The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Herald of the Star

The Rationale of the Order of the Star in the East (10)EA Wodehousey1915v4-Octoberp472
illustration - The Former Star in the East Shop (at 290 Regent st, London)anony1915v4-Octoberp482a+
Notes & Comments - Herald NotesEA Wodehousey1915v4-Octoberp482
illustration - Mr George S Arundaleanony1915v4-Octoberp482b+
Reports from the USA & Canada - LtteMarjorie Tuttley1915v4-Octoberp483
Ltte (Systems of Meditation)FVCy1915v4-Octoberp484
The Mystic's Prayer (vf)CVMy1915v4-Novemberp486
In the StarlightGeorge S Arundaley1915v4-Novemberp487
New Ways in Medicine - Alternatives to VivisectionH Baillie-Weavery1915v4-Novemberp490
illustration - Rev. John Barronanony1915v4-Novemberp494b+
illustration - H Baillie-WeaverJ Caswall Smithy1915v4-Novemberp494a+
Creeds & DeedsRev. John Barrony1915v4-Novemberp495
The Robe (vf)Bryan Killikellyy1915v4-Novemberp497
AE: The Poet of the SpiritJames H Cousinsy1915v4-Novemberp498
illustration - WaterSybil Barhamy1915v4-Novemberp502a+
The Four Elements Earth-Air-Fire-Water (4) WaterEva M Martiny1915v4-Novemberp502
Great Men Who Have Believed in ReincarnationE Seversy1915v4-Novemberp503
illustration - The Theosophical School, Benares, India (boys & teachers, 1914)anony1915v4-Novemberp508a+
illustration - PK Telang (Headmaster of the School at Benares)anony1915v4-Novemberp508b+
The Theosophical School, BenaresB Shiva Raoy1915v4-Novemberp508
Yet Another Theosophical School (Santa Monica, Calif, USA)anony1915v4-Novemberp510
Systems of Meditation (8 & 9) German Mysticism & QuietismWilliam Loftus Harey1915v4-Novemberp511
illustration - Christ PreachingJoseph Auberty1915v4-Novemberp520b+
illustration - In EmmausGirardety1915v4-Novemberp520a+
The Rationale of the Order of the Star (11)EA Wodehousey1915v4-Novemberp521
Notes & Comments - The 2nd International Conference of the OSEMarjorie Tuttley1915v4-Novemberp529
illustration - Madame Zelma Blech & Mr John H Cordesanony1915v4-Novemberp530b+
illustration - Star Group at the Panama ExpositionMiss Tuttley1915v4-Novemberp530a+
Herald Notesanony1915v4-Novemberp532
To the Hindu Students in England (vf)Edmund Russelly1915v4-Decemberp534
In the StarlightGeorge S Arundaley1915v4-Decemberp535
The Christ: The World SaviourCW Leadbeatery1915v4-Decemberp538
The Great Comrade (vf)E Laudery1915v4-Decemberp546
illustration - The Great ComradeSybil Barhamy1915v4-Decemberp546a+
A Children's Playhouse - A Dream of the FutureC Jinarajadasay1915v4-Decemberp547
The Comrade in WhiteClara M Coddy1915v4-Decemberp548
Some Instances of the Recollection of Past LivesElisabeth Seversy1915v4-Decemberp549
Future & PresentMLHy1915v4-Decemberp554
illustration - The Adoration of the MagiHans Memlingy1915v4-Decemberp554b+
illustration - The Adoration of the MagiAndrea Orcagnay1915v4-Decemberp554a+
Mons VictorialisHope Reay1915v4-Decemberp555
illustration - The Adoration of the MagiMabusey1915v4-Decemberp556a+
illustration - The Adoration of the MagiPeter Paul Rubensy1915v4-Decemberp556b+
Recognition - The Problem of our Preconceived Mental PicturesEA Wodehousey1915v4-Decemberp557
illustration - The Bronze Statue of St Peter (at Rome)anony1915v4-Decemberp562a+
His Servants ... shall see His Face (vf)CVMy1915v4-Decemberp562
illustration - The Cell of Savonarola (Florence)anony1915v4-Decemberp562b+
Systems of Meditation (9) Retrospect & SynthesisWilliam Loftus Harey1915v4-Decemberp563
The Rationale of the Order of the Star in the East (12)EA Wodehousey1915v4-Decemberp570
illustration - Some Principal Officers of the Order (Burdett, GSA, Emily Lutyens, EAW, B Villiers)anony1915v4-Decemberp578b+
Showing 601 to 650 of 3877 entries