illustration - Group of Members & Delegates at the Ntl Conf. OSE, London, Oct 30th, 31st | anon | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p578a+ |
Notes & Comments - Conf of the OSE, London | DG & DSO | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p578 |
Ltte - The Tragedy of Poland | LL Hymans | y1915 | v4 | - | December | p580 |
(in French) La Compagnie des Serviteurs (vf) | Marguerite Coppin | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p2 |
The Battle Cry (vf) | Eveline Christine Lauder | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p2 |
In the Starlight | George S Arundale | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p3 |
In the Forest (vf) | FGP | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p5 |
The Great Awakening (1) Prophecy & the Spiritual Unrest | Irving S Cooper | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p6 |
The New Spirit in the Churches - How it is at Work in America | Edith B Allen | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p9 |
illustration - The Light Above | L Burleigh Bruhl | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p12a+ |
The Religions of Rich & Poor in Russia | Daniel Gorodetzky | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p13 |
illustration - Captain Frank J Primavesi | anon | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p19a+ |
Prison Reform in America | Frank J Primavesi | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p19 |
illustration - (1) The Residence & Administration Building | anon | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p20a+ |
illustration - (2) The Woman's Building | anon | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p20b+ |
illustration - (4) Interior of Cell in the Old Cell House | anon | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p21b+ |
illustration - (3) The Prison Garden & Stable | anon | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p21a+ |
Personal Experiences of Supernormal Phenomena | WH Evans | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p25 |
Emerson: A Voice from the East | Mary Winchester Abbott | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p29 |
illustration - Ralph Waldo Emerson | Louis Thomson | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p29a+ |
Some Methods of Mental Service | F Every-Clayton | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p37 |
The Star (vf) | GM Hort | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p38 |
New Grange (in Ireland, a magnetised spiritual centre) | Gerald H Barry | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p39 |
illustration - View of the Entrance to the Temple | anon | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p39a+ |
illustration - View of three of the largest standing stones | anon | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p40b+ |
illustration - View of Mound at New Grange | anon | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p40a+ |
illustration - Another view of Entrance to the Temple showing incised stone | anon | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p41b+ |
illustration - Entrance to Temple at New Grange - incised stone | anon | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p41a+ |
Education from the Universal Standpoint | Philip Oyler | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p41 |
Costa Rica | Tomas Povedano | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p44 |
Notes & Comments - Scotland | James A. Allan | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p44 |
India | (Mary Rooke writes) | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p45 |
A Magazine for young people - The Young Age | anon | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p45 |
An International Bulletin of the Order (to be started March 1917 if possible) | EA Wodehouse | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p46 |
memoranda | EA Wodehouse | y1916 | v5 | - | January | p48 |
Contents | anon | y1916 | v5 | - | February | p49 |
The Seeker's Crown (vf) | Charles J Whitby | y1916 | v5 | - | February | p50 |
In the Starlight | George S Arundale | y1916 | v5 | - | February | p51 |
filler | C Jinarajadasa | y1916 | v5 | - | February | p54 |
Why a Great World Teacher? | CW Leadbeater | y1916 | v5 | - | February | p55 |
The Relics of the Buddha | C Jinarajadasa | y1916 | v5 | - | February | p62 |
illustration - C Jinarajadasa | Ahuja, Rangoon | y1916 | v5 | - | February | p62a+ |
illustration - at Mandalay - C Jinarajadasa holding the casket containing the Relics of the Buddha | anon | y1916 | v5 | - | February | p63a+ |
filler - The Gospel of Buddha | Paul Carus | y1916 | v5 | - | February | p64 |
The Great Awakening (2) The Principle of Undercurrents | Irving S Cooper | y1916 | v5 | - | February | p65 |
Fiona Macleod | MF Howard | y1916 | v5 | - | February | p69 |
Ideals in Art (1) The Expression of a Natural Ideal - The West Front of Wells | Hope Rea | y1916 | v5 | - | February | p73 |
illustration - West Front, Wells; Nine Tiers of Sculpture | anon | y1916 | v5 | - | February | p74a+ |
illustration - West Front, Wells; Figures from Resurrection Tier | anon | y1916 | v5 | - | February | p75a+ |
illustration - West Front, Wells; An Ecclesiastic & Noble Lady | anon | y1916 | v5 | - | February | p76a+ |