Ltte - Abhinyano's article mutilates HPB quotes | Mark Jaqua | y1998 | v13 | - | January | p13 |
Ltte - | John Greschner | y1998 | v13 | - | January | p13 |
Our Questions - (vf) | Rachel LaMell | y1998 | v13 | - | January | p13 |
diagram 5 from HPB's CW vol 12 p660 | HPB | y1998 | v13 | - | January | p14 |
diagram 2 from HPB's CW vol 12 p562 | HPB | y1998 | v13 | - | January | p16 |
The High Country Newsletter - Theosophist Abstracts of Back Issues | anon | y1998 | v13 | - | January | p20 |
Among the Adepts - Confidential Communications from the Hindu Adepts & Christian Mystics (8) A Postscript to his | Franz Hartmann | y1998 | v13 | - | February | p1 |
Ltte - | David Keane | y1998 | v13 | - | February | p4 |
Recap: David Keane & Yuri Gorbunov | D Slusser | y1998 | v13 | - | February | p4 |
Esoteric Journey in America (1) | Yuri Gorbunov | y1998 | v13 | - | February | p5 |
review - 'Kundun" (a film) | Abhinyano | y1998 | v13 | - | February | p8 |
Editor's comment to previous article by Abhinyano | D Slusser | y1998 | v13 | - | February | p13 |
Ltte - from India | Avtar Pandit | y1998 | v13 | - | February | p13 |
Ltte - | John Greschner | y1998 | v13 | - | February | p14 |
The Longevity of Adepts (an interview with HPB) | Charles Johnston (CW HPB v8 p399) | y1998 | v13 | - | February | p17 |
High Country Theosophist now on Internet | anon | y1998 | v13 | - | February | p23 |
Among the Adepts - Confidential Communications from the Hindu Adepts & Christian Mystics (9) A Postscript to his | Franz Hartmann | y1998 | v13 | - | March | p1 |
The Real Gurus - A Sacred Ideal (rprnt 'The Theosophical Movement' Nov 1963 & Nov 1997) | anon | y1998 | v13 | - | March | p5 |
Ltte - on the Panchen Lama | Robert Hutwohl | y1998 | v13 | - | March | p7 |
We shall begin with the study of the 'Secret Doctrine' | Robert Bowen | y1998 | v13 | - | March | p9 |
Secret Doctrine Question & Answer Section (1) (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist' Sept/Oct 1964) | Geoffrey A. Barborka | y1998 | v13 | - | March | p14 |
Milarepa (rprnt 'Tibet') | anon | y1998 | v13 | - | March | p18 |
Among the Adepts - Confidential Communications from the Hindu Adepts & Christian Mystics (10) A Postscript to hi | Franz Hartmann | y1998 | v13 | - | April | p1 |
Secret Doctrine Question & Answer Section (2) (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist' March 1965) | Geoffrey A. Barborka | y1998 | v13 | - | April | p3 |
review - 'The Secret Doctrine Index' by John P von Mater (avail on paper & diskette) | anon | y1998 | v13 | - | April | p5 |
Questioning Geoffrey Farthing's "Manifesto" | Paul Johnson | y1998 | v13 | - | April | p6 |
Great Theosophists: The Count de Saint Germain (rprnt 'Theosophy Magazine' Nov 1938) | anon | y1998 | v13 | - | April | p8 |
Ltte - from Australia | David Keane | y1998 | v13 | - | April | p13 |
The Time of Transition - Two Major Signs | David Keane | y1998 | v13 | - | April | p14 |
Ltte - from Kenya | Robert Ngogi Muhia | y1998 | v13 | - | April | p27 |
Among the Adepts - Confidential Communications from the Hindu Adepts & Christian Mystics (11) A Postscript to hi | Franz Hartmann | y1998 | v13 | - | May | p1 |
Secret Doctrine Question & Answer Section (3) (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist' May 1965) | Geoffrey A. Barborka | y1998 | v13 | - | May | p3 |
Ltte - re the Maha-Chohan | Abhinyano | y1998 | v13 | - | May | p7 |
Nature of the Outer Rounds | G de Purucker | y1998 | v13 | - | May | p8 |
Ltte - re Inner & Outer Rounds | Geoffrey A. Farthing | y1998 | v13 | - | May | p8 |
The Peregrinations of the Monad through the Sacred Planets | G de Purucker | y1998 | v13 | - | May | p11 |
Plenty Report (on the nature of indigenous cultures) | Peter Schweitzer | y1998 | v13 | - | May | p19 |
Primary Health Care in Senegal, West Africa | Richard Schoenbrun | y1998 | v13 | - | May | p20 |
Learning & Teaching in Senegal | Christine Schoenbrun | y1998 | v13 | - | May | p21 |
Women Producing for Life - Nicaragua | Casta Calderon | y1998 | v13 | - | May | p22 |
Among the Adepts - Confidential Communications from the Hindu Adepts & Christian Mystics (12) A Postscript to hi | Franz Hartmann | y1998 | v13 | - | June | p1 |
An Esotericist's Journey in America (1) | Yuri Gorbunov | y1998 | v13 | - | June | p5 |
Errata - Farthing & Eklund | anon | y1998 | v13 | - | June | p16 |
On the article "Questioning Farthing's Manifesto" by K Paul Johnson | Wane Kell | y1998 | v13 | - | June | p17 |
Ltte - on K Paul Johnson's article | Geoffrey Farthing | y1998 | v13 | - | June | p19 |
A Great Loss - John Cooper | Gregory Tillett | y1998 | v13 | - | June | p20 |
a partial listing of the literary legacy he leaves | anon | y1998 | v13 | - | June | p21 |
Autobiographical sketch - John Cooper at home | John Cooper | y1998 | v13 | - | June | p22 |
Ltte - from Brookings Theosophy Study Group | anon | y1998 | v13 | - | June | p23 |
Among the Adepts - Confidential Communications from the Hindu Adepts & Christian Mystics (13) A Postscript to hi | Franz Hartmann | y1998 | v13 | - | July | p1 |