Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation | Richard Slusser | y1999 | v14 | - | October | p22 |
Theosophy of the Bhagavad Gita (1) | Dallas TenBroeck | y1999 | v14 | - | November | p1 |
Ltte - Appreciation | Isaac P Okorie | y1999 | v14 | - | November | p10 |
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist' 1968 March) | Geoffrey A Barborka | y1999 | v14 | - | November | p11 |
Transition of a Spiritual Giant (obituary: Liesel F Deutsch) | Isaac P Okorie | y1999 | v14 | - | November | p11 |
The Origin and Evolution of Man (7) | Adam Warcup | y1999 | v14 | - | November | p15 |
Ltte - | John Greschner | y1999 | v14 | - | November | p17 |
Plenty Report | Peter Schweitzer | y1999 | v14 | - | November | p19 |
Why Study Theosophy? | GA Farthing | y1999 | v14 | - | December | p1 |
An Esotericist's Journey in America (3) | Yuri Gorbunov tr David Keane | y1999 | v14 | - | December | p9 |
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist' 1968 May) | Geoffrey A Barborka | y1999 | v14 | - | December | p19 |
Ltte - | Willies Tembo | y1999 | v14 | - | December | p22 |
Ltte - | John Greschner | y1999 | v14 | - | December | p23 |
Bhagavadgita and Theosophy (2) | Dallas TenBroeck | y2000 | v15 | - | January | p1 |
A Practical Approach to the Bhagavad Gita through Meditation | Marty Lyman | y2000 | v15 | - | January | p10 |
The Theosophy of the Bhagavad Gita II | CA Bartzokas | y2000 | v15 | - | January | p12 |
Introducing Dr Chris Bartzokas | CA Bartzokas | y2000 | v15 | - | January | p14 |
List of 'true theosophists' | CA Bartzokas, R Slusser | y2000 | v15 | - | January | p16 |
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist' 1968 July) | Geoffrey A Barborka | y2000 | v15 | - | January | p18 |
The Origin and Evolution of Man (8) | anon (Adam Warcup) | y2000 | v15 | - | January | p22 |
Ltte - re 'Why Study Theosophy' by GA Farthing | Abhinyano | y2000 | v15 | - | January | p23 |
Abstracts of The High Country Theosophist 1999-1990 | anon | y2000 | v15 | - | January | p24 |
Angels/Dhyani-Chohans | ed | y2000 | v15 | - | February | p1 |
Hierarchies - One of the Lost Keys of the Esoteric Philosophy (rprnt 'Secret Doctrine') | HP Blavatsky | y2000 | v15 | - | February | p2 |
Adyar Theosophists abandon the teachings of the Secret Doctrine | ed | y2000 | v15 | - | February | p3 |
Asuras and Suras (rprnt 'Studies in Occult Philosophy') | G de Purucker | y2000 | v15 | - | February | p4 |
Scope of the Soul (rprnt 'Theosophy' 1999) | anon | y2000 | v15 | - | February | p6 |
The Origin and Evolution of Man (9) | Adam Warcup | y2000 | v15 | - | February | p9 |
Our 'Starry' Prototype (rprnt 'Theosophy' 1999) | anon | y2000 | v15 | - | February | p11 |
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist' 1978 January) | Geoffrey A Barborka | y2000 | v15 | - | February | p13 |
Description of the Lord (rprnt 'Vasistha's Yoga') | anon | y2000 | v15 | - | February | p15 |
Theosophy and the 'Extra-Terrestrial' (rprnt 'Vasistha's Yoga') | anon | y2000 | v15 | - | February | p17 |
Meditation the Fountain-Source of Bliss and Freedom | KMP Mohamed Cassim | y2000 | v15 | - | February | p21 |
Ltte | M Madhar Natchiya | y2000 | v15 | - | February | p21 |
British de-classify Secret Surveillance Records of HPB & HSO (rprnt from Web site) | Anthony Hern | y2000 | v15 | - | February | p23 |
In This Issue | ed | y2000 | v15 | - | March | p1 |
WQ Judge on Occultism (rprnt 'Echoes of the Orient) | WQ Judge | y2000 | v15 | - | March | p3 |
Questions We All Ask (rprnt First Series, Vol 1) | G de Purucker | y2000 | v15 | - | March | p6 |
The Stanzas on Vibration (rprnt 1992) | Mark SG Dyczkowski | y2000 | v15 | - | March | p8 |
Ltte - | Abhinyano | y2000 | v15 | - | March | p14 |
Troublemakers and Truthtellers (rprnt 'Tibet Press Watch' 2000) | Richard Gere | y2000 | v15 | - | March | p15 |
Secret Doctrine Question And Answer Section (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist') | Geoffrey A Barborka | y2000 | v15 | - | March | p19 |
The Dalai Lama Speaks Out (rprnt 'Los Angeles Times 1999) | Dalai Lama | y2000 | v15 | - | March | p19 |
An Exposition of "Blavatsky's Secret Books" via a meditational approach (1) | Pilupakaranda | y2000 | v15 | - | March | p22 |
New Book ('Blavatsky's Secret Books by D and N Reigle) | ed | y2000 | v15 | - | March | p24 |
A puzzle explained | ed | y2000 | v15 | - | March | p25 |
The Origin and Evolution of Man (10) | Adam Warcup | y2000 | v15 | - | March | p25 |
Submission Guidelines; Subscriptions; Edtorial Objectives | Richard Slusser | y2000 | v15 | - | March | p28 |
The Nature of Reality (rprnt from web-page 1998) | David Pratt | y2000 | v15 | - | April | p1 |
Elementals - Karma (rprnt 'BCW Vol 9') | HP Blavatsky | y2000 | v15 | - | April | p18 |