberp25
Pasadena TS puts (1st 300 pages of the) Secret Doctrine on Internet at Belle Dougherty & Scott J Osterhagey1997v12-Octoberp27
Shambalah, The Gobi Desert & the Origin of the White MankindAbhinyanoy1997v12-Novemberp1
Among the Adepts - Confidential Communications from the Hindu Adepts & Christian Mystics (5) A Postscript ...Franz Hartmanny1997v12-Novemberp9
Human Kindness Foundation ReportBo Lozoffy1997v12-Novemberp12
MeditationDavid Reigley1997v12-Novemberp18
Theosophy & Meditation on the Inner SelfRick Archery1997v12-Novemberp20
Ltte - re Farthing's "The Theosophical Society & its Future"Robert Hutwohly1997v12-Novemberp22
Fitting into the Nicheanony1997v12-Novemberp26
Ltte - re "The Rosicrucian Church"David Gardnery1997v12-Novemberp26
Among the Adepts - Confidential Communications from the Hindu Adepts & Christian Mystics (6) A Postscript ...Franz Hartmanny1997v12-Decemberp1
The Winter Solstice (rprnt)G de Puruckery1997v12-Decemberp4
Introducing Frank ReitemeyerFrank Reitemeyer & dsy1997v12-Decemberp7
Ltte -Geoffrey Farthingy1997v12-Decemberp11
exchange on "racist overtones in an article title"Frank Reitemeyer & dsy1997v12-Decemberp11
Ltte - from RussiaYuri Gorbunovy1997v12-Decemberp12
Ltte - corrections to an articleRobert Hutwohly1997v12-Decemberp13
Hitler, Man or Monster? (Adolph Hitler's Horoscope) (rprnt The Canadian Theosophist Sept 1934)Robert A. Hughesy1997v12-Decemberp14
review - The Psychic Revolution of the 20th Century & Our Psychic Sense by Claire G WalkerMarty Lyman & Dick Slussery1997v12-Decemberp17
High Country Theosophist joins InternetDick Slussery1997v12-Decemberp17
Upcoming Conference - Third Secret Doctrine Symposium (Oklahoma City)anony1997v12-Decemberp18
Upcoming Conference - The Works & Influence of HP Blavatsky (Edmonton, Canada)E Pelletiery1997v12-Decemberp19
Upcoming Conference - Conference on Theosophy & Modern Science (Pasadena, Calif)Alan E Donanty1997v12-Decemberp19
Among the Adepts - Confidential Communications from the Hindu Adepts & Christian Mystics (7) A Postscript to hisFranz Hartmanny1998v13-Januaryp1
obituary - In Memory of Dada (Neem Karoli Baba)Dick Slussery1998v13-Januaryp5
Plenty ReportPeter Schweitzery1998v13-Januaryp8
Theosophical Central Archives - our tasks = our goalsFrank Reitemeyery1998v13-Januaryp11
Showing 701 to 750 of 1217 entries