The Rationale of the Order of the Star in the East (10) | EA Wodehouse | y1915 | v4 | - | October | p472 |
illustration - The Former Star in the East Shop (at 290 Regent st, London) | anon | y1915 | v4 | - | October | p482a+ |
Notes & Comments - Herald Notes | EA Wodehouse | y1915 | v4 | - | October | p482 |
illustration - Mr George S Arundale | anon | y1915 | v4 | - | October | p482b+ |
Reports from the USA & Canada - Ltte | Marjorie Tuttle | y1915 | v4 | - | October | p483 |
Ltte (Systems of Meditation) | FVC | y1915 | v4 | - | October | p484 |
The Mystic's Prayer (vf) | CVM | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p486 |
In the Starlight | George S Arundale | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p487 |
New Ways in Medicine - Alternatives to Vivisection | H Baillie-Weaver | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p490 |
illustration - Rev. John Barron | anon | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p494b+ |
illustration - H Baillie-Weaver | J Caswall Smith | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p494a+ |
Creeds & Deeds | Rev. John Barron | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p495 |
The Robe (vf) | Bryan Killikelly | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p497 |
AE: The Poet of the Spirit | James H Cousins | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p498 |
illustration - Water | Sybil Barham | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p502a+ |
The Four Elements Earth-Air-Fire-Water (4) Water | Eva M Martin | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p502 |
Great Men Who Have Believed in Reincarnation | E Severs | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p503 |
illustration - The Theosophical School, Benares, India (boys & teachers, 1914) | anon | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p508a+ |
illustration - PK Telang (Headmaster of the School at Benares) | anon | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p508b+ |
The Theosophical School, Benares | B Shiva Rao | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p508 |
Yet Another Theosophical School (Santa Monica, Calif, USA) | anon | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p510 |
Systems of Meditation (8 & 9) German Mysticism & Quietism | William Loftus Hare | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p511 |
illustration - Christ Preaching | Joseph Aubert | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p520b+ |
illustration - In Emmaus | Girardet | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p520a+ |
The Rationale of the Order of the Star (11) | EA Wodehouse | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p521 |
Notes & Comments - The 2nd International Conference of the OSE | Marjorie Tuttle | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p529 |
illustration - Madame Zelma Blech & Mr John H Cordes | anon | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p530b+ |
illustration - Star Group at the Panama Exposition | Miss Tuttle | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p530a+ |
Herald Notes | anon | y1915 | v4 | - | November | p532 |
To the Hindu Students in England (vf) | Edmund Russell | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p534 |
In the Starlight | George S Arundale | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p535 |
The Christ: The World Saviour | CW Leadbeater | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p538 |
The Great Comrade (vf) | E Lauder | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p546 |
illustration - The Great Comrade | Sybil Barham | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p546a+ |
A Children's Playhouse - A Dream of the Future | C Jinarajadasa | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p547 |
The Comrade in White | Clara M Codd | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p548 |
Some Instances of the Recollection of Past Lives | Elisabeth Severs | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p549 |
Future & Present | MLH | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p554 |
illustration - The Adoration of the Magi | Hans Memling | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p554b+ |
illustration - The Adoration of the Magi | Andrea Orcagna | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p554a+ |
Mons Victorialis | Hope Rea | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p555 |
illustration - The Adoration of the Magi | Mabuse | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p556a+ |
illustration - The Adoration of the Magi | Peter Paul Rubens | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p556b+ |
Recognition - The Problem of our Preconceived Mental Pictures | EA Wodehouse | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p557 |
illustration - The Bronze Statue of St Peter (at Rome) | anon | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p562a+ |
His Servants ... shall see His Face (vf) | CVM | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p562 |
illustration - The Cell of Savonarola (Florence) | anon | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p562b+ |
Systems of Meditation (9) Retrospect & Synthesis | William Loftus Hare | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p563 |
The Rationale of the Order of the Star in the East (12) | EA Wodehouse | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p570 |
illustration - Some Principal Officers of the Order (Burdett, GSA, Emily Lutyens, EAW, B Villiers) | anon | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p578b+ |