Nasrudin and the Clever Student | (Idries Shah) | y1993 | v8 | - | December | p15 |
Calendar | anon | y1993 | v8 | - | December | p16 |
Martian Mysteries (update) | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | January | p1 |
High Country Newsletter - Abstracts of monthly issues | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | January | p5 |
Science News - Cruelty-free Toxicity Test | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | January | p13 |
Ltte (Franz Hartmann) | Robert Hutwohl | y1994 | v9 | - | January | p14 |
HCT upgraded (to a Laser printer) | Ed. HCT | y1994 | v9 | - | January | p15 |
National and International Resources | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | January | p16 |
The Kalachakra Ritual | ed. HCT | y1994 | v9 | - | February | p1 |
What Are the Books of Kiu-Ti? | David Reigle | y1994 | v9 | - | February | p2 |
Dalai Lama invites Bo Lozoff to Dharamsala to discuss the Prison-Ashram Project | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | February | p9 |
Science: Temperatures of the Sun's Corona | Ed HCT; HPB; G de Purucker | y1994 | v9 | - | February | p10 |
Ltte - Los Angeles Earthquake, as felt & heard & seen up close | Dallas TenBroeck | y1994 | v9 | - | February | p13 |
Science: Fractured comet to impact Jupiter | various | y1994 | v9 | - | March | p1 |
Ltte re Mars-Mercury | Herb Lubitz | y1994 | v9 | - | March | p5 |
Editorial comment: AP Sinnett & Mars-Mercury | HCT Ed | y1994 | v9 | - | March | p6 |
Ltte re racist, sexist, homophobic utterances in CT article by Pervin Mistry | John Carter | y1994 | v9 | - | March | p8 |
Ltte (communication from an inmate theosophist) | John Greschner | y1994 | v9 | - | March | p14 |
The Coexister's Final Issue a Fond Farewell and a Tribute to Rosemary Vosse | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | March | p17 |
To appear: Ammonius Saccas and his Eclectic Philosophy as presented by Alexander Wilder | Jean-Louis Siemons | y1994 | v9 | - | March | p17 |
Pilgrimage to India (16) | (Dick Slusser) | y1994 | v9 | - | March | p19 |
UFOs and Theosophy (rprntd from Links with Space) | David Spangler | y1994 | v9 | - | April | p1 |
Ltte - | Mark Jaqua | y1994 | v9 | - | April | p22 |
Subscription Reminder | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | April | p24 |
Bo Lozoff meets with Dalai Lama (rprnt Spring 1994 The Human Kindness Foundation newsletter) | Bo Lozoff | y1994 | v9 | - | May | p1 |
UFOs & Theosophy (A Follow up) | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | May | p4 |
Ltte - | John Greschner | y1994 | v9 | - | May | p6 |
Ltte - (the Dalai Lama has likely been misquoted) | Dara Eklund | y1994 | v9 | - | May | p9 |
Ltte - a reply to Mark Jaqua | John Carter | y1994 | v9 | - | May | p9 |
review - Theosophy in the Nineteenth Century - An Annotated Bibliography by Michael Gomes | Ed. HCT | y1994 | v9 | - | May | p12 |
Pilgrimage to India (17) (a visit to an astronomical observatory) | (Dick Slusser) | y1994 | v9 | - | May | p13 |
New Periodical - The Messenger, A Newsletter & Study Paper of The TS in America ed by John Algeo | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | May | p15 |
Final Subscription Reminder (Notice) | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | May | p16 |
Musings on the True Theosophist's Path (rprnt Echoes of the Orient vI p17) | American Mystic | y1994 | v9 | - | June | p1 |
The Purification (Ceremony of the Four Directions) (rprntd Theosophic Link Sept/Dec 1993) | David Spurlin | y1994 | v9 | - | June | p7 |
Ltte (Dalai Lama; Albert de Rochas; Mireille) | Robert Hutwohl | y1994 | v9 | - | June | p11 |
Pilgrimage to India (18) Letter #7 | (Dick Slusser) | y1994 | v9 | - | June | p14 |
Notice to all Subscribers | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | June | p19 |
The Golden Stairs (rprnt HPB-CW v12 p503) | HPB | y1994 | v9 | - | June | p20 |
William Quan Judge (a Biographic sketch) | ed. HCT | y1994 | v9 | - | July | p1 |
In a Borrowed Body (rprnt Letters That Have Helped Me, 95-100) | William Quan Judge | y1994 | v9 | - | July | p3 |
Living in Tune with our beliefs (rprnt Human Kindness Foundation Summer 1994) | Bo Lozoff | y1994 | v9 | - | July | p7 |
review (with corrections) - The Mahatma Letters to APS in chronological sequence | Daniel H Caldwell | y1994 | v9 | - | July | p11 |
Other Journals (noted) - Sunrise; Antahkarana; Protogonos | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | July | p15 |
HCT Graphics upgraded with our new Dexxa 256 scale of gray scanner | anon | y1994 | v9 | - | July | p16 |
Editors' note (re lateness of this issue) | Eds. HCT | y1994 | v9 | - | August | p1 |
The Beautiful Transition of Irene Urban | Vonda Urban | y1994 | v9 | - | August | p2 |
(Almustafa, the Chosen) from The Prophet | Kalil Gibran | y1994 | v9 | - | August | p6 |
Excerpt from a letter from Marty to her Dad following the Chicago Visit | Marty Lyman | y1994 | v9 | - | August | p6 |
Theosophical Ontologies (rprnt) | Hugh Shearman (Th Oct 1971) | y1994 | v9 | - | August | p8 |