The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

High Country Theosophist

Tribute to Emmett Small, (turned 90 in May 1993)anony1993v8-Mayp8
Ltte - Outreach to RussiaDaniel Entiny1993v8-Mayp9
Ltte - T.S.A. Election 1993 (superb letter on Olcott staff woes)David Brucey1993v8-Mayp10
Ltte from KenyaDominic Galachariay1993v8-Mayp10
Ltte - (excommunication of Canadian Section)Dorothy Abbenhousey1993v8-Mayp12
Editorial Comment - T.S.A. By-Laws - (Revised Objects not needed)HCT Ed.y1993v8-Mayp13
Carl Stillman's Proposed By-Law Changes - Willamay Pym's commentsHCT Ed.y1993v8-Mayp16
HCT Subscription Policy - A Few Wordsanony1993v8-Mayp19
Meetings and study classes in Denver on the second and fourth Fridays monthlyanony1993v8-Mayp21
The Ancient Wisdom in Africa (rprnt Theosophist Aug 1927)PG Boweny1993v8-Junep1
Letter to Liesel Deutsch - Outreach (to/from Africa)Willies Tembo.y1993v8-Junep12
Editor's Commentary on (the book) No Religion Higher Than Truth by Maria CarlsonHCT Ed.y1993v8-Junep15
Subscription Reminderanony1993v8-Junep16
Calendar - The Theosophical Society in Denveranony1993v8-Junep16
Neptune (HPB on Neptune) (HPB compiled)-y1993v8-Julyp1
Little Bessie would assist ProvidenceMark Twain (= Samuel L Clemens)y1993v8-Julyp4
Ltte - Adyar did the excommunication (of the Canadians), Mrs DBStan Treloary1993v8-Julyp7
Editorial comment on Stan Treloar's letterEd HCTy1993v8-Julyp10
Editorial Viewpoint on The May-June 1993 issue of The American TheosophistEd HCTy1993v8-Julyp11
Ltte - a seminar to be held in ParisDaniel Caracosteay1993v8-Julyp11
Pilgrimage to India (11)(Dick Slusser)y1993v8-Julyp12
QWAA Status Reportanony1993v8-Julyp15
Calendar - The Theosophical Society in Denveranony1993v8-Julyp16
Chance, Probability or Free-Will? (rprnt from Reflections of a Theosophist Nov 1992 #67)Frank Pollardy1993v8-Augustp1
Damodar K Mavalankar - more light on a Theosophical Mystery (rprnt Sept 1984 T in A)John Coopery1993v8-Augustp5
A Spooky Story (rprnt Manas Dec 1988)anony1993v8-Augustp12
T.S.A. election results - President - John Algeoanony1993v8-Augustp15
The Sermon of Nasrudin (rprnt)Idries Shahy1993v8-Augustp15
Calendar - The Theosophical Society in Denveranony1993v8-Augustp16
The Temple and the Pool (from The Sayings of the Ancient One)PG Boweny1993v8-Septemberp1
Theosophist reprints available - vols 3 through 9anony1993v8-Septemberp8
Letters Received - from the PhilippinesMs Rekha Nakary1993v8-Septemberp9
Upcoming - Krotona Institute coursesanony1993v8-Septemberp9
Pilgrimage to India (12) Letter #5(Dick Slusser)y1993v8-Septemberp9
Calendar- The Theosophical Society in Denveranony1993v8-Septemberp12
Martian mysteries - review - "The Monuments on Mars" by Herbert Lubitz, Sept/Oct American Theosophistanony1993v8-Octoberp1
The Temple and the Pool (2)anony1993v8-Octoberp4
Pilgrimage to India (13) Letter #6(Dick Slusser)y1993v8-Octoberp10
Correction (Richard Robb reprinted vol 1 of The Theosophist)anony1993v8-Octoberp15
Calendar - The Theosophical Society in Denveranony1993v8-Octoberp16
Franz Hartmann - Biographical sketchanony1993v8-Novemberp1
The One LifeWilliam Quan Judgey1993v8-Novemberp8
Pilgrimage to India (14) Journal Recap(Dick Slusser)y1993v8-Novemberp9
Births - July, 20, 1993. Daughter to Willis Tembo of Chililabombwe T.S. Lodge, Zambiaanony1993v8-Novemberp10
Calendar - The Theosophical Society in Denveranony1993v8-Novemberp12
Franz Hartmann's Psychometric Experiment (rprntd from SC's 1993 HPB biography)Sylvia Cranstony1993v8-Decemberp1
The Christmas Tree (rprntd Wind of the Spirit p24)G de Puruckery1993v8-Decemberp12
Letter to Liesel DeutschWillies Temboy1993v8-Decemberp13
Outreach - Africa & Russiaanony1993v8-Decemberp13
Pilgrimage to India (15)(Dick Slusser)y1993v8-Decemberp14
Showing 201 to 250 of 1217 entries